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Everything posted by Fee

  1. Nice...that makes me glad I've only got one ball []
  2. Its easy....even I can manage it [] Think I might need to change mine soon []
  3. It was good of him to phone....that surely means you're in with a good chance.... If they didnt want you they wouldnt have bothered
  4. I did....but Gav said I wasn't allowed a free shot [:'(]
  5. Give them a call....just ask if they've come to a decision
  6. First line.... 'Any checks to detect and rectify faults must only be carried out by a competent person' hmmmmmm
  7. I've found the installation and maintenance manual now so going to have a read through it today I think I'm going to have to get someone out though......I wouldnt think that a problem with the thermostat would make it make such funny noises [:|]
  8. Slightly off topic....but I just clicked on Grant's name accidentaly and realised you can get your profile up Nice interests by the way []
  9. LOL Thing is....the tank sounds like its almost empty....I'm the only person in the flat just now so there's not much water getting used, and the tank is nearly as big as me....so I just dont understand how its empty.
  10. I've had a look for a thermostat but cant see one.... Think I'll have a look again tonight
  11. He's offshore.....everything always breaks when he's offshore! I think it must be the ball cock device...the water that's in the tank is hot...there just doesnt seem to be enough of it
  12. I dont have a boiler. It's an immersion tank. I have absolutely no idea how it works.....its always been fine, so never really had a look at it before. Now though there is only ever enough hot water for one shower.....and in the mornings I can hear the tank fill up as if it was empty and its making some strange noises too! I've never heard it fill up before...the tank is usually full and used to always be hot..... I dont know if maybe there's a level in it that's reading wrong so its not filling up properly What sort of call out charges do plumbers charge nowadays?
  13. Need someone to look at my hot water tank.....I think it might be buggered, but have absolutely no idea how it works anyway (you'd think after living in the flat for over 2 years I might have some idea!!!) Is anyone, or does anyone know, a plumber that could come and have a look at it for me? Please [:S]
  14. Ouch [] Nice wheels though (apart from the damage [])
  15. I've only got one ball and I've been registered on the site for months I must be a sensible poster
  16. I still might come along.....going up to the garage just now to do some work on the car....so if I don't weld myself to it or grind myself in half I should be able to make it LOL....(maybe I shouldnt joke about that!) How do I get to falkirk from edinburgh?
  17. 1. Oobster 2. RubyTheScooby 3. Fee (maybe.....if I'm not too hungover and can drive in a straight line) 4. FastScooby 5. bigbadboab (got to meet you all sometime and I have my car now) 6. KolinJ
  18. I also hope to learn grammar soon as well!
  19. Cheerio I'm hope to be drinking soon too
  20. I thought you said it was just up the road from you LOL You lazy sod
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