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Everything posted by wilky

  1. I now have broadband, and I feel gallus.
  2. << so i am afraid someone will have to fill me in >> Anytime, all you have to do is turn up at a Glasgow meet.
  3. My buyer is experiencing difficulties beyond his control so its up for sale again, brand new intercooler, the rest has seen some action but is in good condition. I have also found all the samco joins for the hard piping so its £600. This is a bargain, first offer secures. New this kit is about £1300. Callum W
  4. Having confronted many a conflict head on, on these threads and being a person who will always stand up and say"Im wrong! Sorry!" when I jump the gun or post when drunk and make an erse of myself I can smell what Cal is cooking. But I can also support Zeolites comments. There is bound to be disagreements, niff naff and trivia, power struggles and what looks like cliques in any club. You just have to stand in the WO and Sgts Mess of any regiment to see exactley the same things. However, blatent goading, rumourmongering and deliberately posting to upset or discredit others who are more often than not acting in the clubs best interest, will never help matters. I think we all know who or whom I am talking about here. (Not u Ricey, relax) My modus Operendi has been and will be from now on to ignore this type of childish behaviour and to concentrate on people who are not doing it to cause ruptions. Cliques are always going exsist, 9 times out of 10 they are harmless but those who want to be in with a bunch, and arent are bound to feel left out, its human nature. As a man who often works alone I can say when I return to places with cliques I feel sometimes left out, but as I have said its human nature and no malice is intended, its just the way god made us. If someone goes out thier way to upset the apple cart, ignore them or expose them for what they are. Thats my view, I like you all and make an effort to at least say hi when we are all humping the same goat. In recent times a close friend was the subject of a very untrue and hurtful rumour, its water under the bridge now but at the time it was very hard for him to handle, another gets targeted for his general outspokeness, which once again is human nature, but we must guard against all of the aforementioned stuff or we will decend into the mire we experienced last year. As yer faither I would like everyone to embrace what I have said and screw the nut as far as conflicts are concerned, I like this club and I like all of you or if you prefere thye plural, youz. So there! Callum W
  5. Alas, the Millenium Falcon will not have had her triple bipass and be fully rehabilitated until next season. Winter will give me a chance to learn how to drive the bloody thing again with the new running gear and different spool on the turbo. Its still in more bits than david blunkets reputation. Its getting there though............... Callum W
  6. Al, thank you for your kind comments about my oral and tongue dexterity. I actually thought Peter Sutcliffe had got out and Broadmoor was doing weekend release!! Only joking nice to meet you and it was nice to go to a meet again after being across the pond. You all looked well. Callum W
  7. For sale brand new pace FMIC and Pace aluminium radiator with fans. The intercooler has never been used, the radiator has but is in good condition, as is the hard piping. which is fitted with a forge VTA dump valve. There is no bodywork cutting needed to fit this kit. I have run this setup and all those who know my car will vouch for how good I found this set up. £550, it retails for £1200. Im clearing the garage so the low price even with a brand new intercooler is to just find it a new home. Im open to negotiation on the price Call 07843095248 as PM sales take forever. Regards Callum W
  8. Yes, the slim one has purchased the 20g. Oh dear, what have I done?
  9. For sale - TD05/ 06 20g turbo, professionally built and never used. PM me if you are genuinely interested. Roll cage for impreza, reconditioned and finished in STI pink. quality powdercoat job - £150. Callum W
  10. STAND TO! STAND TO! THEYRE AT THE DOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. I have 4 claymores in the front garden and a VOIED at the door. All failing there is a punji pit at the bottom of the stairs and I have the inlet manifold next to me and have prised the top off my tooth containing the cyanid capsule. They wont take me alive!!!!!
  12. WTF is this "Trick or treat" pish? Thats american nonsense. The only things they have given us is a huge national debt and friendly fire. When I was a wean, not so long ago (Some would argue I still am) It was "Please for my Halloween?" and you had to sing a song, jokes were unacceptable, or do a turn not stand there like a dummy and expect a free handout. You got swedgers, and the chance to dook for an apple, kneel on a chair and drop a fork from your mouth into a basin of apples hoping to spear one or take a bite from a treacle scone dangling on a string. Ask kids to do that now a days and you would get reported for being strange. They expect money if you give them some monkey nuts and an apple or banana they say your mean. And if they dare chuck eggs at my house Ill deliver them home bagged and tagged and leather thier faither for not keeping an eye on them. Ebineezer Scrooge.
  13. The millenium falcon probably wont be back together for the run, its sitting in more pieces than David Blunkets reputation at the moment. However, not wanting to dissapoint the eager crowds, and my ever increasing fan club, it is my intent to hire a rather tastey car for the purpose of a little jaunt in the country. If you have any suggestions then PM me, dont post as I would like to keep my buisness exactly that, mine! Cheers Callum W
  14. Je**s Ch**t, we have created a monster............... Grant + mystery car + new gearbox = madness mayhem chaos and a constantly ringing phone filled with techno babble, datalogging, power graphs, can I borrow...,flow rates, injector cycles, boost controllers, when you are you seeing a bar of boost?, cold air, oil temp, is that a knock? piston slap, tick tick is it a valve shim, etc etc etc.................as the radio Officer on the Enola Gay wrote after they had dropped the first atomic bomb, "My God! What have we done?" Good luck Big Yin, shes got the guts for it anyway!
  15. 320bhp at 1.1 bar on a Z5????????? hmmmm...............
  16. lol, more than qualifies Andy! I still have bad memories of playsatan waving bye bye to me on the line as i sat with all 4 wheels spinning at the reline as he disappeared after a nice 4 grand launch...... fecker. That was the beginning of the end of that gearbox. Callum W
  17. I know of two people who have had an EJ20 crank reground and oversized bearings fitted to compensate,and both times its ended in tears. Like everyone here its a big learning curve we are on, it may work for a while, but from what I have seen, especially if you like it on the power side, I would get a new crank, if thats whats needed. Its got something to do with the balance of the flat 4 engine, perhapes someone with a bit more engineering know how could explain better but I would say a new crank would be better. I was going to get my crank ground once a couple of years ago and was told it was not the way ahead. Callum W
  18. Kuhmos as mentioned above are great in the dry I have been trying to wear them out for 2 years, but as anyone who has been behind me in the wet, especially with my coilovers, they are a handful. Toyo T1R seems to be better in the wet. Kumho has a new tyre out the SPT to try and get the T1R buisness back but no comparison as yet. For an all rounder the T1R is tried and tested wet and dry and produces the goods but as you say the money they cost is a bit steep. Jim Dixon in cumbernauld village would probably do you a deal on 4, no harm in seeing what he wants for them. The uniroyal rain tyre Fai is talking about, I have heard mixed stories about and personally would steer away from. As a member who ocassionally drives his car like he stole it, I would say the T1R is the best tyre, it lasts longer than the old T1S and the tyre edge has been hardened to stop any negative camber wearing it out before you would expect. This is all in my personal, and humble opinion. Callum W
  19. Someone was selling the above from a wrc car with the two tanks combined into one. I never really paid any attention but I now find myself needing it to kill two birds with one stone, ie to relocate the tanks . If anyone remembers the post or knows whos selling it let me know please!! Callum W
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