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Everything posted by mctwistuk

  1. A great night yet again. Peter, thanks to you and all your staff for the hospitality. Just as well Gill didn't hear what you said about my raffle prize as depending on what it turns out to be it could answer all my modding prayers lol(i ,ay actually be allowed to mod now lol)
  2. so what power is expected with a sportcat then on the hawkeye sti?
  3. are you running a sport cat Richie the now with no remap? If so have you had any issues with doing that?
  4. good luck mate. hopefully you will still make it down to the OSIDC so me and the other half can quiz you on how cars work. we still can't get over the very enthusiastic explanation of anti lag that night at Peter's. You made something quite complicated seem simple.
  5. congrats mate. more money for mods now lol
  6. nice one mate. so what mods did you do to the car? Chris
  7. am sure if you bought your good lady some diamonds she would turn a blind eye to this purchase.
  8. welcome back ed. a good choice of car you ave made.
  9. Now that would look good on your car John.
  10. looking good mate. am loving the new stripes although i thought you were renaming it to the JW 720 lol.
  11. car was looking and sounding amazing Stuart. I met you at the bbq run last month and you were in front of me for a few seconds on the run home lol before you disappeared into the distance. You gave me the sound advice of just to enjoy my car as standard which pretty much everyone is saying. Good luck with whatever you decide to do with the car and am sure that if you do sell it you will return to the scooby fold in the future. Chris
  12. what can i say John excellent videos and reminds me i really need steel underpants to go out with you next time lol.
  13. what a great day. thanks to g.mac for the pax laps and also taking my workmate out for a pax laps as well. John(weslsho) thanks for the pax laps also now get that car renamed the JW720 you know the reason!!!!! Think i will need to get some carbon undies for when i am out with you as all these 720's we do get a bit scary. Hopefully we will be seeing you on track again and more to the point on the forums if your not grounded lol. i will poat up my pics tomorrow. Coulty, hope the car is ok and nothing too serious.
  14. car is looking good John. Hope to get a wee pax lap on sat.
  15. have a good holibag mate. just watch when you fill up the car that you use the petrol pump and not the one that that pumps out wine lol
  16. glad you are getting the car sorted seano and hopefully wont be long to you get htose coilovers fitted and mapped lol
  17. wowww jim that was fast work. am glad you are getting it sorted as the car is a monster and you have spent a lot of time on it and it has been worth it i hope. am on a diet and stuff so i can get fit in those race seats lol
  18. some nice shiny cars there guys. am loving the stainless stell grills on the hawkeye.
  19. i suppose in that case in the famous words of DCI Lee when it breaks upgrade it so i will just do that lol as for the gauges i think i will hold out for defis. i had a set on the tomcat 1 and they were cracking. i would hate to spend the money on cheapper ones and regret it,
  20. john just sell the house and buy a caravan and get yourself a nice expensive box.
  21. that is some moghty fine figures you got there Grant. Its amazing how just doing a few simpkle things increases the mpg.
  22. now the next question is DEFI or other makes??????????? Gauge place seem to do defi replicas and just wondered if anyone had them fitted. only drawback is they don't have the controller so they don't record peak etc.
  23. thanks for all the info guys. in terms of clutch and flywheel what is a good one to go for? the car is my every day runner and i used for work and i am probably going for an MOT friendly downpipe etc from meercat so will hopefully get abot 400 torque but not sure about bhp.
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