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Everything posted by oobster

  1. The guy down at AF Noble in Penicuik made a good job of colour-coding my side skirts a couple of years ago - I canny mind his name though. Derek maybe? Other than that there is Stevie Walker down in Bathgate - he's also done bits & pieces for me, Gus The Bus, Braveheart & i'm sure a few others on here. 01506 633471.
  2. Hullo there & welcome to the forum. Lovely car you've got there I'll keep an eye out for you - I'm down near Bathgate.
  3. Fraser - see my recent post below. http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?s=&...t&p=1114465
  4. Nice car Gareth. Canny hide money eh! I'd steer clear of the PFF7's - there are so many of scoobs with them on now. Go for something that means you wont turn up at a meet someday and see another Black STI in the carpark that looks exactly the same as yours - like the Ultralite's. If they done them in white, and I wasn't skint, i'd be having a set of them myself I think!
  5. Well I gave the car a bit of stick on the way up to the meet tonight on a B-road that I used to travel daily for over 8 years, and I noticed that the turn-in on the new settings was better than the prodrive settings I had previously. I think there is more of the contact patch of the tyre on the tarmac with the new settings, so even the slightest touch of the steering wheel seems to result in the car responding quicker than before. It's worth noting that I did fit a front set of Toyo T1R's recently, replacing the T1S I had on there before (the inner shoulders on them wore out). So perhaps some of the difference was down to the new tyres. I've done very little mileage in the scoob since the start of December as i've been using the Mrs car (she's on maternity leave) so that in combination with the crappy winter weather means I never really got the chance to 'evaluate' the T1R's. Unfortunately I never drove my car with the springs on & the geometry untouched so I don't know how much difference the springs alone made. I'd recommend giving it a couple of weeks driving with the springs done, then maybe give Dunc a shout - it's only £55 after all, so it's not a fortune if you only notice a small improvement. It all depends how fast your hammering it I suppose.
  6. What, 3 black ones and a gold one John? Should have gone to Specsavers!
  7. Ultralite G-Grids - same as on Scobby-lady's Black STI - http://forums.sidc.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=112982 http://www.scoobyworld.co.uk/catalog/produ...roducts_id=1231 The bronze ones would look good on a black STI too GT
  8. To be fair Kevan, I've only driven the car back from Hypertech, then over to them again (to get something else done) and back home again. I'll be taking it out for a spin later hopefully, and i'll let you know my opinion on what their set-up is like.
  9. £3.58 in coppers, a half-eaten chocolate coin from a christmas selection box (2002) and a satsuma?
  10. Is it an APRILla your going to get Kit?
  11. There is (or was) a guy on the General forum that used to do the clear plastic stuff - Brian (WRXMANIA) got it done on his Lexus I believe.
  12. I thought this was the Whitburn place for a minute.
  13. If I used my car a lot in the wintertime I'd actually have one of them for my car.
  14. Where's my credit card!!
  15. Good luck Gordy! I didn't think there would be an announcement so quickly, hence why I organised a wee stop-gap meeting for this Wednesday - you coming along? Edit - just noticed your comment on the meet thread.
  16. Another suggestion (probably shot down in flames again!) How about the same style of stickers on your that are on a Porsche 997 GT3 RS - along the bottoms of the doors. You could have the same style, but have JW 340 (or whatever your current BHP is) or WRX 340.
  17. Or how about something like this, but with gold squares?
  18. Open your mind.... There's a time attach car pic floating about somewhere - it's a white hawkeye and they've used a chequered-flag type design and faded it out as it gets nearer the front. I thought it was quite smart, but like others have said I didn't have enough brave pills to do it to mine.
  19. Another vote for Gary Moulson @ Keith Michaels I find PM'ing him on SNet usually gets a quick response.
  20. How about.... The subaru stars - in gold - starting quite bold on the rear near-side and as they go over the roof and nearer the front offside they fade out gradually. And thats it. No other stickers that aren't gold.
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