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Everything posted by Fee

  1. dont think so... car was in Shetland before this..... BaAAAaaa Changed the oil today, was pretty grubby :/ Gave the brakes a good clean too.... seem to be working a bit better now, but i'll give the calipers a damn good clean when i get new brakes pads! DS2500 or DS3000 ?!?!?! had to take the grinder out to get the rear wiper bolt off lol its was crusted on solid Took the grinder to the centre dash panel too.... will mock up a panel for gauges soon.... before after
  2. I don't think that's an opinion...it's a fact! Only reason we're going is so Adam can get some use out of the corsa before it breaks again!!!
  3. I have no idea what you're talking about [8-)] hehe! I'm getting all my dates and days muddled up today
  4. Max Power is this weekend.... there's other days on at crail on the 4th and 5th http://www.crailraceway.co.uk/schedule.asp
  5. Just booked up....taking the corsa and the skyline for its first outing Anyone else heading along?
  6. I think we're heading up.... Adam's finally got the corsa working, so wanting to get some use out of it! I can't decide whether to take a car or not....the impreza is getting a service on Saturday so may take that up....or maybe the skyline.... but I just can't be assed with all the queues I've managed to avoid mag days up until now! Maybe I should just give in and stick on a mini skirt and buy a bottle of buckie! hehe
  7. i tried.... but it was taking longer than 30secs so i got bored Its individual gay lettering, not 1 gay sticker Adam
  8. most of the weight was in the ICE.... tons of it... maybe 50kg worth!!!! The other stuff wasnt too heavy actually. The rear seats are just foam on a wire frame.... very little metal in there to weigh it down. It'll all add up though. Got a headlight vent, N1 bumper vents, Mocal oil cooler and master clylinder stopper on order. Looking through some brake pad options just now. Will give it some fresh oil this week, and maybe an overhual of the front brake calipers
  9. aye...well.... see what halfrauds can offer me....
  10. and the outside..... now less bling'd :cool:
  11. hahha I liked that one! s'pose thats because i'm an Aberdonian though 205 was sold today
  12. Aye.... we were up by Russ at wallace performace dropping off two of his wheels i had borrowed. The car will be getting stipped, so the furry fluffy boot will be going Its all sheet MDF that looks to be about 3/4" thick! Some weight! Fee and I had a little tussle on the way home.... 40-100+ leptons both times.... It stands at 1-1, even though i think Fee cheated and went early on the first one! Very evenly matched at the moment, but i think the skyline will have it once its gets on its diet Adam
  13. prob the skyline as I'll prob be back out in malyasia and there is a sidc trackday in the morning.... so i doubt fee would want the hassle/expense of the corsa boat Adam
  14. if you like modern light as a feather pish mobiles then its not for you you have to be commited with gear changes brakes need stamped on, but are great steering is heavy but very resposive and transmits feeling well handles really well once you get used to the nose bobbing around Adam
  15. it is immaculate :/ feel a bit guilty about it
  16. few bits n bobs need changing cosmetically.... re-tango the front sidelights de-chrome/polish the wipers remove fogs remove furry boot for a start
  17. Got all the cars together for a wee pic or two.....maybe selling the 205 tomorrow maybe a little excessive for two people!!!
  18. Adam kept going on about wanting to go to Orchard towers but we never made it! Back to work today....boo
  19. What have I missed? How was knockhill? So glad to hear there is going to be another one before the end of the year!!! Holiday was ace....decided that I am now going to move to Singapore rather than Dubai..... I won't bore you with the 500 + photos we took (lol) ....so here is one of an impreza all the way from singapore! rest are here http://s40.photobucket.com/albums/e210/fee...kuala%20lumpur/ and here http://s40.photobucket.com/albums/e210/fee_adam/singapore/ if you're bored!
  20. Fee

    I'm off

    Hooters is just two streets away from our hotel.....how cool
  21. Fee

    I'm off

    No more sleeps [] I'm off this afternoon []
  22. Fee

    I'm off

    I've got a 13 hour flight all on my own []
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