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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. Brian, I gave the sticker to Rosie yesterday. hope you feel better soon [] [{]
  2. hmmm, craig tried to explain it to me today when we knew that Wilky's car won both categories for the classic but I'm scratching my head like Peter was earlier this week lol i still think that, although Wilky's car had the highest bhp and the highest torque, you drew his name out the hat so you get the prize...... [*-)] did you pull Wilky's name out the hat?
  3. Dale, your fleece hat prize will be with you as soon as I get one made up [] and I guess you dont have an excuse for not going to Peter's - you've won a free meal lol
  4. nice vid. well done. am liking the end credits again - its kinda becoming your trademark lol
  5. well done Scott, Rosie and Greig. Your organisation and preparation made the day so much more enjoyable. the tea room/Dastek trailer was like a social centre and provided some refuge from the exhaust fume filled rooms [] rosie, hope you managed to sell all your baking, and that you had a nice glass of wine when you got home [D] you did well hon [Y] well done to all that attended and in helping raise a v. generous amount for Santa Cruise also, thanks to Craig Mac for doing the sweepstake. He kindly donated the funds to the Glasgow Santa Cruise so huge thanks big chap i was too hungover to drive the RA today but it meant I was free to help with the tea/coffee. couldnt find a thread with general pics so have pasted the meagre ones I took below
  6. list edited for meeting time and to remove st3ph3n Harthilll Services (eastbound) 0730 1. Fai17 2. Marc29 3. playsatan/johnnyR6/coulty 4. craigwrx 5. squirrel 6. imy
  7. welcome to the forum. i couldnt believe it when Russ/Mako told me that you only bought the scoob on Wednesday and you were driving along the single track roads the next day [] glad you enjoyed the run and it was good timing as well, cos the dark/wet winter is just around the corner. like Higgy's missus Nikki and I said..... its more than just a car, there's a whole community that goes with it. hope to see you soon, wee chinese girl from Glasgow []
  8. the RR starts at 0900 so I reckon 0800 should do it edit - starts at 0830 so we need to meet 30 mins earier - i've fixed the list, see page 2 not sure what time the Edn lot are meeting up but it would be good if we can swing by, get them then go en masse to Dalgety Bay. If not, we'll just rumble our own way there Harthilll Services (eastbound) 0730 1. Fai17 2. Marc29 3. playsatan/johnnyR6/coulty 4. st3ph3n 5. squirrel 6. imy
  9. i can see you are a good un with names davie LOL []
  10. I'd like to get pictures of the folk wearing the SS clothes with their cars so could prob kill 2 birds with one stone and use the same pics for both purposes.
  11. peter, if the folk who are putting their cars on the rollers make sure their reg plates go into the hat, then someone will always win - the person who draws the corresponding reg from the hat wins the prize for the category, the owner of the car gets the quodos of having the most powerful/torquey newage/classic.
  12. st3ph3n, if the "all expenses paid evening out" is something like a trip to the Ring then forget about the sweep and lets go baby [] i've edited the prize list 1. Most power newage>>>>>>>>10 year old MacAllan Whisky 2. Most power classic>>>>>>>>>A Meal For Two At The Kwang Tung Restaurant 3. Most torque classic>>>>>>>>>A Soon To Be Released SIDC Hat 4. Most torque newage>>>>>>>>> Awaiting Donation
  13. I'll donate a soon-to-be-released Scottish Scoobies fleece hat for the torquiest classic how will the "£2 for your name in a hat thing" work? [8-)]
  14. ooh interesting..... Gumball seems to have gone for the classics [Y]
  15. brian, nice car. good to see you behind the wheel of a scoob, plus its a JDM STi to boot! [Y] i've got a spare SIDC sticker you can have, its an external one (adhesive on the back). will bring it with me to Dastek
  16. bump from p4 anyone else got a view on this weight comp? [hint...... the RA is lighter []] STi RA is lighter 1. Imy 2. Drb5 3. C3SSE 4. Fai17 5. JohhnSt (£10 donation regardless of winner) STi Limited is lighter 1. Squirrel 2. st3ph3n 3. WRXMANIA (just lighter) 4. Oz *STI* 5. JC (20kg lighter)
  17. ditto the sentiments others have posted. welcome home sharon []
  18. and not just for the customers, the staff too []
  19. hiya matt and jill, welcome to the forum [] [<)]
  20. nope, not got the cars weighed yet. reckon it will be mid Sept that we'll be doing it. 1260kg is what I think my RA weighs going by the info in this link it seems like yours is lighter than most classics. happy to be corrected by those who know more than me tho []
  21. i filled up at cumbernauld on tues before heading through to the Central meet and i got a few pops from my exhaust when i changed gear. The car seemed a bit more responsive too. If it is the new V-Power, I'm liking it[] [Y]
  22. gogsie, I want quality over colour on kids clothes so no pink I'm afraid [] i've spotted some Fruit of the Loom kids t-shirts, fleeces and hoodies but they are limited in colour (blue, navy or white). the closest I can do is get your girls names in pink and I reckon it will look nice on white tops cos the script round the SS logo on the back can come in pink. Going to see my clothing chap on Saturday to get a feel for how they are. If they are poo, I'll look into other brands and will check if they come in pink []
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