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Everything posted by Fee

  1. pm me please now also..... I'm just curious [A]
  2. I really like the ultralites Either in gold or black.....would really like to see black ones on the car first though
  3. hmmm......I need to stop looking at things! I want a new gauge pod (centre thingy)....because mine looks like crap! Thankfully this will be my birthday present next month [] I want new wheels and tyres...... I want a full decat..... which means I'll need a remap! I want a pay rise so that I might actually afford something!!! I also would like someone to come and clean my car everyday so that its always shining and looking lovely [] Does it ever stop? [:$]
  4. Morning [] I took the bus to work today [8-)] I hate buses Out after work though []
  5. Not as bad as the BBS LMs....prob just over £1k with tyres.....I like does anyone know if 18x8.5 will fit in my arches?
  6. the bbs lms at approx £650 per wheel are a bit out of my price range anyway LOL
  7. Yes...top pic is whats on just now.... I do like them...but like I said, they're cheap and the paint isnt the best on them....I know it would be cheaper just to get them refurbished.... but I need new tyres too! This all started because I was looking at the scoobynet group buy these are pretty similar to what I have.....and at £640 odd including tyres, I'd probably be cheaper getting them ...and then I can always keep my other ones as spares []
  8. Dont like black wheels.....
  9. I'm liking this one I like the wheels on too....but they're really cheap....and originally silver sprayed gold, and the garage that sold me the car did it really cheaply so the paint isnt the best and chipping a bit.....i think that's putting me off them
  10. craigpcg was there today in his new impreza......silver with black wheels if I remember correctly....and got some pretty impressive times
  11. Me too...that's slightly worrying claire!
  12. I service mine myself....and keep everything I do all recorded on a nice spreadsheet thingy that Adam made up for me. Keep and receipts, dates and milage
  13. Thats a good idea...I was just going to settle for a meal in a fancy restaurant! How silly of me!
  14. He is on a boat in the middle of nowhere....but still....I remembered before he went away and hid a card in his bag Men [8-)]
  15. Are oysters not meant to make you horny? That's a bit of a bugger if she's all the way over in Texas! Chris.....you're not alone! I have a boyfriend I'm not getting anything for valentines day and will be spending the evening working on my car! My work is driving me crazy My friend's supid boyfriend somehow managed to mistake my tiny jacket for his on saturday night, so picked it up and then lost it and I dont even have a 7 iron in the car [:@]
  16. I'm not getting anything this year [:'(] Happy Valentines day people....hope the postman was good to you []
  17. YAY!!!! Super News Sharon! Well done
  18. What if the 'major forecourt chain' isn't Shell? Would we not be slightly buggered for our optimax?
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