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Everything posted by oobster

  1. I also use Stevie Walker and have no complaints. But i also use another guy in Bathgate, i'll PM you his details.
  2. Man's hand severed on oil rig Whoever it was i hope they can do something.....
  3. Just got GT4 last night. Do i need to do all that licence crap before i can get to race anything decent?
  4. My apologies to Sharon, i perhaps over-reacted to a meaning contained in her post which wasn't as she intended it to mean (if you get my drift). Group hug
  5. This lay into Cal night tonight is it? He hasn't "just" had the fright of his life, the accident was 4 days ago. And since the author himself quoted he can laugh about it now, i don't think asking for piccies is in any way out of order. P.S. - Sorry to hear about the accident christpher, glad u & your passenger are ok.
  6. Wonder what that Sabina lassie done it in. Her that was on Top Gear driving the Jag
  7. Now THAT is braw Hopefully see one on TG soon
  8. ooooo....... you gonna take that Gus? From the lesser sex too! Can't let that one go without a witty retort!!
  9. Perhaps scooby owners in the perthsire/aberdeenshire area could recommend a mobile jet-wash firm? If so, such a company might be willing to travel down on the day & make a few quid giving all our motors a quick skoosh over with the high-pressure lance before the pics are taken? Just a thought. P.S. Still not 100% sure i'm going to be able to make this.
  10. I might need to make a wee purchase @ the weekend then. Good job the Mrs is out on a work jolly!! Stephen - ordered TOCA for the PSP, should get it start of next week.
  11. Any movement on this yet? Moan the scoobs!!
  12. I've never checked I drive like a 90-year-old though. So probably about 300.
  13. I assume this is on the PS2? My playstation is under-used, only ever use it for playing DVD's. Must make more time for playing games!! Who needs sleep anyway
  14. Nice car Marc. Very nice indeed. Needs a set of flaps, if u dont mind me saying so. I was looking for a 02 or 52-plate S3 before i bought the scoob, but i would only take a yellow one with the 18" RS wheels. Searched for ages but only one i could find was on eBay and it was overpriced. Spoke to the dealers in Edinburgh, Glasgow & Perth to ask them to give me a call if one came in but eventually gave up & bought the scoob instead. Everytime i see a yellow S3 i wonder slightly if i should have waited, but then i hear the flat-four burble and i know i made the right choice! I like the bodykit on yours, and also the fact there isnt any badges on the boot. Looks classy.
  15. How about up the ar*e of that woman he just got sent down for putting her cat in the washing machine coz it scratched her. I hope she gets punched in the back of the head several times daily when she's in the klink. Not really answering your question Iain, sorry, but i feel better for getting that off my chest.
  16. Yup, that 2nd video was horrible. As for the A1 drifting vid, the sensible side of me says he's a plamf, but the side that keeps telling me to stop being an auld man says fair play to the guy. I used to be indecisive but now i'm not so sure
  17. u got your knight-rider kit set up inside your scoop yet ally? looking forward to seeing it in action.
  18. LAWBQ (Laughed a wee bit, quietly)
  19. << BAH missed it! >> You didnt miss much. Load of rubbish. Poor-man's top gear.
  20. Bet gummybear gets those done for when he smokes BMW's
  21. Seen it over on SNet (booo....hiss) but aye, it's a belter.
  22. Here's that pic wot i took @ deer park - Irish Al's car, then mine, then Gus's very-low WRX300
  23. I've picked up a couple of dings since getting the car and i always use the same guy to get them out. Charges about £50 per panel, but he's s**t hot. PM me if u want his number. He covers Edinburgh & the Lothians
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