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Everything posted by wilky

  2. That was why I stayed away from the SX and FSE, lol.
  3. I have a low style spoiler I would like painted in Subaru white 230. I dont want to break the bank. Can anyone help me out?? looking for a wee nudge nudge wink wink backdoor job.... PM me if you can help. Callum W
  4. << Scott, could we also make this a Cancer Research or Santa Cruise fund raiser!? Not sure if your possibly already thinking this !?! >> Good idea Gus, I cannot make it on the 18th, I will be in New Mexico. Never mind. Callum W
  5. Nice spec Dave, JB will be glad its gone to a good home. I was going to go with an SX regulator but a last minute knee jerk reaction saw me go for the Sards SJ. Callum W
  6. I am in a house rented for me by the army.
  7. Blockjobs are jobs you get given to do everymorning in your accommodation in the army. Be it hoovering, cleaning the shower washing the floor etc, everyone mucks in and cleans the accommodation
  8. To do the blockjobs/ housework catch ye all later.... Callum W
  9. Thats pretty nasty coulty. And very flipant, especially from the man who said, quote, " It used to be my car that was the one to beat," which we all know is bollocks. I have done what I have done because it is my passion. I dont have a family and I dont have a house. I do not concider this a competition if I did I would have put a 2.33 in her for the same money. I dont concider myself "in the spotlight", and I take offence at you suggesting what you are. I concidered you a friend. I was obviously mistaken. Callum W
  10. Weeb these are top shelf. Buy them.
  11. I have blue mudflaps on a white car, they look great. I know they look good on silver as well, however pesonally I think black would suit the silver. Callum W
  12. The baldy guy is Bill Greer!! You must mean the other dude with the moustache.
  13. The baldy guy or thye guy with the moustache?
  14. I know, They should advertise more, they are great. And they are real people as well. Only 1/2 an hour from Rothesay, I will even travel through from Edinburgh when I move there in January. They have my business from now on.
  15. They are a great outfit, I wish I had met them earlier in my scooby ownership days they could have solved alot of dramas, they are really handy for all the west coast boys as well.
  16. Yes it is, Bill is desperate to get it together and fire it out the door. lol.
  17. Thanks Carl,JC and Tino, It wont be the most powerful subaru ever built, and it wont be the quickest, but its bought and paid for and its mine. It will allow me to punch at a weight my last running gear wouldnt allow. Over the winter Im going to have to learn to drive it again, and learn how to launch it. I need to master the inevitable lag and relearn where in the gearing I am keeping her spooling. she will step out as well with the torque and plated diffs and I need to be able to master that. Powersliding, flicking, left foot braking. I will be busy as soon as I find somewhere Im not going to hit anything. Bill Greer made it all happen and put the lump in the hole. I will gladly wear his garage name on the car, which is something I never really bothered with up until now. Callum W
  18. Quicker than you anyway bawjaws!! seriously I dont know until Ive run her. I will toy with laughing gas but not until I am happy with her the way she is. Callum W
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