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Everything posted by Fee

  1. I know it does...that's why i told you I thought the tyres were a bit flat.....but they're not...its just that the ground is squint.... What weather....do you see any snow on the ground? There's absolutely bugger all here....its like we've been forgotten about
  2. Oh, and I've decided just to keep my wheels....get them a good refurb and some new tyres (Mostly because I really only liked the ultralites but they dont make them to fit [])
  3. Shiny car [] Where's our snow??? [8-)][]
  4. bloody hell thats a lot of snow where about are you?
  5. Awwww.....shucks....you guys are all so nice []
  6. Its my birthday the next day [] do you think if we went we'd get a present,.....or someone might even bake us cakes []
  7. Anyone heading along? I was meant to be taking Adam's corsa but the damn thing wont start ....so taking the scooby instead [] bye bye clutch [:'(]
  8. He he...it should be ready by then.....but I think I might be in London that weekend...not sure though Got a track day booked at East Fortune for May though......www.javelintrackdays.co.uk £120 for a full day open pit []
  9. You're a very lucky man [] Any pics of the car?
  10. Good photos Peter [] Sorry I didnt make it.....I was up early ready to come along....long story!
  11. The scooby shoot out isnt TOTB though....different thing
  12. I definitely want to go..... Will just 'normal' imprezas be running.......or only the really fancy fast ones? I want to....but dont want to look like a fanny (more so than usual!)
  13. Yeah....I did have a look at them..... I like them....but seem a bit similar.... Quite fancy something different.....thought that if I got the ultralites, I can eventually get the ones I have redone and then have 2 nice sets of wheels! hehe
  14. [] that's sad I still miss my dog....he was ace
  15. Yes....I do like the idea of black with polished rim... but I'd really like to be able to see them on the car first.....
  16. I cant even see out my window anymore (velux one) its covered in snow
  17. I take that back....its just started snowing! Doh
  18. hehe....I dare you to! How funny would that be!
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