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Everything posted by wilky

  1. I am guilty of driving as you say. But Ill tell you this, Farmers have a crust to earn, the same as you all. He takes up the whole road because the width of his pull, be it a slurry tanker, or a trailer or a hay bob or a mower, harvester will be wider than his tractor and he has to step out a bit not to clip the verge. He is allowed to transit from place of work to place of work BECAUSE HE HAS TO PAY THE SAME TAXES AS YOU!! and he will pull off the road if he can, 9 times out of ten the journey is so short it doesnt matter. He is there all year working, reaping, repairing earning his living. You are the pr**k who makes his job dangerous on a public highway. If you hit his vehicle he will probably offer to settle privately because it would push his farm insurance premium, personally, I would be looking at a murder charge. 9 times out of ten the cops will listen to him, especially if you are driving a fast car, remember that. Put yourself in his shoes. Callum W NFU Rep Argyll and Bute
  2. Fantastic! In UK health and safety would put an end to that, and the Immigrants would refuse to do it.
  3. Okay and Im not talking about letting Jimmy from Quadrophenia out from under the stairs, Tell us what you are going to be running when the weather gets better! You show me yours and Ill show you mine!! lol. That goes for all the "sleepers" as well, DRB5, Coulty, Playsatan, Wuz. Bare yer engine bay. Heres a sneak preview.
  4. If you hate working off shore......................................... And it doesnt take the brains of an archbishop...... Then dont do it!
  5. Yes, and when you go on strike I roll out a 60yr old appliance and do the same job.
  6. Less you know, less the fire brigade knows. And we all know how they drive, dont we boys?
  7. Negative, less you know, less the firebrigade knows.
  8. stiki itupe yura rssium alllnswi sumbro kenbollliums.
  9. Or a punctured rubber doll........
  10. Get a phase 2 tank they are metal and stronger. Im sure we can b*st*rdise a fitting for you. Grant probably has one lurking under his bed. Callum W
  11. The snib looks like it could suck the chrome from a VW towhook. But it is infact a leech guised as a human being.
  12. Hello all callsigns T/I 0 snib sitrep as at 15561512z A. Snib was observed last night, logged, reported but not engaged. B. 1 x enemy persons unarmed but extremely dangerous-E1- 1x incontinent UK male escorting-B1- c. Seen in the area of msn D. Looking for a quick buck E. Am observing from the wicker chair NFTR, Out.
  13. I thought that as well, but its £8 for the cutter and £10 for the fitting ffs. I wait and see if anyone can lend me a cutter. Callum W
  14. The firebrigade are notorious, my ex father in law was in the service for 25 yrs and some of the stories he told me would make your toes Curl. We used to laugh at them as we drove past the firestation at the Docks in Belfast after a night of riots on the junction of Limestone /Hallidays. They were on stike with a sign up saying " We risk our lives for 4.75 an hour!". We drove past the next day with a bedsheet on the side of our snatch saying, "when your on strike we do it for half that". I have a deep rooted dislike for them. They dont know how good they have it. They s*at themselves when Prescott reviewed thier hours, 2 days, 2 nights 4 off, with another Job!! Chancers. Rant over Callum W
  15. I need to find someone who can drill 3x holes for 52mm gauges in a guagepod for me. And not make a horses arse of it. I do not have the equipment. Any help out there? Callum W
  16. You will be @330bhp 310/320 lb ft. sweet Callum W
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