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Everything posted by mctwistuk

  1. yeah need to get that sorted asap lol. gave it a wee wash this morning and is looking great pics to follow shortly
  2. picked up tomcat 2 today and miss tomcat is already asking when i am going to make it sound like a scoob so any suggestions on what to get? Only looking to replace from downpipe back just now. Lots of buttins and things to find out what they do now which will keep me occupied for a while. when do you use the intercooler spray lol?????????
  3. T minus 12.25 hours to go before i pick up the scoob. gonna be a long night.
  4. Will try pop along on sat to OSIDC to show it off. It will be remaining at mach1 for a while until i get back on my feet again as the first payments on insurance and finance are hefty lol.
  5. hi there. Yes it was me. Had just done the deal on the 56 hawkeye. thanks for your help you gave me it was much appreciated but unfortunately on this occasion something else cropped up.
  6. Well DCI Lee and the OSIDC kept me in the fold lol. Couldn't belive how much i missed them when i was out on the test drives today. The WRX i had was good but this new car is well undescribable. Am sad to see you having to get rid of the Fozy mobile Gus you had a great looking car there.
  7. now for the techy bit. Who can tell me what turbo etc these run and give me a bit of info on them lol
  8. Well after almost a year away i am now returning to scooby ownership. After a few hours of toyin at the showroom and having a WR1 and a hawkeye STI to choose from i am now the proud owner of a 56 plate Silver STI. Would just like to thank Craig at S&S for his help and perseverence with me on buying this. Will post up pics of it on sat when i pick it up. A 2.5L engine with lots of torque is going to take some getting used to after the CTR. It will of course be remaining standard!!!!!! TOMCAT 2 is almost born lol
  9. Congratulations mate. I can't wait to hear it.
  10. is nothing with scoobs ever straight forward lol
  11. Sorry for hijacking the thread but what newages have forge pistons then? is it all newage sti's that are 2.0l?
  12. a great tribute to a great guy. Watched his dvd the other morning. The driving skills he had were astonishing
  13. hows the car going now John? You got the coilovers fitted? You will need to post up some pics of all the mods.
  14. nice car jim and in the best colour also. didn't think it would take long to start the mod buying lol.
  15. i must admit the man is a legend when it comes to getting things sorted on a scoob. Sean you live round the corner from me. the car is looking great and sounding even better.
  16. great to see you back on the road john.
  17. 1. Kebab Nemisis 2. Mrs Kebab Nemisis 3. Cusco Kid 4. Mrs Cusco Kid 5. Mr Gus the Bus- CONFIRMED 6. Terzo Neil - CONFIRMED 7. Ed-209 8. young-buck27 9. mrs young-buck27(and her bump) 10. whitelightning 11. mrs whitelightning 12. Playsatan - CONFIRMED 13. Mrs Playsatan - CONFIRMED 14. JohnnyR6 - CONFIRMED 15. Mrs JohnnyR6 - CONFIRMED 16. Coulty 17. Coultette 18. Squiggle - CONFIRMED 19. uRaBu5 20. Mrs uRaBu5 21. jimser 22. G.Mac 23. Dougie C 24. marky.t.s CONFIRMED 25. scary mary CONFIRMED 26. st3ph3n - CONFIRMED 27. Nicola - CONFIRMED 28. teocalli 29. Mrs teocalli 30. Des 31. Maz 32. Ally-b 33. GaryD 34. Lesley 35. Mr scoobymark - CONFIRMED 36. Mrs scoobymark - CONFIRMED 37. Master scoobymark - CONFIRMED 38. STI Pretender - CONFIRMED (babysitter booked) 39. Mrs STI Pretender - Mandy - CONFIRMED 40. Richie (work shifts allowing) 41. Mr Greersport 42. Mrs Greersport 43. Mr Meercat 44. Mrs Meercat 45. Thefastone - CONFIRMED 46. Thefastone's Nici - CONFIRMED 47. Andy - CONFIRMED 48. mctwistuk CONFIRMED ;-) 49. scoobygav 50. oobster 51 Mrs oobster 51.5. (&bump) 52.NKWRX 53.Irish Al 54.Irish Al Otherhalf 55.Scoobaroo and other Quarter (If Shifts and space allow) Reserve List. - Not quite full yet! 1. JohnS (very much depends on the date, so won't deprive anyone of a confirmed slot) + possibly my wife. 2. James M 3. lostboy 4. mrs lost
  18. sorry to hear abou the sale of the bandit mobile mate. am sure it wont be for long.
  19. Now i thought that the blobeye sti would be the better base model as i t has better topmount, brakes etc and if i get one with ppp then all is sorted is it not?????
  20. you will need to bring the chariot round to wake up me neighbours lol. am glad to see the chinese 550 on the road.
  21. just as i expected lots to think about lol
  22. hody mate. knew it wouldnt take long to get some expert advice from you. So in terms of money what you looking at for that amount of mods?
  23. I have now been away from owning an impreza since February this year and am hoping to get another one soon but my dilema is what do i get. Do i go for a new hawkeye WRX (how can i give up a bargain of £14k for one) or do i go for say a blobeye STI. The STI i would be looking for with PPP to get my by for a wee while without modding but the WRX i think i would want to mod pretty much straight away but then there is the whole warranty thing with it being a new car. I am looking for either in black or silver.
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