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Everything posted by oobster

  1. Nice one. I think we should bad bananaman though.
  2. Nice focus! The scoob isn't too bad either
  3. Hullo there - nice car! Welcome to the SIDC
  4. Hullo there & welcome to the forum
  5. Al - have a look at the following link - this is what i've got istalled in mine. MRD in Bathgate done most of it and I think it sounds rather good. http://www.oob315.freeserve.co.uk/ICEsetup_new_24-05-06.pdf
  6. This one too - http://www.lancerregister.com/showthread.php?t=165127 Plus http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/gassing/topic...amp;hw=dicksons
  7. Nice car, but is this the same company that used to have a place in Dunblane? If so, I've seen some posts elsewhere that aren't very complimentary. Can post up links if required.
  8. Excellent pics Col - I haven't been up at a Hot Hatch day for a few years now - does it still have it's fair share of eejits on track?
  9. How about giving the car a wash if yer bored John!
  10. Apparently pepipoo is a good website to get advice on this kind of thing Dave.
  11. Sorry to hear that Lainey - hope you manage to get something sorted. Welcome to the club - I see you have my car as your avatar though?
  12. Very nice Gus How long till your trading it in though
  13. Acht it's only money John. There's nay pockets in a shroud remember!
  14. Think htautos do a nice replica, other than that try Scott Lowe. Edit - htautos is £117.50 - about three quarters down this page - http://www.htautos.co.uk/first.html Scott Lowe is £178.60 if it's an STI you've got - http://www.scottlowe.co.uk/store/index.php...how&ref=gdb Might also be worth trying Revolution in Gateshead - http://www.revolution.eu.com/erol.html
  15. Think S&S charged me £388 for supply + fit + geometry change but that was probably at least 18 months ago now. I was quite happy with the settings they put on mine (I just said the prodrive settings) but they wore out the inner edge of my front tyres in around 8K. One of these days i'm going to take it over to Hypertech and get them to check/maybe alter the settings. It was Toyo T1S tyres I had on before, which are apparently quite soft sidewalls/shoulders.
  16. I had one on my WRX for over a year - car ran better once I put the standard one back on. My understanding is that your car will run ok if it's mapped with a VTA valve on, but if not the car can overfuel slightly resulting in some petrol mixing with the oil & thining it out. Or so I understand it anyway, from reading posts on here +SNet. I changed the oil in mine every 5K when I had the VTA on, just in case.
  17. As said Extreme in Whitburn are good. Also try Pat McGinley up at Brucefield Industrial Estate in Livi - they are quite helpful. 2, Rutherford Square, Brucefield Industry Park, Livingston, EH54 9BU Tel: 01506 466777
  18. Another vote for the camo one from me John - but as said you'd need to go for a lairy wheel colour. Very different from the now quite common WRC graphics.
  19. How are you still managing to post from the cells Andy?
  20. Have to say - Naw. That car just looks too 'busy' - too many graphics, all different colours. I quite like graphics on a scoob, which I had the baws to do some on my car. I seen a couple of Time Attack cars last year that were quite smart.
  21. Hope you get it sorted cheaply & quickly Iain
  22. Bet that car will be 'affa deer' to repair!
  23. I think I heard that Hypertech were able to put some slightly less abrasive settings in while still improving the handling - £55 I think they charge. Maybe worth giving Dunc a call. P.S. I have the prodrive settings on my blobeye, with toyo T1S and the inner shoulders only lasted about 8K miles.
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