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Everything posted by oobster

  1. Looking better than ever Mako. I'm very jealous.
  2. Waved at a very nice white bugeye with gold wheels today in Bathgate this afternoon, but no reply
  3. Fraid we doddled home coz I was knackered.... went straight to my kip but got woken @ 3am by two blokes having an argument outside somewhere, then couldn't get back to sleep, so not in the best of moods this morning Anyway, good meet last night, nice to meet you Sharon, Alistair etc - & Gus, yer motor is looking braw.
  4. Multi-changer contents: New David Gray CD (haven't listened to it much yet but sounds ok) New Goldie Lookin Chain - Safe As F**k - absolutely excellent 2 Elvis Presley CD's & a Beatles 'Best-of" CD In the head unit i've got a home-made disc with about 138 MP3's on it. Lots of dance, some 80's, one Glenn Campbell track (Witchita Linesman - superb) and loads of other stuff too like Zero7 Cal - stop posting and go get the car washed man!!!!
  5. Damn these posts @ the same time!! No probs Al, see u there.
  6. Al - i presume you mean the BP @ Dear Park? I'll give u a bell about 6.00-6.10 Ruby - if your coming down the M9 then onto the City Bypass it doesn't take u anywhere near where me and Al are meating up (and possibly Gus too - move yer erse big man!!) - but we could meet somewhere up the bypass if u want? I'll PM you my mobile number - if anyone else has any suggestions on where to meet then shout up. P.S. Got the car washed
  7. Just heard from spooks..... He might not make it tonight.
  8. I thot it was this weekend you were away to Blackpool? But aye, could go for that. Bout 6.15?
  9. Been missing your avatar Daz - where u been!!!!
  10. As long as no-one comments on how filthy my car is - haven't had a chance to wash it since I came back my hols
  11. Smashin..... hope to see u back in a scooby drivers seat soon A DBM one perhaps
  12. Anyone heading thru from Bathgate/Livingston area? SHOULD be able to make this - bathroom aint finished but i'll worry about it another day
  13. Halfrauds sell an engine bay cleaning set called CD2 (i think) - used it on mine (in a kind of half-arsed way) and it came up nice. Cost about £8 - you get two tins, one is the cleaner the other makes everything all shiny again.
  14. Many thanks for the 'dumbo' comment, much appreciated.
  15. Revolution in Gatshead - £15 per pair, i think they are W21W's.
  16. Craig - nice motor. Very nice. Jamie de-tango'd my front lights as i wasn't confident enuff to do it myself. He made a really good job and it made a big difference (IMHO) to the look of the front of the car. He used boiling-hot water from a kettle plus a hairdryer to soften the sealant but i think the job (from lifting the bonnet, de-tango-ing then closing the bonnet again) took just under 2 hours. Well worth it, i don't know why they still put those orange triangles in brand-new ones coz it looks SO much better without them.
  17. Fee.... why do you have a tax-disc holder stuck to your leg?
  18. Funny - you've got to admire these folk that get up in the morning and think "I think i'll make a speeding video today then put it on the net!"
  19. A couple of pics of oor cat, Paco.
  20. i'd love to go, but my diet of chinese, indian & chippy food means I can barely run the length of myself.
  21. Ouch. I've had 2 wisdom teeth out (about 12 years ago) and it was a bit sore. You should have went on a Monday, to save spoiling your weekend!!
  22. erm.... pass then. No idea when it comes to videos
  23. no idea wot ur on about, but if you want to email the pics (i am assuming it is pics) to me i'll host them on my oobsite - andy_oob AT hotmail.com
  24. 1. Gumball 2. RS Grant 3. Andywrx 4. st3ph3n 5. Pedals 6. Ac!D 7. Jcscoob 8. Craig Mac 9. WRC No 1 10. Paddy 11. WRXMANIA 12. Billyboy and Jean and Ally 13. CORSA. 14. TheSquirrel555 and co-pilot 15. FAI17 16. G6RAY 17. Marc29 18. Fee & Adam (if he's ever in the country) 19. Karps 20. Catherine and Ken Ross 21. Baz (will attend but no idea what car in yet!!!) 22. Kenny.S 23. Kart_man 24. Col 666 25. DanTerzo 26. Scientific Steve 27. Gus the Bus 28. WEEB 29. Ally-b 30. Ed-209 31. Neofox 32. scoobykev 33. Irish Al & Baby No 2 34. Wilky 35. Ruby The Scooby 36. mslorach 37. Coulster 38. gr555 39. Finnie 40. Eastfifetyke 41. p1ggm 42. Scooby Kart 43. GSP 44. B.C 45. Gayle... 46. Rice Rocket 47. AWD 48. cupraderv 49. oobster 99% definitely come to this - will confirm the week before the event
  25. First 12 people to make a donation to the Santa Cruise perhaps?
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