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Everything posted by Fee

  1. ...and perhaps secure the rear bumper with something other than cable ties!!!
  2. I just need some big stickers for it now
  3. yeah, the beam that we got was a lowered one......going to look into getting new front shocks and springs for the front ...but it looks like a new clutch will be needed first
  4. The 205 is now MOT'd, insured and taxed Just took it out on its first proper run in about 9 months! And gave it is first wash in about 9 months too! And the new brake lines and valves Sorry for the crap photos....I had a problem keeping my camera in my hands so now am just left with my phone camera [:$]
  5. The 205 is all ready for it now, and booked....[] The Corsa.....still dead so will need to see closer to the time
  6. thank you [] I'll hopefully be there on 9th as well.....if I dont break it this weekend!
  7. Anyone heading up to Crail this Saturday? They've got the late night 1/4 mile on..... I've got a track day there during the day, taking the impreza and the 205.... and then trying out the new tyres and clutch on the 1/4 mile in the evening [] hope I dont break it again already! hehe
  8. On a positive note though....the 205 passed its mot today [] God knows how! I guess all the work on it for the past 6 months has paid off! First track outing this weekend []
  9. pick mine up on Thursday evening hopefully.....that will be 13 days its been away I can't wait to get it!
  10. I did think about it....but dont know how easy it would be to get one.... dont know if it being a 3 door makes a difference on the part etc, and since the car's in the garage at the moment I can't have a look at it to know exactly what it is I need If it is size specific to a 3 door I think it could be a bit of a nightmare to find apart from from Subaru
  11. I've got an old honda civic at the moment.....it's SO dull compared to the impreza I miss my car []
  12. I know....I was expecting around the £50 mark too.... bit of a shock to the system! That bit of trim is about the same price as getting the three dents in the bodywork shown there fixed, the dent above the lock and the dent on the door! crazy
  13. for this little teeny tiny bit of trim to replace my damaged one
  14. Fee


    oopsie daisy [:$] bad 241 cocktails!
  15. Fee


    I'n drunk its been a while
  16. Fee


    Ooo.....Shiney looking car [] Welcome to the site
  17. Pulled up at the roundabout yesterday in my boring ordinary courtesy car...only to have a lovely sounding scoob pull up next to me and make me feel even more depressed about not having my car!!! A red WRX, with a wifey driving.....'Tits Ooot' written on the top of the number plate I miss my car []
  18. I dont really get it either [8-)]
  19. My Type R got 290BHP and 243lbs torque if I remember correctly One cat removed and some big exhaust....not sure what boost it was running So pretty similar results
  20. yeah, it is.... Its been organised by Strathycruise....I just signed up to go along to it, so you could do the same! here's the info on it http://www.strathycruise.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=56553
  21. Got a track day booked at crail on the 27th May...and it WILL be ready by then! Hoping to go to the SIDC day at knockhill on 9th June too
  22. You think ?? [] Pug 205 every time [] I agree! (Although I havent actually managed to use mine yet on track!)
  23. The demon tweeks ones should fit a classic...I ordered one from there but never actually got round to fit it Just got this one now to replace my tatty looking one from http://www.audiosport.co.uk/ old one
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