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Everything posted by oobster

  1. One of these? Images here are 640x427, i've got the originals kicking about somewhere that are 3888x2592
  2. Aye it's definitely starting to grow on me too - the silver is quite smart. I wonder when we'll see the first one in the UK? Early spring 08? If we didn't have mini-oobster on the way I think i'd be considering buying one.
  3. Sorry to hear that Dave - hope you get a decent pay out for it & manage to get back to scooby ownership in the future.
  4. More pics: http://www.nihoncar.com/en/news-613-Imprez...rom+Subaru.html http://subieclub.com/index.php?showtopic=297 http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/gassing/topic...=448260&i=0
  5. I almost did a sex wee at the green Porsche 997 GT3 RS. Light as a basket of soup.
  6. Hi welcome to the club. Gary Moulson at Keith Michaels is yer man - he posts on SIDC & ScoobyNet as Moley_WRX. He owns a Subaru so he knows all the mods etc. He CAN be a bit dificult to get hold of sometimes, but it's worth persevering. He's contactable on 0845 0138231 or 0208 6427868.
  7. Is that chapman guy who posts on here not an importer?
  8. This is the setup in my car - http://www.oob315.freeserve.co.uk/ICEsetup_new_24-05-06.pdf Head unit is a bit old now, but it might give you an idea about the speakers etc.
  9. You manage to get yours sold then Avalyn?
  10. I'll be there, leaving to go to Happendon in about 15 minutes. Should be there for 1pm.
  11. Wish I had £22K spare - thats fookin lovely.
  12. They mudflaps not end up scrapping the floor Gus? Yer motor looks awfy low to be puttin them on. Wish my work would hurry up & make a decision on their company car policy so I can decide what i'm doing
  13. Fancy a swap for an auld red blobeye Gus? Looks superb - whats next on the list of mods? Wee windie tint perhaps?
  14. Me too Iain. Too many 'What Ifs'. Glad to see your keeping hold of it though
  15. Sorry to hear that Kev - your only just down the road from me too. Hope your back behind the wheel again soon.
  16. Get it from Rich at Polished Bliss - http://www.polishedbliss.co.uk/acatalog/pb142wheels.html
  17. Unbelievably, Dave Richards of Prodrive and his wife have been involved in another helicopter accident today: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/essex/6997784.stm
  18. I just meant it as in victims of the accident, it's late and I struggled to come up with the words to convey what I was meaning.
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