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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. oops, edited - i'm talking about Torque of Keighley here [:$] Squirrel and I also popped into their place when we were travelling across England and Wales looking for my scooby. Lots of high performance, modified import cars of various marques, but it was clear they havent been mechanically checked or even washed/valeted since they came off the boat (some of the cars they had were really rough). The chaps were friendly enough, gave us directions to their place and were happy to let us have a nosey in and around the car, showing us the import documentation/auction sheets etc but it was clear that they were looking for a quick turnaround in sales. TBH, they did do all the SVA stuff and offered a portable warranty that could get transferred to somewhere local to you if things went wrong but I got the feeling that repeat customer service wasnt a high priority.
  2. question 5 "Do you ever take a long way home?" makes me laugh - visions of you men giving lame excuses of "sorry dear, I was stuck in traffic jam cos of an awful accident" come to mind when the wife asks why you were late home from work []
  3. Hi Jacob, not sure what your itenary is or where you are planning to go but one of the regulars here (Peter aka fai 17) owns a restaurant in Paisley, near Glasgow Airport and a few of the boys come for a meal every saturday night. if you let us know where you will be on what nights, am sure some of the guys here would meet you up/take you for a drive through our twisties [] if you give us enough notice I think it should be easy to meet up some of the guys - Scottish Scoobies covers pretty much every region in Scotland
  4. not if you consider that new ages #57 and 58 will be chopping and changing tomorrow also, there are a few classics that aren't on the list - wilky, playsatan and johnnyR6 (I guess that they are too mature to play this game []) c'mon the classics
  5. hope its not too serious and he gets better soon []
  6. oooh he's not gonna like that [] any pics of this new "aqua blue mica" colour? the shade of the WR1's is yummy [<)]
  7. I remember how excited I was when I got my 1st scoob back in April and was veering between excitement, panic, worry, planning, anticipation and ants-in-yer-pants-cant-sit-still syndrome enjoy this stage cos once you get the scoob up the road, there's more of the financial worry but the pure enjoyment you get driving the scoob makes up for all of this []
  8. will do clothing chap was too busy preparing stuff for the start of the new school year to stitch up my samples but am hoping to get the samples soon. the 1st batch of hats were v. poor - not fleecy or warm enough to take our windy winters so I've tasked him to source me proper hats even i'm getting tired of how long this has taken - i've lost my subscription to the file download place cos my account has been inactive lol
  9. which can only be a good thing if you want warm summers and great weather [] true but this is Scotland - we're meant to have wet and gloomy weather. if you want warm summers and great weather then go abroad i reckon high performance cars will be targeted in the near future because they are not eco friendly - you remember the fuss over Jeremy Clarkson driving a 4x4 up a mountain..... the environmentalists lynched him
  10. "...... St3ph3n, did i mention they hurt you and kill your car??" yeah, but your car hurts them too if you're running with a decat edit to add that i meant hurting the trees, not the goats lol
  11. nope not happened yet Martin - been busy doing car stuff and prepping the run past 2 weekends. Thinking about the 1st weekend in October- poss the Sunday STi RA is lighter 1. Imy 2. Drb5 3. C3SSE 4. Fai17 5. JohhnSt (£10 donation regardless of winner) 6. Vicki STi Limited is lighter 1. Squirrel 2. st3ph3n 3. WRXMANIA (just lighter) 4. Oz *STI* 5. JC (20kg lighter) 6. STi_Bandit
  12. i'm surprised you've actually delivered it........ have you??
  13. Hi Jen, welcome to the forum hope you enjoy the banter/info/socialising that's on here
  14. [] Wot you saying im small ! [] you're about the same height as me and i'm small... []
  15. good job craig [Y] loved the police sirens when gumball's car came up and impressed with the colour-coded blanking out of number plates []
  16. ooh classy! thats just the right size for............ jc scoob PMSL
  17. agreed. you looked so miserable on Sat night when you said that you couldnt go on the run. glad you've got your car sorted and i can see that you've "upgraded" the broken bits []
  18. BEST EXPERIENCE - Sunday's run. I've been in the club for a while but always as co-pilot. Sunday was the first time i drove my own scoob in the runs that Squirrel and I have organised. It is such a good feeling looking around and seeing scoobs/fellow enthusiasts on the road. It was even more special cos I was a group leader, the only female driver and I had the only RA that day [] - doing the clothes and the satisfaction of seeing folk wearing the clothes at events WORSE EXPERIENCE - the hassle with the Glasgow region early last year - aggro with a certain group of users - money problems with the clothing line late last year (through no fault of my own I must add) FUNNY have had lots of funny moments but the only one I can think of at the moment is "flying" across Glenshee in the Blue Bomber on our way home from Alford (moment caught on tape if folk want to see http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/739175/ShowPost.aspx
  19. hmm, are there any modern members here or are we all still cave-people?! [:|] i like your idea st3ph3n
  20. i like that idea. would be interested in taking part (but not organise) and LOL for calling it Andy Forrest!
  21. how much fuel did you guys use and was it worth having the rest stop/finish point near a Shell station? I used about £35 for the recce and £40 to fill up for the run, with 1/4 tank left after I got home
  22. he wont be online till tonight but I've PM'd you his address
  23. the crazy fool! but the panaromic clip of the cars was worth it [Y]
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