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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. That sums up my views quite nicely yes.
  2. A justified complaint. Talking on the phone whilst driving is not on. Neither is smoking. (flame jacket on)
  3. You can only have a custom avatar if you are a paid up member.
  4. Will try and get down Ally. Been really busy and not managed a Glasgow meeting in ages!
  5. The online shop will have had 555 items added. Or more likely if there's 3 pre-sold then 552 items added. Whenever someone buys one it will decrease that number.
  6. It's not a kit though. It's real panels. You'll have to make love to Dave Richards.
  7. Welcome to the forums Jamie. Where abouts are you from?
  8. Is this like the tumble generator valve delete?
  9. They're nice enough wheels, but I like the originals. I think keeping it looking lean and subtle is the way to go though.
  10. Nice car. Also unsure of the rear lights though. Welcome to the forums.
  11. John, if it was LAW then could you list it has having one careful owner of a particular gender?
  12. Colin - I think a lot of the insurance companies are doing it now. Admiral and Direct Line spring to mind. However - I know my mate has his kit car insured with a completely different company for low mileage and his other policy and car is certainly factored into the price as they know the toy isn't an every day thing.
  13. Is that the new tow car John?
  14. Ahhhh, I thought it would have been where the Auctioneers are based not the company. My mistake. They hold monthly auctions in hillington. My mate used to keep us informed of anything interesting.
  15. Craig - they're based in Hillington so not too far for you to go for a look.
  16. Good project Al. I had specced one up a good few years ago now when the mini-itx boards were just coming out. The problem back then was the sat nav aspect which was basically not doable at the time so glad you've got that part sussed.
  17. If you open the video and watch some of Clash Production's other stuff you'll certainly enjoy it. Their style and substance mix is excellent. It's how motorsport should be shown. Obviously with commentary from Toby and Jules from MotoGP. Served with a cold beer.
  18. http://vimeo.com/1975245 Nice. Very nice.
  19. J - your nearest specialist might be Extreme in Whitburn. Welcome too.
  20. Cracking read again Archie. Was a good year for you against some competitive cars. Next year will hopefully be even better. I've started doing the same on Paul's new website - http://ninjabogey.wordpress.com/
  21. I think I paid 111 in Larkhall yesterday. Veep is certainly down because of the crash in Oil prices, which is in turn a result of the Financial F**kup that's ongoing. Once markets right themselves then we'll see Oil recover somewhat and petrol stabilising. Possibly not to the point it was at a few months ago straight away though.
  22. So Andy was driving the lateral car? Great result. Always like watching the touring cars from that track.
  23. Yes. We're having that Paul. Still not decided on a number plate placement?
  24. Mate of mine used to work with the auctioneers. Also tools from memory!
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