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Everything posted by Fee

  1. Not this time...its my birthday... also trying to save my pennies so that I can get a new clutch fitted before the scooby shootout
  2. aaarggghhhh....taking off the old rear beam last night and snapped one of the brake lines! Doh....thats another thing on the list before the car is ready!
  3. yeah...the yellow one is Darryll's... was at an Edinburgh Cruise meet.... a couple more....
  4. getting a new rear beam for the 205 tonight...if it's on and all ready I will be along with it for its first ever track outing []
  5. Fee


    Yes...pikey ****er scum!
  6. Fee


    i do have a garage, but its not near the house, so its a bit of a pain keeping a car which is used daily there. Its tucked up in there nice and safe just now though. Postcode is EH6 Dont have a baseball bat, but have my old hockey stick at the ready!!
  7. [8o|] some arsewipes had a go at breaking into the car last night....luckily they didnt get very far with it...but have left some nice dents from their tool! there was nothing on display in the car worth stealing so can only assume that it was the car they were after... second time in 3 months now [8o|] [:'(]
  8. the corsa is badgered again....so adam's just been cleaning up its garage ready for it coming back home LOL looks quite neat and tidy now!
  9. woohoo! That's it pretty much ready to be taken on the track now....still got a couple of things that need doing...but it's now driveable, and actually seems to idle better than ever...even though I havent even touched the engine! from this to and all the in between bits! http://www.corsasport.co.uk/board/garage.p...&carid=3164
  10. Oh don't!!! I had just decided for definite not to get a full decat just now....and then you go and say something like that LOL The guy in the grey TypeR was Kenny....not sure if he's on here though
  11. hehehe! Still got some practicing to do obviously lol
  12. Someone spilt something on the start line for one of the lanes...so they just dumped a load of cement dust down on it....meant that it was really hard to get grip the other lane was still pretty slidy too though....
  13. I'd be gutted sitting there with a big new engine in my car and not being able to do anything with it!!!
  14. Na....they only seemed to race each other...I think they were there for some charity events...giving some kids a few passenger runs
  15. another vid http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e330/Ste...urrent=adam.flv Adams ear drum bleeder More pics http://s42.photobucket.com/albums/e330/Ste.../crail/?start=0
  16. Took the corsa and the impreza up to crail today... Both cars struggled a bit for grip I had my first shot on the handling track with my car. The impreza was a bit slidy on the sprint track...quite a lot of understeer but the bum was easy to catch an control Adam managed to snap the throttle cable on the corsa whilst on it the bodge repair (as usual!! ) meant that I couldnt get full throttle and that it idled at 3k revs Doh! Dont think the car was affected by the lack of full throttle too much. The corsa has a better time in it...he should have let the pressure in the front tyres down a bit to help grip. there's still a bit more weight to come out as well and the remap to come... so all in all...not too bad for 185BHP Times Corsa RT 2.22 60ft 2.291 TV 101.1mph ET 13.944 RT 2.324 60ft 2.271 TV 100.9mph ET 13.936 RT 0.585 60ft 2.284 TV 101.1mph ET 13.908 Best RT - 0.174 (done by me ) Adam's was 0.305 Best 60ft - 2.270 Best TV - 101.4 Best ET - 13.908 Impreza RT 0.213 60ft 2.1 TV 106.4 ET 13.449 RT 0.227 60ft 2.028 TV 104.9 ET 13.426 RT 0.106 60ft 2.024 TV 106.1 ET 13.346 Best RT - 0.064 Best 60ft - 1.906 (done by Adam ) my best 2.024 Best TV - 106.4 Best ET - 13.346 I'm pretty happy with that...an improvement on my last time [] Thank you Colin (I think that's your name, but if not sorry! I've got it into my head that that is your name!!!) for telling me how to launch it properly...I was doing MUCH better by the end once I had remembered to change gear before redlining...switch the diff to open and look where I'm going!!! video... the second part is with the camera in the corsa....you cant really see much but you can hear it http://media.putfile.com/Crail-23 http://uploadfile.putfile.com/videos/9815250393.avi direct link to video. right click, save as and some pics
  17. Think I'm just going for a refurb and a new set of tyres....just bought our flat last week though, so need to sort that out first. Maybe start looking into it next month
  18. Anyone going? I'll start 1. Fee 2. Adam Apparently there's another 3 type Rs heading along too...oooo
  19. rear beam is seized at one side.....needs either refurbed or replaced. Group n exhaust...yes...I think LOL
  20. My wheels look ace! Think my front springs are a bit knackered....front seems to be sitting awfully high
  21. Bloody hell, so they have LOL Just ordered yet another one []
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