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Everything posted by Fee

  1. Was only there for a couple of hours, and the timing gear was playing up so didnt get to see much of it Saw John St do a run though....looked pretty fast some pics...just off my phone, so not the best
  2. I'm up in Aberdeen this weekend...might pop along for a wee bit if I'm not too busy
  3. Fee


    that's what adam suggested....we've got a rotweiller that lives along the corridor! hehe
  4. Fee


    Went round a couple of places this morning since I'm not in work....got quoted £160 from one place for the pillar, door and handle which isn't too bad I suppose...more than I want to be paying, but shit happens eh! Will sort out the lock at a later stage Got a big metal steering lock bar last night, which might put them off a bit, if not I can donk them with it, and found the wee window stickers which came with my alarm so slapped them on!!! hehe...anything to help at the moment! I've ordered an attachment for my alarm...which basically starts a warning chirp if anyone comes close to my car and sets the full alarm off if anyone touches it...usually I would think that these alarms are a bit excessive.....but 3 ****ing break in attempts!!!! Aaaaarrggghhhh
  5. Fee


    It must sense when you should be allowed to use bad words hehe! I say this is definitely an occasion for some swearing to be allowed
  6. Fee


    on closer inspection (without the sun shining on it) they've also left a nice dent in my door where they've tried to go in behind the handle ****ing ****s
  7. Fee


    The point would be that you still have a car and one that is not getting damaged by people trying to steal it. Common sense really!! That's my way of thinking though too.... and it isnt practical having a car I use every day parked away from the flat I'm gonna try a proximity alarm and perhaps a steering lock to see if they act as deterrents, and see if I can park it outside the window so at least I wake up if the alarm goes off! If that doesnt put them off then I'll have no choice but to keep it in a garage or put up with it being damaged
  8. Fee


    thanks, that would be good too.... to be honest...they're not particularly good car theives....they cant even get into the car, so I doubt they'd know what to do once they're in!
  9. Fee


    that sounds more like it.... I'll have a look into it before my repair bill grows any more!
  10. Fee


    I'm considering a few things at the moment.... My car is parked in a residential parking area...but further along the block...so thought about asking the people who have the spaces directly outside my flat windows if I could switch with them for a while so at least its at my window A proximity alarm...so that it goes off as soon as anyone comes near my car! But its not really practical since neighbours park in spaces right next to mine...it would be going off all the time The entrances to my block all have video cameras...I could park right outside the door and move the cameras onto my car and sit in the flat and watch it 24/7.....lol I dont know what else I can do....someone clearly wants it...there's nothing inside worth stealing
  11. Fee


    a bit of an understatement! at this rate every ****ing panel of my car is going to end up damaged [:'(]
  12. Fee


    I think someone really wants my car [] New damage from last night []
  13. Its just an original flywheel, lightened to 7kg..... I was told that going much lighter wouldnt be recommended. Can't wait to get it on now []
  14. APIDavid off Scoobynet...he can get you all the details They do group buys every now and then which reduces the price by quite a bit...I just missed one []
  15. Duh...I mean organic [] hehe Arrived last week.....should hopefully get it on next week in time for the scooby shootout [] Exedy performance organic clutch & Lightened flywheel (that might knock a few seconds of my 1/4 mile time lol ) Thankyouplease
  16. Just get in touch with him...say it failed and you were just wondering if he needed to put the old exhaust back on for mots in the past. If not, ask him where he got it mot'd and give them a try!
  17. why so expensive? [:'(] they must think us performance car owners are made of money!
  18. My car also failed its mot today...I was sure it would pass! Only two wee things though so they have been sorted....he said he can't believe it passed legitimately last year on one of them though! There's no chance the 205 will get one now if my 'good' car fails! Doh!
  19. Holy crap it's miles away! hmmmmm
  20. This right? Block 1, Unit 2, Lochshore Industrial Estate, Caledonia Place, Glengarnock, Beith, Ayrshire KA14 3AZ
  21. I've only got a 40" [] I was up til 1am watching lost....way past my bedtime... I think watching it on a giant tv makes it scarier...I was pooping my pants in the first episode
  22. Can someone tell me their address? Thinking about booking my car in there, but it might be a bugger to get to from Edinburgh to pick it up.... Their site doesn't have it!
  23. Yeah...I've just ordered an organic clutch and lightened flywheel...just need to get somewhere to fit it now when it arrives
  24. just out of curiosity...who are you getting to fit them?
  25. Yes....it's Friday 9th at Knockhill.... or so John told me
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