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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. thanks Brian am chuffed that i was driving ok and that i seem to have grasped the RA's handling. well pleased []
  2. nice one i hope you weren't up all night making that and got some sleep...... [|-)] good clip of the medium and slow groups through the Dalveen Pass - the valley must have been echoing with the noise from our cars []
  3. i think it was a manageable amount of scoobs today. Each group had about the same number of cars and it felt a lot more compact and "with it". it wasnt until we gathered everyone together at the end to get the group photos that you realise how many of us there were!
  4. the sheep were all stationary and well out the way when we passed them - my sincerest thanks to the 1st 2 groups for scaring them off the road [sn]
  5. i hit that pothole a dillion in the recce yesterday and now my steering wheel gets really juddery above..ahem..50mph need to get my wheels balanced i think
  6. greegsy, loving this pic of the rally car replica on the dash and Karps's decal car in front [Y]
  7. cant remember what section it was but there was a sign for "Red Squirrels" just before we went under some tree-tunnel roads i wanted to stop and put a bag on it when we were doing our recce but he wouldnt let me LOL
  8. loving it vicki [Y] bet u dont even have that stereo on anymore cos you can listen to the sound of your exhaust all day! not sure what u mean scoobyjim - i think classics suit the bigger exhausts.........
  9. u should have got a bag of chips, pulled up a chair and waited daz......... the other 2 groups were behind them []
  10. cheers shaun [Y] wing mirror pic turned out better than my rear view mirror pic - u can see the lens of my camera on the bottom right LOL
  11. my pics Lidl carpark the slow group Abington Happendon
  12. we passed him on our way back to glasgow and he waved and flashed his lights [Y] squirrel said that the driver was cool about him climbing on top of the tractor, driver was going to stop and take some pics of the scoobs anyway[]
  13. grant, nice pics please can u edit out the plates
  14. hey dougie, got ur text earlier today. no probs about missing us - everyone's hyper from today and we'll see about doing another run
  15. what a great day! thank you to everyone that turned up (30 cars went on the run) hope those in the slow group found the pace ok - i found myself going that bitty faster when i had the road to myself and was able to see at least 4-5 corners in front of me [] it was the RA's fault...... honest LOL [] i think it was the most successful run we've done so far - no one got lost (well except for the man wi the big claithes) and the driving was ace. the staggered starts worked out well and there was enough time to grab lunch and even get a BBQ going [] only encountered one slow-a$s sunday driver - old fella in a micra no less apart from that we were lucky with the traffic (quiet roads) highlight for me was when we had pulled over after the Crawfordjohn road to regroup and enthuse about how awesome that road was.... when the medium group turned up behind us...... we were waiting for the fast group to rumble through as well PMSL thanks to STi_Bandit for going ahead and getting footage bit miffed that some of you didnt see the red bags - it took us ages to get that done - but never mind, it still worked well and may use that concept again in future will post pics once I have edited them
  16. lovely looking car there Dale hope u have fun...... does she/he have a name yet?
  17. thats lovely neil looking forward to having you in the "slow" group on Sunday. any pics of the front?
  18. well done Craig on negotiating this with T+C Phil's given us our own "Announcement and FAQs" section and made up a special thread for ya []
  19. so do we have a volunteer to do this write up [*-)] it would be good if it got featured in True Grip - show the rest of SIDC what Scottish Scoobies is all about, plus if it is coupled with Col's pics, it would defo be a nice feature []
  20. Brian WRXMANIA took his name off and couldnt be bothered re-numbering the list []
  21. you've used an old list - edited Newage: 01. STi_Bandit --------------- (MY04 - STi Type UK) 02. WRXMANIA ------------ (MY03 - WRX - SOLD ">) 03. Mrs Jc scoob ------------- (MY01 - WRX) 04. G.Mac ------------------- (MY05 - STi 9 UK) 05. st3ph3n ------------------ (MY05 - WRX) 06. PaulC555 ---------------- (MY01 - WRX, Sti, ish) 07. Stu_B -------------------- (MY03 - WRX ) 08. Z1000 -------------------- (MY03 - Sti 8 UK) 09. NKWRX ----------------- (MY06 - WRX) 10. 360ste ------------------- (MY02 - STi) 11. Higgy --------------------- (MY02 - hybrid) 12. Cal ----------------------- (MY02 - WRX) 13. Fai 17-------------------- (MY04 - STiUK) 14. The Welsho --------------- (MY06 - WRX 15. rallye 6 ------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 16. G.T. --------------------- (MY01 - WRX) 17. Kev 580 ------------------ (MY02 - STI 7 UK) 18. Spaceman ---------------- (MY05 - WRX swrt) 19. Mako --------------------- (MY05 - WRX) 20. bigbadboab --------------- (MY53 - WRX) 21. Big Den ------------------- (MY05 - STiUK) 22. Mrs Big Den -------------- (MY05 - WRX) 23. scoobysailor ------------- (MY05 - WRX) 24. Keap_scooby ------------- (MY01 - WRX) 25. Gus the Bus --------------- (MY05 - WRX300) 26. 