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Everything posted by oobster

  1. Russ, Car looks much better with these on, they are a cracking-looking wheel. Don't suppose it will matter though, coz if your Mrs is anything like mine they will be kerbed to buggery soon!!
  2. Sorry to hear this m8, hang in there, your car will shift eventually.
  3. ....whilst searching for that wee 11-year-old boy who went missing on Thursday (in Livingston). Poor lad, and sympathies to his family. Link to BBC News web-site
  4. go for it. And geez a shot when you get it
  5. yup..... we should all bombard that tesco email address in ed's post with requests, and they might get the message. I'm gonna email them right now
  6. Stephen, The "airdam skirts" are two separate pieces - one for each side. Once i've got them fitted (going to drill holes in my existing bumper - eek) i'll post a couple of pics and you can have a gander @ a meet sometime and see if you think your lower lip will still fit if you got them. At least they do STI's in black, so you won't need to get yours painted if you bought a pair
  7. Damn That was a good price u got that for bing, cheapest on eBay @ the moment is a hundred quid. If i'd noticed this post sooner i'd have had it off you ~sigh~
  8. annoyed i missed it, i had the "pleasure" (note:sarcasm) of taking my gaffer out for an indian. Went to bombay cottage in hamilton, cracking food but I had chilli chicken and i'm still not able to sit down properly 24 hours later Hopefully make the next one
  9. Thanks for all the feedback folks. Think i might drop the rear ones down to the next set of holes, they are sitting a bit high. The front ones look braw though Just checked and my jack brace thingy is under that board too D'oh!! That could have saved me about 10 minutes and left the skin on my knuckles!! Ordered a pair of "airdam skirts" (Subaru's words, not mine) which are the front bumper extensions that are standard on an STI. Got them today (£130 inc. SIDC discount, VAT & postage), but Subaru only do them in STi-colours, so i got mine in white. They are in getting painted just now, hopefully get them back on Monday night. Karl - i got the wee roof spoiler from Revolution. I think it was £119.99, but they only get their supplier (Lester in Italy) to make them when they have orders, so they take about 5-6 weeks to arrive.
  10. cheers for the comments guys..... i'm still 50/50 on whether i like them, but i'll give it a couple of weeks. Took just over 2 hours to fit, didn't help that I couldn't find the handle for winding the jack up and down Mind i'm not going to be able to make it tomorrow night ally, boss is coming up from head office. A shame, but next time i'll be there.
  11. Just got them, hopefully get them fitted later tonight if it stays dry.... Has anyone fitted these (that happens to be online B4 about 7pm) - coz i was wondering if you need to take the wheels off to fit them?
  12. ....any chance of one of you telling the Mrs i bought them off you for a fiver? Now with pics....
  13. What happened chrissy? And did you get her number
  14. I'd like to help out this year, if there's anything I can do give me a shout
  15. Welcome to the forum pinz Get some pics of your car posted up for us to see!!!
  16. a member called Fiona (scottiescoob) got her wagon retrimmed in leather @ Transcal Livingston, maybe see if you can search her out if your after an opinion/idea of cost. Not seen her post on here for a while though. If you search thru the forum you might see pics of her re-trim. Edited: Here's the LINK to scottiescoob's post, with pics, phone no's, the lot. I remember PM'ing her round about the time she got it done & i'm fairly sure she said it cost her approx. £1400.
  17. There is a nice place up at beecraigs country park, in the hills above Bathgate - excellent views right across to the forth road bridge etc. We've been there a few times & the food is excellent too.
  18. Unfortunately ally, even a shot in your rev-beast won't sway the decision...... the boss (it's a HE by the way) likes his grub & likes to go out for a meal when he's up here. Since every1 else in the office thinks he's a twerp it gets left to me (he's my boss, but he's not the boss of any of my other colleagues) to take him out. Trust me, you don't want him turning up @ a meet. Cars is the last thing he's interested in. Ah well, catch u lot another time, enjoy yourselves
  19. Looks like I wont be able to make this one, my boss is coming up from head office next wednesday & thursday
  20. Bathgate Auto Electrics Colmarene, Mill Rd, Bathgate, West Lothian EH48 4BJ Tel: 01506 650600 Lothian Auto Electrical 13, Rosebery Place, Livingston, West Lothian EH54 6RP Tel: 01506 418561 Never used either of these though. What car u driving Martin? I'm also from West Lothian
  21. Chris.... I tend to agree with other posts.... the current size of the club is adequate. You only need look at the turn-out for the only run i've been on (March) - any more cars than that & we'd have attracted serious attention by the police. I am also of the opinion that a fair amount of subaru owners do not drive a subaru for the same reasons we do - i suspect it's because they are reliable sturdy but speedy work horses. I joined the SIDC a few weeks before purchasing my WRX, and i joined for 2 reasons: 1) The social aspect - meeting new people & admiring each others cars 2) Help, advise, opinions & the general banter on the forum. I did not join so I could thrash my car anytime any members meet up, but that does not mean I object to such behaviour - on the contrary, if that is how people enjoy their cars then fair play to them!! I enjoy how mine looks, and the knowledge that I have the power under my right foot if i need it. My suggestion is: we should continue to encourage existing members to stay by providing them with a forum full of helpful advise, informed opinion & the odd bit of humourous banter chucked in. New members will see how well the forum & the club is run & will stay. i.e. i think we should all just continue what we are doing & the club membership will be just fine
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