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Everything posted by mctwistuk

  1. Thanks Imy, The new car is not as fast but still can hold its own. Hopefully wont be too long until i get behind the wheel of an sti.
  2. Due to new house and well the car was poorly i have taken a time out from scoobs for the moment but don't worry i will be back and the next time it will be better than ever. I can't say thanks enough to all the members on here for their help with the car and also for the friendship. I started out thinking about keeping it standard but after the RB relay that soon put paid to that idea. I have got know know lots of great people on here and hope to still keep in touch. There are a few members that i want to say a special thanks to: drb5 - My engineer for the most part and a good source of knowledge. I would recommned his mechanic services to anyone. TheWelsho - Those pax laps at Knockhill i will never forget. Going sideways towards a crash barrier was interesting. St3ph3n- it was good to get some mod help from you as the latter stages i think we were both thinking about modding the cars pretty similar. fai17 - known as delboy to me. This man is what the SIDC is all about. Peter is always at the end of a phone to help out or to put you in touch with someone that can help. His contact network is amazing. If your wanting parts or work done on the scoob he is the man to see. I owe you a lot mate for the help. Although i am temporarily scoobless i hope to still keep in touch. That chicken sizzler and the ppp is something i cannot do without for too long. STIBandit - Don't suppose you know any good hoda websites do you???????? You always seemed to have a webiste for any question i had. I hope to still keep the membership up until i get a scoob again. Is this possible????
  3. Due to a few different reasons i have had to sell the scoob. This is a temporary thing but will hopefully be back in the drivers seat of one in the not too distant future.
  4. very nice car mate. welcome to the mad house.
  5. i agree with drb5 his way of spending 10k is a good one.
  6. Does anyone know if the Perrin CAI is any good or not? Was surfing fleebay and found someone stocking them. They look quite good. Just wondered if anyone was running one or knew much about them? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Perrin-Cold...041442001QQrdZ1
  7. I can't believe the difference in the drive. i think that this will be enough power for me for the moment so i now plan to get a set of gt spec headers and then hand it over to the master AndyF for a remap to make it nice and safe. The check engine light is now on so i need to get my act together and get this thing finished sharpish. I promise i wasn't going fast when it came on [] i was only doing 69 at 1 bar boost.
  8. Just back from picking up my car from meercat today. It was in getting a nice new exhaust fitted 3 inch style. The guys did a great job. It looks and sounds great. thanks also to Peter (aka Fai17) for the help with arranging this and also for being my driver for the day. Hope the boss doesn't sack you for being late tonight. [H]
  9. i live near faslane. Give me a shout when your coming over and i will take you out for a spin. Chris
  10. hello and welcome to the forums. happy car hunting
  11. shes a beuty mate. am loving the brakes on her.
  12. Merry Christmas everyone. hope you all have a great new year.
  13. cheers Peter. I am looking forward to a run in the chariot this week when we go to Meercat. Just give me a shout when you fancy going through. I am no officially unempolyed for 2 whole weeks so am not up to anything until 4th Jan. Chris[]
  14. i am just going to accept the fixed penalty. I now find myself slowing right down at traffic lights and almost stopping. Driving is just no fun anymore.
  15. thanks for all the hlpe and support on here. Gus the contact you put me in touch with gave me some good advice. Scooby Doom thank you alos for your guidance. I know i am right and the light was at amber but it is still down to my word againsty theirs. Taking it to the PF means i could risk a higher fine and i really don't have the cash for that. Taking it to court will cost upwards of £1500 which i really cant afford. It is getting to the point now where to drive a car is just not worth it. G.Mac thanks for your kind words. If i were just a wee bit richer then i may be in a postion to fight this.
  16. apologies scoobydoom i have pm'd you for further info
  17. do they need to read you your rights when they issue you a fixed penatly offer? I wasn't read mine.
  18. they didnt inform me of my right to remain silent or anything. they just told me they were giving me conditional fixed penalty of 3 points and £60 and if i wanted to contest it that would be up to me. They asked for my driving license. I explained i had moved recently so address on it was not my current one. They did not check the details they only took my word. I had my license on me.
  19. cheers Gus. I will call tomorrow. It is just the hassle of our word against 2 upstanding officers of the law. Young guy driving a subaru need i say much more???? Should i just take the 3 points and £60 and be done with it and drive like a monk for 3 years.
  20. if he decides it goes for conviction then can they increase points fine etc??????
  21. On the way to Paisley tonight i was going through an amber light at the junction next to Linsays garasge in Dumbarton when i was was pulled over by traffic cops. They are claiming that i passed through the red light 2 seconds after it turned to red. They are claiming that my wheels crossed the white line 2 seconds after the lights turned to red. When i asked them where they were sitting they indicated that they were sitting in an elevated position just after the garage. This would mean that they could not see the white line or in fact the lights facing me. they could only see the lights on the other side of the carriage way. I had a passenger in the car who can vouch for me that the lights were at amber when i went through them. When i challengedf the officers they then said that if i believed i passed through the lights at amber then i should seriously question my driving as it was in fact 2 seconds after ithe lights turned to red that i crossed the white line. What shoudl i do. I reaklly want to take this top court to prove that i was in the right but it is their word against mine. I did not see their exact position where they were sitting. It was dark and it had also been raining. It was 17:55 and was told they had been watching the traffic from there all day. Does this mean they were at the end of the shift and needed to meet a target. They saw a subaru and thought quids in. They also said that they are long serving officers of the law and if they were in doubt if the light was red when i crossed the white line they would have let me off but due to a claimed 2 second time delay between red light and me crossing the white line they could not let it go. If i take this to court to challenge this what is the likey outcome? Should i just pay the £60 and take the 3 points? If i take it to court io will need to pay for a lawyer and then if i lose what will this mean in terms of points etc??? Can they indcrese the number of points and fine? They mentioned the procurator fiscal may just look at it and change it to driving with undue care and attention and i guess that would mean i am screwed. Advice on the above is sought from everyone here please.
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