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Everything posted by Fee

  1. Got both the seats fitted.... Exhaust and manifold fitted.... and started it up for the first time in months :mrgreen: took it for a wee run up and down and up and down the garages ....getting there
  2. I honestly think people just dont know how to use roundabouts. We had an accident last xmas at a roundabout in dundee on our way up to Aberdeen, because some idiot decided to go all the way round in the left hand lane. Adam put a diagram of it up on a forum he uses and so many people replied who had no idea what lanes they should be in, how they should come off the roundabout, how to indicate.... And the amount of people that said 'oh I get really nervous when I'm approaching a roundabout' or 'I hate roundabouts'.....I'm sorry, but you shouldnt have a license then Rant over lol
  3. I'm a viper too....maybe it is the topless thing [8-)] lol
  4. Looks like a good night.....sorry I couldnt make it Well done everybody PMSL.... a wee nap after your meal? hehe
  5. Can't see one online...but dont have the magazine
  6. No, not yet.....hopefully in the next couple of months and then new tyres []
  7. [] It'll probably be dirty again by the end of the day now that the crap weather is back []
  8. Try darryll He just got one fitted to his classic
  9. wow....I just read this post...and then another post in another forum.....with this on it It was obviously meant to be shown
  10. I know...i did notice that.....but didnt have anything to clean it with up at the garage Wheels are still dirty too... Goddam asda jet wash stopped working half way through....got my money back and made the guy go get a bucket of water and wash all the soap of my car! hehe [] am I bad? [:$]
  11. Gave the impreza a good polish today in between my wheels Its looking fabulous [] I'm sure it goes faster when its this shiny! hehe
  12. ....and today [] <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Gave the impreza a polish too in between coats...its sparkling []
  13. I did actually take one of the really crap welding I told you about.......but I dont want to show it [:$]
  14. Started on refurbishing the last two wheels of the 205 The second one was really grotty [:@] All sanded and ready for spraying Unfortunately I ran out of primer.....so only managed the first coat today! Doh Gave the inside a bit of a clean out and hover.....just to make it look semi-respectable! Its a bit....patchy LOL ...and how the wheels are gonna look....hopefully tomorrow []....my arms hurt from all the sanding!!! I'm growing muscles! hehe
  15. oh wheesht you! I'll kick your ass anyday []
  16. Every car will have a 'book' bhp....but always best to get it on the rollers to test it.... If I am correct...there is a rolling road day this weekend....check out the events bit
  17. I'm just looking at it now....wow...it looks so nice! Its my birthday weekend / very belated valentines weekend...so I deserve a special treat! hehe
  18. funny....me and adam were going to have a couple of nights away somewhere and were thinking about a night near loch lomond. Anyone know of any nice hotels / B&Bs that look onto the loch?
  19. No...something wrong with the KL block apparently. I've just given up.....it doesnt go on at all anymore so it's like its not even there!!!
  20. Some stuff on these http://www.iwoc.co.uk/contents.html http://www.sidc.co.uk/faq.htm
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