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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. Aye. My face got burnt the other day so decided I needed a hat. I did get £7.50 off my petrol though, so never mind.
  2. See I read that and I just see a lot of "it's not our fault we're making so much money". I don't blame the oil companies from making big profits - they are a business not a charity. However I think profits could be scaled back a touch and the government should scale back the tax a bit too. Make everyone just a little bit happier. For the record - I just bought one of those v-power diesel £1.99 hats last night. So I really don't hate shell at all.
  3. Are we talking car related deals or just deals in general? I tend to read http://www.hotukdeals.com/ for deals.
  4. Nahh, it's much cleaner lines than the storm kit. After my 10th perusal through Hyper Rev (the issue I have is more focussed on the newage btw) then try either "Liberal" or "C-West".
  5. It is legal at the moment. Unless an MOT station says otherwise........
  6. 10 days to go now. Thought I'd give this a bump up to the list.
  7. Darren, I'm on my second pass of Hyper rev issue 115, which is their 5th Impreza volume. They have loads of bodykits listed but I can't see yours quite yet. It's not only all in Japanese but backwards too!
  8. Clever. Not grammatically correct though for the grammar nazis out there
  9. No matter what you type in the topic title box it changes it and capitalises the first letter of every word and the rest are small.
  10. Off this week so got some time to get this sorted. I need someone with the personal friendly touch so please don't post them up here and just send me a wee message instead.
  11. I don't think you'll have any problems witht he gearing round Knockhill. It will sit a bit high up the revs on the motorway, but it's a small price to pay for a great car I'd say.
  12. John, on Saturday when you were taking that right hander after the hairpin you were getting some really good 2 or 3 wheel action. I was trying my hardes to catch it but I don't think the pictures quite do it justice. I like standing down there as you get a good view. I'll get Sunday's up later hopefuly. I only had 950 to go through!
  13. There was a sprint at Kames on Saturday and Sunday. A few familiar faces were there and a few missing. Here's some shots from Saturday. The rest are on Flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/st3ph3n/sets/72157606537854496/ Now I need to do Sunday's shots!
  14. We don't get the x-games live over here anymore and it's usually buried in the TV schedules late at night weeks after it takes place so thanks for posting that. The video itself was very moving as Linky said.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VP4tj7mdLdU - Wilky at work.
  16. There's probably a lot of people already have them so you might not get a huge amount of takers.
  17. The sheep and goats wont know what's hit them. Good luck Wilky you mad trout.
  18. It's OBD2 it uses. I guess if he has standard diagnostic software it can pick it up. If you're "lucky" it'll be one of the standard "consumables" like the MAF Edit: Beaten by Al by a few seconds!
  19. http://www.racecarsdirect.com/viewlisting.php?view=18064 Anyone want to loan me 60k?
  20. The award for the gayest website ever goes to them!
  21. C'mon now Andy - you've seen how we do things. It's only 10 PRINT "HELLO ST3PH3N" Then someone has to run it again. Need to keep people in a job somehow!
  22. Think someone must have! Dale - the project I've been working on for 9 months is due to go live on the 18th. The sunday of the gathering is last day of recess for the Parliament and my system has to deliver a crap load of official documentation starting from about a week before that. Now I wrote it so it should work 100% perfect. However - I wrote the damn thing so you never know! Fingers are well and truly crossed on my part.
  23. I'm with KM just now too so you'll be getting your renewal in soon I'd think. Will try Adrian Flux and A plan I think. Did a quick check on confused and with a few fibs (no mods) just to get a quote then it would seem the KM price isn't too far above what they're showing. Maybe I should phone Churchill as he gaurantees to beat your quote. That is assuming you are John Smith of middle Englandcestershire and you're a middle manager with 2.4 kids, a wife, a mistress, a dog called rex, full NCB and nothing but a parking ticket to your name.
  24. Davie, the Dakar is in January mate and when you come back with half a tonne of sand in the back then Hertz will not be chuffed.
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