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Everything posted by oobster

  1. Looks like he ended the item early, coz the start times and end times usually match up. Maybe he sold them already, but if not & you need them picked up, gimme a shout as I work close to Coatbridge
  2. I canny spell either..... thankfully i've get spellcheck
  3. Gummybear.... it Guaranteed, not Gauranteed You shood hav went 2 skool more ophten
  4. Supoyb..... Make sure u position the car seat where he/she can't touch the insides of the windows!!!
  5. Gus, the proper name is an "airdam skirt". I think they come individually. Ian in the parts dept. of S&S got them for me, I can double check when i get home tonight how much they cost if your interested, but i'm sure it was under £150. They don't come supplied with the nuts & bolts required to fit them, but they are only a few pence each. Ian got these for me @ the same time as the "skirts". Fitting is very easy - there are two "lugs" on the edge thats nearest the wing, I cut these off with a stanley knife. Then there are 3 slots down the front edge, these are for white round clips to slot in (the STi bumper has holes in the bumper for these clips to go into). I drilled the plastic rivets out that hold these slots onto the skirt (it allows the skirt to sit flush with the bumper without drilling holes in the bumper). Once you've done that, it's 3 bolts per side plus two plastic clips (that already hold the undertray on) and it's job done. Took me about 15-20 mins per side. Regarding last night's meet, really enjoyed it and I suggest we encourage the waitress to join in more often (hullo grisly!!). Although there were not huge numbers attending i felt the meet was better for it - more group conversations rather than individual groups chatting on their own. Billyboy's motor is very nice indeed and hope your cold dissapears sometime soon Stevo!! Lastly, LOL @ Irish Al's new jacket - wait till u see it!!
  6. A nice wee cosy meet tonight then!! Looking forward to it, primarily coz i'm starvin already & i don't need to help with the dishes Remember - anyone interested in being "one of the 100" (potentially) then leave your PC connected & on the SIDC website so we can set a new record.
  7. Dolmio Advert 8 Dolmio Advert 3 Dolmio Advert 5 Dolmio Advert 2 Dolmio Advert 4 Dolmio Advert 1
  8. Stevie Walkers in Bathgate - 01506 633471. I got a bird-crap on the middle of my bonnet that I neglected to clean off for a couple of days, and it burned thru the paint. Didn't get stevie to fix this particular thing (coz he was too busy and couldnt book me in for a couple of weeks) but he's painted other stuff for me and it was fine.
  9. Got one today (from Alloa) - WOW this is some piece of kit!! Graphics are amazing. Thoroughly recommend one (f you can get hold of them!!)
  10. Mod companies must be goin out of business now your not around to spend your cash swiggi When you back on the B-roads?
  11. U not go straight to work from the meet Ally? It's just up the road from ur work!!
  12. There's also a bloke over on the For Sale page looking for a Type RA Clicky - he says a 94 to 96 model but worth a shout maybe?
  13. They are selling the PSP with the value pack + 2 games, but they dont have the value pack + games boxes in yet (they are coming tomorrow). The box will contain the value pack + the 2 games, but it's pot luck if i get the box with the 2 games i want. Plus they wont sell the machine on it's own. Fed up trying today, i'll wait & see what tomorrow brings. I've tried HMV, Virgin, Toys R Us, Tesco, G-Force, Currys, PC World plus a few others that I can't remember coz my brain is frazzled with it all. Sony Centre in Alloa had got one left (when i called earlier) that is the PSP on it's own (£179.99) but that's probably gone now. The Mrs works in Grangemouth but she took a flier away from work & was almost home when i called her.
  14. Sony Centre in West Nile Street, Glasgow have got one, but it's part of the value pack and i dont get to pick the games i want. I give up.
  15. Thanks for all your advice stephen.... i'm sure i'll get one this week somewhere!!
  16. Nope - they are sold out Jonny!! I've tried quite a few places today, some under st3ph3n's advice (thanks by the way) but no luck so far. I think a lot of places have the empty boxes on display but no actual stock. I'm sure i'll get one, eventually
  17. Can't get one of these for love nor money in the shops @ the moment. Might try flea-bay but prefer paying the slight bit extra for the comfort factor of walking into a shop & walking back out with one + receipt. Would love to have one for taking on hols with me next week but it isn't looking likely now.
  18. Spoke to the person concerned this morning and i'm happy with his explanation. Also happy with the work carried out by S&S & would highly recommend them to anyone else wanting work done on their Subaru.
  19. Yea who is that on your avatar Daz? She nice!!
  20. Clicky to the ebay link Looks like you've got a few quid to spend Try Xtreme Motorsport (B Swift Tyres) in Whitburn. They are a whiteline dealer AFAIK. They also have a 400bhp+ Evo. John Swift is the guy to speak to. Never used them before (yet) but seen a few good things said about them. Rice Rocket was also selling a set of lowered springs for a bugeye, don't know if they'd fit a blob-eye but im sure someone on here would confirm deny! Thats if they are still for sale of course. Clicky to Rice Rocket's ad Also, as Scott says, Hypertech should be able to source all the stuff your after to. Used them once and no complaints!!
  21. As far as i know, you can make a complaint with eBay & paypal removes the dosh from him. You get it back evetually. Happened with me, i bought a Nokia 6210 about a year ago, and everything went smoothly until it didnt arrive!! Seller (Leeds-based) ignored all emails until i registered an official complaint, then the seller became VERY helpful! Turns out he HAD sent it, but sent it to a buyer of a previous item he had for sale. Turned out it had arrived with a lad in Glasgow so I could get it ok. Paypal only put the money back into his account when I said I was happy. If all else fails, take a possy south and chap his door.
  22. I'll probably mention it next time im on the phone to them but getting the car collected isn't going to be happening again. Here's hoping he wasn't caught speeding in it, coz that could be interesting trying to prove it wasnt me that was driving.
  23. That would have been the guy from s&s bring my car back to me. Nice to see he was treating it with care
  24. Haw Haw Haw...... good site (for a laugh)
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