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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. go for a nissan micra. the most economical and reliable car I've owned so far, though I doubt you'll be comfortable driving in such a tiddly wee car stephen LOL
  2. i know what you mean john I've had my RA for 3 months now and normally use it for weekend fun I used to keep a note of the fuel she was needing (every day driving and runs to the country) and very quickly decided not to keep such a detailed tally cos it adds up and forms a depressing picture (c£200 in month of July). I get about 300 miles to the tank (which is good for a RA) but its surprising how often you need to rumble into a Shell garage [8-)] I'm getting used to it now, but it was a major shift in car ownership mindset and spending. IMO, it is totally worth owning one and i knew how much it was going to cost to run a scooby before I got one, but its nice to have a moan now and again []
  3. no probs brian. Like you said, it is a good way of shifting the extra stickers that you won't need and raising money at the same time. BTW - have you got any of the diddy alpine stars left? if so i'd like some []
  4. i was so upset that Hammond rolled it, he would have won that challenge and got away from the Stig for sure [] but yes, it was hilarious and you could tell it was gonna happen
  5. You know its Funny that You should mention that.... Imy asked me that Question on my way in (as she asked everyone).... I just looked at her... She quickly reailsed what She was saying... [] LOL, I was on auto pilot (saying the same thing to everyone that drove in) and probably didnt explain that it dictated where you parked [:$] []
  6. didnt know which thread to post on as there are soo many Alford threads on the go at the moment. it was a long day for us but the time just flew past. set off at 0530 and was glad that Squirrel was driving on the way up, i fell asleep between Dundee and Aberdeen [8-)] we took the 'scenic' route on the way home, went over the Cairngorms, stopped off at Braemar for a bite to eat and carried on through Glenshee. The conditions were perfect for driving, coaches/caravans seem to have settled down for the night and we had a clear run from Braemar to Blairgowrie, with all four wheels off the deck at one point [] JohnS - thanks for organising this event, from the track set up to PA system and even down to the collection buckets you provided. Looking forward to attending next year [] Craig Mac, Dipsy, Wuz and the rest of the Abn lads i spoke to - it was nice to finally meet you all. Glad you all like the clothes and was pleased to see some of you wearing it straight away Spooks - hope you get better and must say you did well driving all the way to Alford and back with your sore foot Rosie - always fun when you are around and i had a blast at the front gate collecting donations for Santa Cruise. oh, your caramel shortcake was yummy [] Gus, Rallye6, Irish Al and all the regulars - it was fun catching up again BTW did anyone get a pic of our set up at the front gate? trust Rosie to bring along chairs, tent and food........ loving it [Y] edit - welsho, yup i have your stickers and will bring them to Gla meet on Thursday
  7. I've just collected the clothes that you guys have ordered [] they are in the car and i'll give them to Craig Mac at Alford tomorrow to dish out. He has kindly agreed to take them off me and distribute to those who wont make it to Alford [Y] thanks guys for generating another £60 for Santa Cruise from this order [*]
  8. we'll be going through Stirling, Perth, Dundee to get to Aberdeen. will porbably be at the Broxden roundabout for 0630. give me a call when you are on your way []
  9. Brian, the Orange Wednesday 2 for 1 promo is valid only in Odeon cinemas [] doubt you will get the deal in Showcase
  10. thats cos you are a power maniac simon "go higgy go" [] []
  11. I'd like some STi ones, will have a look at what you've got on Sunday
  12. "...This is of course subject to Her Royal Highness approving this course of action" eh? think he means me. Approved [] seeing as we are on the road about the same time, would be nice to convoy with you Spooks we'll be in a blue classic with gold wheels! probably his [] My RA has done a lot of miles this month.
  13. yeah well done Andy [Y] does that mean that instead of a farmer in a tractor you are now a farmer in a big lorry? [8-)]
  14. overuse of the exclamation marks annoys me too Andy, but not as much as bad grammar [*-)] *shrug* nowt u can do about it though.... everyone is different
  15. yeah, the restaurant is totally gutted out, they are doing a mega refurb. I went down to visit/blether last week. IMO there's no rush for him to finish doing it up......i'm liking having my saturday nights back [] note: for those who dont know, i waitress at FAI17's restaurant on a sat night..... need dosh for optimax LOL
  16. welcome to the forum mark [] fee, ohh, ice cream festival, let us know what thats like....... ben and jerry are my two favourite chaps LOL
  17. oops forgot to say..... will be picking up the clothes from my chappie this Friday, fingers crossed there are no hitches []
  18. i'll be making the trip and looking forward to meeting all you crazy people [] []
  19. it is quite addictive! i was pants, best score is 270.... after 5 attempts [*-)] nice find dawn [] edit - got 700 !!
  20. you look very handsome callum xx i had Pimms for the 1st time ever 2 weekends ago, socialising at garden parties with rich english folk. Its very fruity but didnt feel drunk, even after 5 glasses of the stuff [*-)]
  21. just had to stop and take a pic of this as we flew down a single track road at Kinlochard... cool name for a tea room LOL
  22. yeah, but the we've factored in breakfast stop and toilet breaks! its a mega early start for a Sunday morning []
  23. thats what he was trying to do...... check me out, i wanna be col 666 and take arty pics...... here's his reaction when i asked "right navigator, which way now?" LOL
  24. some pics of our run last night..... and an arty one taken by Squirrel []
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