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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. cool, will get u on MSN tonight Martin a wee list of folk so far.... Thurs 28 Sept - 1900 1 - imy 2 - squirrel 3 - sti bandit 4 - ally-b 5 - kart-man
  2. or........ we can try and work in somewhere to stop for food []
  3. dave, do you know of any nice roads around there where we can go for a run and show Jacob how the scottish scoobies rumble?
  4. hermiston gate is cool for me. time.......... i guess it wil be around 1900 by the time I go home, pick up my scooby and drive down the M8. will speak to Squirrel check if that time suits him and mibbe see if he is aware of any nice roads near there where we can have a wee hurl in and park up for photo shoot.
  5. Martin are you coming to this? makes a change that you know where you are going and I dont LoL
  6. me [] and probably the Squirrel. thing is, not sure whether Thursday night suits Jacob - i've left a voicemail on the mobile number that he emailed me. assuming that he is, it might be good if we can arrange time and location. how far from the M8 is his hotel? Thinking about whether we can fit a wee run into this too... yes, I like challenges lol
  7. Martin, thats what I was thinking [] Are there any Brewers Fayre type places on the outskirts of that area? Prefer to find somewhere that is easy for me to get to and park. I got an email from Jacob with his mobile number. Will try and get in touch with him to see if we can meet up on Thursday evening
  8. do any of the folk in the east know where this hotel is and whether there is anywhere nearby and easy to get to that we can meet? i dont fancy driving into the capital - i always seem to get lost [*-)]
  9. its the same night as my other work's christmas do. I know which one i'd rather go to [] [D] 1. Higgy and Nikki 2. st3ph3n 3. imy -------------confirmed 4. Marty. 5. Gus 6. Russ & Jackie 7. Dale(thefastone) & Nici 8. Harvey and Dawn. 9. G.T. 10. bigbadboab 11. STi_Bandit & April 12. coulty & shona 13. andywrx 14. Spooks and Mrs Spooks 15. Des & Maz 16. Ally-b 17. TheSquirrel 18. Terzo Neil----------- confirmed 19. John & Cat 20. WRXMANIA and TOTALMANIAC 21. Blue Thunder P1(Greigor) 22. Craig Mac 23. Jimser Reserve List:
  10. nice pics paul. you got any more photos lurking about in that camera - saw you snapping away at the Sept Run...
  11. dont like it from 1st impressions the front looks a lot more streamlined but dont like the back might change my mind if i see one in the flesh.
  12. found this thread when searching for alloy wheel repair companies in Glasgow. my front passenger wheel now has a slight dent in the inside of the rim when I went over a mega pothole doing the recce for the Sept run. got it balanced today and noticed the dent. Anyone know of good places near glasgow that open on Saturdays to repair one alloy?
  13. nice one jodie. it looks wet out there []
  14. right. who's free to meet up Jacob for a scottish scoobies welcome / blether / drive / "show off your scoob photo session"? from his first post, looks like he'll be in central scotland/Edinburgh around these dates, guess he'll be heading up north over the weekend venue/time /run to be decided once we know where he will be [] Wed 27th Sept - Central/Edn Thurs 28th Sept - Central/Edn 1/ imy (free after 1800) Fri 29th Sept - Central/Edn 1/ imy (free after 1800) Sat 30th Sept - Central/Edn 1/ imy (free from 1000 up till 1600)
  15. progress update - almost there with the kids clothes, hats are taking a bit longer to source. I've got some fresh new pictures taken with models..... craig mac modelling the blue polo shirt bandit in a "hoff pose" sporting the hoody kids t-shirts kids hoodies kids fleece - these are soo cute [] group pic thanks to Peter for letting me use his beautiful kids as models [Y] jc - I touch goats re best way of getting wee JC's fleece to you I'll probably be ready to take orders in 2 weeks - need to update my catalogue first
  16. ooh thats lovely [] was patiently reading through the intros waiting for you to post up pics........ thats a fab looking Type R there [H] welcome to scottish scoobies
  17. yup, hope he makes a full recovery with no long term injuries.
  18. welcome Fab 1 - I take it you are Alan-G's wife then? loving your choice of user name [] you're lucky that the seats in the new ages can be raised up and down - i need to sit on a cushion to see over the bonnet scoop of my car, and its a smaller scoop than yours!
  19. well done Ian for all your work good luck Simon - i'm sure you'll be fine and that the fife lot will be fairly kind to you lol
  20. was looking at video 1 of Sept run again and though it might be good if we have the Squirrelvision productions in one place [] CLICKY.... SIDC KH trackday 19 Aug 06 CLICKY.... Dastek 2 Sept 06 CLICKY.... September Run 17 Sep 06
  21. seems like things are picking up for you Gus after your recent troubles - new job, holiday [].... when ya going to buy a classic then?[] [] hope you have a nice time babe
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