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Everything posted by micra_wrc

  1. well! thats only cos i thought france were in blue as it is their home strip [:@] [8-)] the italians play dirty and the french are more handsome! LOL
  2. a bump for the JCR. Will be heading through early tomorrow morning to watch some stages will look out for faces/shirts of folk from here [] imy edit to add good luck davie corsa and john [Y]
  3. nice one craig [Y] you can call me "imy" - shorter to type LOL if you guys give me your order by Sun 16th July, i'll try and get them made up in time for the National Meet at Alford on Sun 30th. If i cant make it, i'll pass to one of the Glasgow boys to take up to Alford for me to hand out to you.... saves postage [] imy
  4. good pics. looking forward to seeing the rally on Saturday imy
  5. craig yes i can make you up some scottish scoobies clothing. how many clothes do you want? you've just missed an order i did so i'll need to collate a new order for you. it may be a bit pricey as i get charged £8 carriage for orders less than 20 garments and you would have to pay that. if you can drum up some support from the Abn chaps it will be cheaper for you CLICKY here for details, link to download catalogue contained in 1st post note - the ladies 3/4 pink and white top has been discontinued tho it is available in blue and white. I've not had time to update the catalogue yet. imy
  6. Irish Al - Edn meet Gus the Bus - Edn meet Rallye 6 - pass to Gus, Edn meet STi-Bandit - Edin Meet WRX MANIA - Edn meet Fastscooby - Edn meet slo2 - [Gla meet] Mctwistuk - Gla meet PaulC555 - pass to Gus, Edn meet Fraz.A-pass to Gus, Edn meet Higgy - pass to Irish Al, Edn meet Zeolite - pass to Spooks, Edn meet excellent, all sorted and allocated now. thanks guys [] imy
  7. PSML .... playsatan's captions takes the biscuit so far []
  8. no probs ian [] Irish Al Gus the Bus - Edn meet Rallye 6 - pass to Gus, Edn meet STi-Bandit - Edin Meet WRX MANIA - Edn meet Fastscooby - Edn meet slo2 Mctwistuk PaulC555 - pass to Gus, Edn meet Fraz.A Higgy Zeolite - pass to Spooks, Edn meet
  9. bump for those who may not have seen this
  10. yup, agree with Frank, working on Saturday is pants [] looked like a great day and seems like everyone enjoyed themselves [Y] imy
  11. I would initially [:'(]... then prob join in, the furniture is ruined anyway and it will take ages to wash that paint off the boys! edit to add how cute are those little footprints?
  12. no probs boys. as long as my thread doesnt wander into the "goat" type topics i'm [H] lol
  13. forgot to say that this order has generated £70 for this year's Santa Cruise! yeah [<)]
  14. no probs Frank [Y] am in a happy mood cos all the folk have paid me, which made the collection soo much easier [] ........ and i guess Higgy will be happy that i've not taken your dosh, ran off and modified my car LOL
  15. cheers gus xx Irish Al Gus the Bus - Edn meet Rallye 6 - Gus, Edn meet STi-Bandit WRX MANIA Fastscooby slo2 Mctwistuk PaulC555 - Gus, Edn meet Fraz.A Higgy Zeolite list edited
  16. I’ve now picked up the clothes that have recently been ordered [] I think the best way for me to distribute these to the peeps that have ordered them is if I bring them along to the forthcoming events that I’ll be attending and you collect them off me: Sat 1 July Knockhill (look for the Squirrel) Wed 5 July Edn meet Thurs 6 July Gla meet Sat 8 July Jim Clark Rally (before 1400) The folk I need to meet are (in no particular order): Irish Al Gus the Bus Rallye 6 STi-Bandit WRX MANIA Fastscooby slo2 Mctwistuk PaulC555 Fraz.A Higgy Zeolite St3phen – see the Squirrel at KH on Sat Frank C – your top will be in the post tomorrow FAI 17 – I’ll sort you out later Can you edit the list and let me know if you will be at any of these events so I can bring your clothes with me. If you are able to collect tops for friends that cant make it to these events/on holiday, edit their name too! That will save me running around [] imy
  17. she's got a point PSML laughing at that woman [] from........ another woman! agree with your statement re football sharon disagree with the "chick giving a scooby welly cos they are too scared" statement as miss scooby sti (jacqui) can give it some welly imy ps - i think i first met you when i was getting out jacqui's car at KH []
  18. not as good as wilky's hot action pic but here's an arty one of mine [] imy
  19. happy birthday jean. hope you put your feet up, have a [D] and let billy and your girls take care of the house today [] imy x
  20. PMSL... a lady never tells [:-*]
  21. woo hoo, i've finally reached 555 posts not bad considering i joined the forum 16 months ago [] imy
  22. Thats because they're plastered all over the front of my car. I may even have to wash it [:'(] i seem to have gotten a few midge bites last night []
  23. hiya nigel, have a look at the Type RA website....... loadsa info and pics specific to various models of the RA in the "forums" section [] clicky for Type RA homepage it depends what you are looking for in your scoob but I would recommend the RAs (cos i've got one and havent stopped grinning every time I drive her) imy
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