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Everything posted by mctwistuk

  1. been busy with work mate. am going on the run tomorrow if your going i will see you then. saving petrol money to get some mods lol.
  2. very sexy John. You got a front one fitted?????
  3. oh and they forgot to mentuion that all cars registered after 2001 will have an extra £240 i think it was added to the road tax. that was kept well quiet. they are alos looking into congestion charges in glasgow and are talking of hittin ght ebig polluters such as buses and taxis. How can the government pressure us into using public transport then hit the public transport with big taxes etc???????
  4. should be cheap to run Jim with that mix. Read in the papers today that petrol prices next year are going up to £1.50 a litre.
  5. nicw car Geo. looks great in white. When you fitting all the new bits to it which i bet you have lying in your garage lol??????
  6. you have really beasted into this project Jim. Bet you can't wait to get it on track and see what it can do.
  7. gutted mate at least your in one piece.
  8. you not got that off pistonheads yet Seano????? Get those bits fitted asap.
  9. stunning mate. am loving it in white.
  10. meercat all the way i would say. they are great. speak to Fai17 on here and am sure he will help you out.
  11. cracking list of mods there. hopefully i will get simialr sometime in the future. think i will need to sell my soul first to afford them lol.
  12. thinking of a bigger turbo already John lol. Car is looking good jim. Will be good to see you and DCI in the Bamboo ??? battle it out at Crail.
  13. going to try some super glue i thinks. A couple of wee dots at the edges should hold it hopefully.
  14. how did you get the din pocket to hold in the bottom?i tried it there but it kept falling down.
  15. i had trouble fitting the pocket on the bottom as i couldnt get it to sit properly. When fitted on top it rests on the stereo. Will need to move the whole lot forward a bit i think. Will post up pics with what i mean.
  16. got myself a new stereo and forester din pocket and fitted them this morning but am not too sure i have done it properly. there seems to be an awful big gap between the stereo surround and the console face. Can i get some pictures of stereos fitted in hawkeye/blobeye with a single din forester pocket as well just to make sure i have done this properly. cheers Chris
  17. can anyone post a link to this thread please? Chris
  18. Can anyone tell me if an exhaust from a spec C blobeye will fit a hawkeye impreza? It is a full sprtcat system. thanks Chris
  19. a pic of the new additon to Peter's family.
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