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Everything posted by Fee

  1. possibly BK299s? they're another possibility, but I dont like them nearly as much as the ultralites or the BBSs The guy that I was speaking to also mentioned a spanish make that are very similar to the BBS LMs and they will actually make them to fit your car....he said they can be a bit unreliable time wise in how long they take for it...its usually a few months
  2. I REALLY want a set! how nice would these look on my car all polished up and shining yum and then...in a few years time...how nice would they look on a 22B []
  3. I know...I have actually emailed them and asked them if they'd like to make me a set to fit...unsurprisingly they said no!!! on here http://www.wheelspecs.com/specs/wheelmodels/927 it shows them as having 17 X 7.5 and 5 X 100 with offset of 48 and 18 X 7.5 and 5 X 100 with offset of 49 those two should both fit shouldnt they?
  4. whats a 'good' or 'normal' wheel weight?
  5. see...I dont understand why they would make this ultralite wheel to fit imprezas and not this one when they make it to fit supras, skylines and evos....what the bloomin hell is wrong with imprezas???
  6. oh...I can? well then they do make them to fit.... the guy said he thought 7.5 would be the widest I could go..... I want BBS LMs....but thanks for the link!
  7. 7.5 is apparently the thickest that will fit...thats a bit poop! guy that I just spoke to isn't entirely sure if they make them in a size to fit imprezas [8-)] but is going to get back to me tomorrow this is bloody annoying... they dont make the ultralites to fit, maybe now not even bbs lms.... I think I need to change my car!
  8. I think the 18"s look good...thanks for the pics Wheels sizes and tyre sizes just confuse me!
  9. Aw....but I really want big fat rear ones for when I get my 22b []
  10. what about thickness? I've got a feeling that 8.5 is actually too thick...am I right?
  11. I have to do that anyway! Edinburgh is bloody full of potholes.... have to say though that I have noticed a difference since changing my tyres....think I went from 40s to 45s and it has made it so much better
  12. I understand what you're saying..... I'm not def going for 18"s....that's just what was suggested. In any event....the BBS LMs (if I ever got them) would be for day to day use... I'd keep my existing 17"s and I have a set of 16"s for track use etc
  13. found this http://www.rtecalloywheels.co.uk/fitment_guide.htm
  14. I dont know! Are 18s far too big? Anyone with a photo of a classic with 18s that they'd care to share? I really have my heart set on a set of BBS LMs.....just want to price them up just now (and then have a heart attack!! hehe)
  15. I dont really understand the whole wheel size thing.... what's the widest I would be able to get to fit? I really want fatter ones on the back than the front.... help me please []
  16. What size would I need for a set of 18"s? I'm looking for approx 9" fat at the rear and 8" at the front what will clear? thankyouplease
  17. do you like my big red burn on my arm from my oven?!?! only I could manage to burn my arm all the way up there! I think I must have been trying to climb in it!
  18. Oh super thank you! I've been trying to find out what that place is called..... we're hopefully going to be spending a couple of nights out there in January en route to India Enjoy your big day...I mean the wedding...not the racing!!!
  19. wish I had come along now....the weather looked great and I could have done with getting a tan! Nice pics Col....and I think I'll be the first person to say I don't want you to send me the 'other' one!!! LOL
  20. LOL I dont get what the one in the middle is wearing [*-)]
  21. Cheers...did a search on ebay before and didnt find anything have found some now though....MrGaitor.com
  22. a new leather bitty for around my gear stick? Mine's getting a bit tatty Is subaru my best bet? or any other suggestions?
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