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Everything posted by mctwistuk

  1. Hello and welcome. Lock up your credit cards best bit of advice you can take lol. Dont say we didnt warn you lol.
  2. I have been trying to upload this for days and only managed last night after 6 hours of uploading to youtube. Wasnt sure if anyone else had already posted similar. My camera services are available for weddings and any other occasion your looking for that individual footage style for lol. Just doing my service to the club.
  3. I didnt even realise Vbh was there until i Watched this back lol. Imy your speech was great and you did us all proud. Wilky was really good as the auctionmaster just ashame i ran out of memory card to get the other auctions.
  4. I finslly managed to get this on to youtube. apologies for the shaky hand but it was cold, i was starving and i had to balance an umberella, colin mcrae tshirt and photo in 1 hand and the camer in the other lol. http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=SEIdixAuPe4 chris
  5. its strange as i to am looking into graphics after the mcrae gathering. I am waiting on my first set coming by post. Not sure what to put on the sides of mine though. Am liking the look of yours but not too sure about the stripes on the rear bumper. i wish i had photoshop to play with lol.
  6. fantastic feature. once again a big thanks to the organisers for such a special event.
  7. don't suppose anyone got any pics of me on the road etc (SA56PBO hawkey grey STI)?
  8. Neil, only pic i have of your car is at hillington mate. Out of all the pics people have posted i can't find any of mine either.
  9. some more pics of mine. i am liking th esilver one with the decals on it.
  10. i am dropping off a couple of copies of the videos of the first auction, imy's speech and the art of ben's speech to Peter tomorrow at his shop so if someone wants to pick 1 up and post the vids up on youtube or something it would be much appreciated (nanaki you know you want to) thanks chris
  11. if someone can give me step by step instructions on how to shrink a 640mb video so that i can put it on youtube then i will get it posted asap. cheers chris
  12. does anyone know of a supplier/fitter in glasgow for sunstrips? i have decided to go for black and either white or grey.
  13. ok tried that and it didn't work so if i put it on cd for someone can they do the necessary?????
  14. Imy i have your speecha dn wilky's first auction. I will put it on disc for you if you want. Chris
  15. i have video footage of imy's speech and Wilky's first auction but file is over 600mb so don't know how to post it up can anyone help????
  16. hello and welcome,now get some info about yourself and your car posted up. chris
  17. thanks neil but i agree with Gus that white on grey might not go too well but thanks for the heads up. i waws thinking about either black with pink for sunstrip or black with blue.
  18. i was trying to figure out what way i pointed it lol
  19. Am thinking about getting a sunstrip for the front window and some small graphics for other places on the car (just subtle ones) and was wondering who to get these from and also what colour to go for. I have a crystal grey hawkeye. I was tempted with a Scottish Saltire for the roof as there were a few scoobs at the weekend with this but not sure how it would look on a grey car. any pics or photoshop help would be great
  20. A Massive thanks and well done to grant, Imy, andy and all The other folk that made this weekend happen. And before you say it grant the queue to the heritage centre was not because i was signing autographs honestly lol.
  21. can't believe the big day is finally here. Now all i need to do is get some of shells finest vpower and that's us set.
  22. nice one Bobby i you'll need to give me some tips on saturday how to keep the mods quiet from the other half lol.
  23. Nice one grant. 1 question though is the member packs everyone is talking about the download on the website or is this something that is sent by post as i dont have one.
  24. yet another amazing project you have geo. i look forward to reading the progress as it happens
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