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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. I understand it John. If you do a lot of miles then get a nice audio setup installed. I even see the point of the competition stuff. It's as pointful or pointless as any other competition anyone else takes part in!
  2. By christ there's some ugly cars there. Was Stevie Wonder judging? That gold digger thing - is it a pug? Can it generate enough power to move itself and the other car worth of MDF strapped to it? I love the paint though! If I ever needed to hide dodgy blend lines and panel gaps that landrover would send back then I know that I'd go for cheap whore gold fleck. Celica - looks like it had an accident with a tin of yellow dulux. I just don't understand some of the modifying scene in this country. They can't make their mind up between show, go and sound. You can't have it all so why try? Pick a style and go for it - rally slag, street racer, show car, audio car etc. etc. Ugh.
  3. Davie, I had a go in a Cayman a few weeks back and it was really rather nice. Fantastic to look at in red with the optional rear wing and lovely anthracite rims. Performance wise - clearly very capable round the corners but engine was a bit lacklustre. Not very comfortable for the taller/larger gentleman either I have to say, but that's fine if the lady's not 6 foot 4 and built like an outhouse. Been in my mate's cayenne too and it's also very nice.
  4. It's simple really - new age WRX = 5x100, new age STI up to and including 03/04 = 5x100, new age STI 05 onwards 5x114.3
  5. Very sad indeed. Condolences to the families and friends.
  6. I remember someone saying to me they were just snake oil and didn't really do anything at all.
  7. You have to ask yourself - are you modifying now for modifying's sake? Is there anything wrong with the earthing on your current car?
  8. It's like buying a race horse to work in the fields. Waste of a good car.
  9. Mine's a daily driver. If I'm being honest I can't see me buying a compromise car again. Next purchase will be a track/sprint/climbs car next year hopefully. However, I'd never have gotten into tracks if I'd never owned this car.
  10. Don't think it won any of those. Took part yes.
  11. Any man who refers to any car as "cute" has given up all rights to be taken seriously.
  12. The MX5 is the soft top to go for if you can't afford that F430 Spyder. Which lets face it - if we all clubbed together we'd still be struggling. I think it's a great choice for something that will be properly fun Scott and should put a smile on your face.
  13. Good news John. Boyndie sounded like it was a good weekend. Maybe try and get up there next year all being well. All set for the next round then?
  14. Walbro 255lph pump is the choice for anyone doing stage 1 mods John and it's not expensive. Available from just about anywhere I imagine. Give places like Hypertech (01324 812212) or Extreme a phone as they're nearest you possibly? Dastek in dalgety bay too. I got mine off ebay pretty quickly and for about £60, but that's a gamble if you need it urgently. Try other online stockists maybe?
  15. I've seen just over 300 a couple of times on some motorway runs. I get more mileage now with the remap and more power.
  16. Dinnae panic about the shirts! They're more popular than tamagotchis.
  17. Better safe than sorry though. If all you can get is 95 then there's no point getting stupid numbers and risking an engine.
  18. Oh aye, it's not a Pulsar. I should look more carefuly!
  19. Is it an electronic one or a mechnical one? My defi one is electronic, so it's t-d into a vacuum hose which then runs to the sensor. The electronic output of that is then fed back into the car for use by the defi system.
  20. It's got a good time attack look to it now, but I don't like the shake and bake thing at all. Just not in keeping with the rest of the car.
  21. P1. Good choice. Welcome to the forums.
  22. At least you were trying in the rain. There was a few that looked very cautious.
  23. Did you not take a wee excursion into the green stuff on that run too Arch? It did clear really quickly though which was good.
  24. Well it was an interesting weekends racing at Forrestburn. A rather wet Saturday morning and it sort of dried up later on, then a glorious Sunday until 20 to 2 when the heavens opened for about 10 minutes. Anyway, two sets of photos - Saturday and Sunday A few of my favourites:
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