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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. Halleys did mine in pairs too. Which might have been a first for them to do something right.
  2. Reallllllly. Mine was much less than that but it is 3 years old now. Nice to know I could get more than my money back for it as I still have the box.
  3. I either got mine from eBay or from a company called toy east. It's an official product though.
  4. Don't think you'll get a proper swrt one in tesco but you'll get the regular one. Do the regular ones have the diecast panels? I've also got the mini non transformable version at work. Got that from forbidden planet.
  5. Had mine for a few years. Picture above is obviously a bit of clever photoshopping
  6. Better than the 2009 SWRT uniform though:
  7. I was actually going to get the ken block ones and not the SRT ones. I was merely pointing them out. The clothing is pretty cool though? Nothing wrong with my speedcats either! Grant people in yellow cars shouldn't throw stones
  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/DC-Volcano-SRT-Team-Su...ZUS_Men_s_Shoes From this range - http://store.dcshoes.com/Subaru/RallyTeamGear.aspx - real shame it's not available over here. My folks are over in America in the summer so think I'll place an order!
  9. L555 BAA surely belongs in Aberdeen on a white car! Anyone remember a Garage Trial NSX that was in Banzai a few years back? They build a fine car.
  10. "T7 ACY" would look better though Or "B4 NAN" or something like that.
  11. Looks like a cracker Grant. You wouldn't have suited going to something less subtle. As has already been said - good to see you sticking with the corporate colour scheme.
  12. Got a letter from them this morning to say that had been my last issue. I must have counted wrong. Says they're going to bi-monthly too. I guess the plan to go monthly wasn't doable afteral! Tempting to subscribe again now though as there probably is content for it.
  13. that they weren't expecting? Could have sworn my subscription had run out and I'd definitely not renewed it. But one arrived yesterday.
  14. I somehow think you'll manage John. It seems to be the little jobs that pile up. I've been helping Paul get his new car ready for the season and it forever seems like there's still wee bits here and there to be sorted. A wee bit of SIDC assistance has come in very handy with a good contact for some engine help though.
  15. On course to be ready for competition John?
  16. <--- The mug that parked next to him! I moved it rather sharpish though!
  17. Honda really should have brought some of their exciting models to the UK. THe last integra for a start. That said it should have been RWD too.......
  18. Always good to see some snow driving. My own scandi flick yesterday was hand brake assisted, but still most enjoyable. Great way to get into the driveway.
  19. Rather than on the assumption that the throttle is stuck wide open? Came home tonight and met that other danger on a snowy roads - local kids armed with snowballs. Managed to put them off by going down the main street sideways ish. I find the scoob quite predictable going forward in the snow.
  20. Can't quite believe it Jim. Dreadful way to lose a car. Carrying on to Crail too - well done mate. You're a man of good taste as that car was a complete stunner and I hope you'll follow it up with something even nicer.
  21. John, try Car Medic in Bothwell (http://www.freeindex.co.uk/profile(car-medic)_6702.htm). It's run by some neighbours of mine and they do good work.
  22. Remember that last one after you ship it in from the states will cost you nearly a grand
  23. It'll be worth it in the end though Arch. Still got a while yet to get everything ship shape.
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