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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. thanks hon [Y] using IE at work and its pants, much prefer Mozilla
  2. hiya. doubt you'll get much of a response cos there are loads of threads containing pictures from KH on Sat. probably best if you have a look at the clickys below and if you see a snap of you or your mate PM the guy who posted it up to ask for a copy[] squirrelvision video nelsdir pics nelsdir videos col666 pics ColinVW vids Welsho pics Craig Mac pics
  3. its also good to have another red classic owner, FastScooby Graham wont feel so left out now amongst all us blue scoobs lol welcome to the forum []
  4. jim, no probs. yes it is the shell next to the little chef on the A80
  5. aye, prob cos he was on the wrong side of the road [*-)] seriously though, its frightening how mangled a scoob can get if all goes wrong
  6. hmm, not seen that before i wonder who made that that then?! [*-)]
  7. that should be fine, less of a rush for me to get home after work and out the door [] Shell Cumbernauld A80: 1900 1. imy 2. st3ph3n
  8. what time are the Glasgow lot heading across to Ian Grieve at Falkirk tomorrow night? I'm heading out around 1815-1830 ish and wonder if its worth planning any meeting points en route, either at Brewers Fayre Stepps or the Shell station on the A80 at Cumbernauld
  9. Craig, its not that much but best speak to Spooks and Phil Stevens to double check [] i think there are some requirements re club logos as well as sponsors that need to be included etc etc
  10. would they be willing to sponsor us for a portable Scottish Scoobies banner or flags similar to the ones that Spooks got made up with Dastek? think it will be logistically easier if there is a flag set up your way given the distance
  11. Dale, the restaurant is in Paisley, which is in between Glasgow and Glasgow airport. Its approx 3 miles south from Gla airport
  12. 1. Higgy and Nikki 2. st3ph3n 3. imy think this will have to take place around November time Peter so that any fundraising from that night makes it into the Santa Cruise
  13. Thanks John. I've already asked Grant how many weigh bridges there are in Glasgow, in case there is a discrepancy or dispute but he wouldnt tell me LOL Daryll, light weight nets? Guess door pockets wouldnt really suit a sleek 2-door Type R [*-)] STi RA is lighter 1. Imy 2. Drb5 3. C3SSE 4. Fai17 5. JohhnSt (£10 donation regardless of winner) STi Limited is lighter 1. Squirrel 2. st3ph3n 3. WRXMANIA (just lighter) 4. Oz *STI*
  14. me too, I need the high res ones please Col
  15. no probs [] will post up when and where we will be going
  16. STi RA is lighter 1. Imy 2. Drb5 3. C3SSE STi Limited is lighter 1. Squirrel 2. st3ph3n 3. WRXMANIA (just lighter) 4. Oz *STI*
  17. not sure what you are meaning Colin, there's no sting here [*-)] you can be our impartial adjudicator when we go to the weigh bridge if you wish just wanting to prove a point and hopefully show Squirrel that RAs are lighter, no matter how much you strip out your motor to lose weight []
  18. The Little Lady: v2 STi RA Plus points Lightweight chassis Alloy bonnet and panels Minimal electrical gadgets – no central locking, electric mirrors or rear wash wipe Minus points Air conditioning I know there are more plus points for me but not surprisingly I have lost my trusty scooby adviser in this instance []
  19. edit - see p3 for result Which one is lighter? My v2 STi RA V-Limited versus the Squirrel’s v2 STi Limited? To settle a debate and also raise funds for Santa Cruise, we thought it may be good to open this question to the forum. We are going to weigh our cars to see what is lighter - a bog standard STi RA or a modified STi with bits stripped out! We will go to the local weigh bridge next month to get the cars weighed, both cars will be emptied of tools, shoes etc and will have a full tank of petrol. Add your name against the car you think is lighter and if you lose we are asking for a £5 donation to Santa Cruise We have profiled our cars below. STi RA is lighter1. Imy 2. STi Limited is lighter 1. Squirrel 2.
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