4hero --------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 27. PECO ---------------------(MY05 - WRX) 28. Dean ---------------------- (MY53 - STI Type UK) 29. DrewG-------------------- (MY53 - WRX) 30. Chris_c201---------------- (MY01 - WRX) 31. TheBlackSheep-------------(MY06 - STiUK) 32. Clutdav-------------------- (MY05 - STI 9 Type UK) 33 Sheep--------------------- (MY01 - WRX WAGGON) 34 hammy ------------------- (MY02 - STi Type UK) 35 Zeolite---------------------(MY05 UK300) 36. Scoobymark---------------(MY04 - STI UK) 37. Dipsy ----------------------(MY05-JDM STi) 38. Irish Al -------------------- (MY03 - WRX) 39. dynamix -------------------(MY06 - STi UK) 40. Digital----------------------(MY05 - STi) 41. STI Pretende---------------(MY02 - Sport UK Ltd Edn) 42. oobster---------------------(MY03 WRX) 43. Karps----------------------(MY03 STI UK) BLUE 44 jimser------------------------(MY05 WRX) 45 craigwrx---------------------(MY05 WRX300) 46. ali37------------------------(MY05 STi9 Type UK) 47. ScOObarOO---------------(MY03-STi UK) 48. Scooby Doom-------------(MY01 WRX) 49. mjci7nt2------------------(MY02-STi7 WRX) 50. moto-----------------------(MY02 WRX) 51. Fraz.A---------------------(WRX 300) 52. GaryD & lesley------------(MY52 - STi Type UK) 53. ScubaRoo----------------(MY52 UK WRX Wagon) WR BLUE - at the end of Sept 54. Kebab Nemesis---------(MY05 STi 9 type UK) 55. b16dmc-----------------(MY06 STI UK) Classics: 01. Shep -----------------------(MY99 - Sport) 02. Kloon --------------------- (MY00 - UK) 03. Jc scoob -------------------(MY99 - UK ) 04. WRC No1 ---------------- (MY97 - UK ) 05. Gordyq --------------------(MY95 - WRX) 06. Darryll ---------------------(MY 98 - Type R) 07. scientific steve -------------(MY98 - Type R) 08. Oz *sti* -------------------(MY96 - STI v3) 09. Col 666 -------------------(MY99 - Type R) 10. scoobyfuzzy ---------------(MY93 - WRX) 11. Road Warrior ------------- (MY94 - WRX) 12. Todd ----------------------(MY93 - WRX) 13. Bigdavie -------------------(MY99 - Turbo) 14. RubyTheScooby ---------- (MY98 - Sport) 15. Rossco --------------------(MY00 - Type R) 16. Ally-b ---------------------(MY00 - UK) 17. micra_wrc ---------------- (MY96 - STi type RA V-Limited) 18. Seafar99 ----------------- (MY98 - STI v5 Wagon) 19. RRS 555 ------------------(MY98 - UKTURBO Saloon) 20. Mako -------------------- (MY93 - WRX) 21. Vicki ----------------------(MY00 - UK) 22. paddy247 -----------------(MY94 - WRX STI V1) 23. Ac!D --------------------- (MY95 - UK) 24. FastScooby -------------- (MY95 - WRX) 25. Dtabbit77 ---------------- (MY00 - UK) 26. Terzo Neil ---------------- (MY98 - UK Terzo No. 306) 27. scoobykev --------------- (MY98 - UK) 28. Arbroath Smokie --------- (MY98 - 22B) 29. TheSquirrel555------------(MY96 - WRX STI LIMITED 555) 30. MY94---------------------(MY94 - JDM STi V1 Wagon ) 31. coulty--------------------- (MY96 - WRX STI V2) 32. Weeb--------------------- (MY93 - STi power) 33. Whitelaw------------------(MY00 - P1) 34. Duncatr------------------- (MY97 - UK Cat No. 99) 35. Catalunya80---------------(MY97-UK Cat No. 80) 36. Frank C-------------------(MY99-UK Turbo) 37. Stripe--------------------- (MY99-UK Turbo) 38. Pugpaul------------------- (MY96 WRX Wagon) 39. RS Grant------------------(MY99-UK Turbo 40. butcher boy ---------------(MY97 (jdm wrx) 41. Simmie --------------------(MY 97 UK Turbo Wagon) 42. scoobyscoop--------------(MY98 UK Turbo Wagon) 43. Ross9 ---------------------(MY97 - STi4 Type R) 44. Kenny.S-------------------(MY95 - STi Type RA 45. Iqy-------------------------(MY00 - UK Turbo 46. neilswrx--------------------(MY95 -wrx import) 47. Hepy-----------------------(MY00 - P1) 48. ScottySTI------------------(MY97-JDM STI v3) 49. MrBadger------------------(MY98 UK Turbo Wagon) 50. kart_man-------------------(MY01 - P1) 51. Fiefster---------------------(MY00 UK Turbo Wagon) 52. johnh-----------------------(MY95 WRX) 53. Gambler--------------------(MY95 JDM WRX) 54. billyyoung-------------------(MY95 UK) 55. thefastone-------------------(MY00 UK Turbo) 56 Redscoobydoo--------------(MY94 WRX ) 57 Redscoobydoo--------------(MY94 WRX STI ) 58. pugpaul----------------------(MY96 WRX WAGON) 59. philip_w---------------------(MY99 UK Turbo) 60.jonnyb80---------------------(96 uk turbo) 61. ScubaRoo------------------(MY98 UK Sport Wagon Green) until Oct
  22. aye - one that doesnt mind you driving his scoob and throws you his keys will be icing on the cake PMSL
  23. bummer about selling Ruby Sharon [] look at it this way....... at least you can get a turbo as your next scoob LOL
  24. good luck with the move sharon bet the 1st thing that installed is the PC and broadband connection lol
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