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Everything posted by oobster

  1. One more: Don't get all grumpy now zeolite [] All 72 images I took today are on my photobucket - I'm not gonna clog up this thread with them all http://s32.photobucket.com/albums/d3/oobst...mediafilter=all
  2. A couple of modified Peugeot 206's
  3. Some Corsa VXR's A couple of nice mini's Is this a Skyline? A couple of cars we spotted in the car park on our way in Some nice old cars
  4. Looks superb Chris - Stevie Walker does some nice work [Y]
  5. Have a great holiday Iain & behave yourself []
  6. Nice quality pics for a camera phone Martin [Y] - nice sunstrip too! I'm more shocked that your car is clean - although the wheels aren't showing in either pic [] U need to get those headlights de-tango'd too, if you don't mind me saying so
  7. Hullo there & welcome to the forum [Y] Only advice I can give is cut up your credit card now - mods can be addictive!
  8. Spotted this over on SNet - but haven't seen it over here yet. http://bbs.scoobynet.com/scoobynet-general...keys-trunk.html Nice wee write-up of the run you guys organised for the American Navy guy a few months back. http://www.themonkeystrunk.com/ http://www.themonkeystrunk.com/issue03/JULY07ISSUE03.pdf
  9. As PaulC said - Gary Moulson at Keith Michaels is the one to go to. He owns a Subaru himself so he's good to talk to about what mods you have instead of some daft bint over in India who has never heard of a strut brace or a CAI. http://www.keithmichaels.co.uk/contact-car-insurance.php
  10. Aye it was quite good - the bit at the end with Isa on the park bench & the auld guy - "Aye, just let me finish up here" was class. I notice they aren't bothering with the auld-man makeup anymore on Jack & Victor. Compared to the older episodes you can see that they are just their normal middle-aged selves with wigs on.
  11. Tempting - very tempting! Thanks for all the advice folks - I'm going to try some of this collonite stuff next time we get a dry day (June 2008?) and see if that helps.
  12. Wow they are superb figures Simon - well done! [Y] Your going to have quite a few people forming a queue for a pax lap at the next track day eh!
  13. Hullo & welcome to the forum Stewart - that looks a very clean classic you have there [Y]
  14. Hi Peter - welcome to the forum. Your only about 13 miles away from Greers in Glengarnock. I've never used them myself (too far away) but plenty of folk on scottish scoobies have and they seem to come highly recommended. Maybe worth giving them a call or taking a nip over to get them to have a look at your car - don't take your wallet though, or you'll just end up spending loadsa money on mods! Greer Sport Racing (01505) 683388 Block, Unit 2 Caledonian Place, Lochshore Industrial Estate, Glengarnock KA14 3AZ Beith
  15. Superb - many congratulations [] [Y] Looking forward to seeing the pictures!
  16. Spotted you on Saturday afternoon blueboy - thats a nice car you've got there (assuming it's you that's got the J-plate silver hawkeye with the mesh grilles on the front?)
  17. I've got a brand-new claybar that i've never used, cheers Iain. [Y] So a claybar would take these marks out then? I didn't think of that to be honest. I'll give the 915 a try when I get the chance - hopefully that will provide the protection from the feckin birds. Where are you off to on holiday Iain? Might give you a shout when your back & you can give Dawn's new car a clean up [Y]
  18. Iain - i've got a tin of collonite 915 that I haven't got round to trying yet - do you have any experience of this product and if so is it likely to offer better paint protection AND a high gloss finish?
  19. As above - i've had to take the car down to Stevie Walkers twice in the last few weeks to have marks polished off the roof & bonnet caused by bird crap eating into the paint. I know the birds will be eating the berries off the trees etc at this time of the year and it's this that causes the damage but can any of our resident detailers/valeters recommend a good product to use that would help protect the paint? I had a mark on my car earlier today - I know the bird crap could only have been on the paint for a maximum of an hour and it was such that a t-cut wouldn't remove it. Getting a bit fed up having to go check the car in the drive every hour. I thought about buying a cover for it but they are £200+ and I don't have that kind of cash at the moment. I already use Blackfire All Finish Paint Protection on it.
  20. No point being the richest man in the graveyard I suppose!
  21. Two chances mate nain n F........[] Are yeah going on Wednesday night neebs? If so I'll take yeah fur a wee blast. Failing that an evening early next week? Gus Naw no goin this Wednesday. But aye, geez a shout - would like a blast though (so that when I get back in mine I know what a REAL scoob feels like! [] ) Only jokin 'big baws'
  22. You, sir, have TOO much money. Nice car, but share the wealth!
  23. Get it selt and get yersell a nice blobeye again - go on, you know you want to []
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