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Everything posted by st3ph3n

  1. Just done it the now cal. 1280 images up now. If you want EVEN bigger then touch my goat with the names of the ones you like.
  2. That advert with the motorbike crash is so misleading. It doesn't appear in the first clip, no wonder the guy didn't see it!
  3. Could be John. All to try and stop these bikers killing themselves! Does mean that if we get it all working properly then Paul might need a speedo healer to unlock maximum revs in 6th. Not that any of the circuits in Scotland should require that at this moment in time. Especially with East Fortune off the calendar.
  4. We ended up building this last night. The 5v Voltage regulator with a wee extra resistor just to knock it down to within the tolerance zone of 4.5 to 4.9v. That all worked great and when were wired it into the loom and turned the ignition on we were getting 4.88v reading through it which was spot on. Unfortuantely it didn't solve the problem so I think Paul is going to source a speed sensor and be done with it. He's spoken to someone today who says that it needs to be a pulsed signal rather than a constant on. Damn those clever jap ecu makers!
  5. http://www.flickr.com/photos/st3ph3n/sets/72157616043591144/ Have uploaded more of mine. Had left it last night uploading them all but it seemed to have fallen over at some stage as Flickr went down. I've also for some reason only uploaded 1024x768 images when I meant to put up bigger ones. So more tonight and will replace the current ones with bigger images. If anyone fancies any prints then touch my goat.
  6. Corsa - you should stop using tonypic as it uses a rubbish image compression. Good pictures though.
  7. Right. Turns out we have an ex-maplin man in the office so we're going to try the 7805 you suggested John. Pop down to Maplins in Hamilton tonight for the bits then give it a whirl. Thanks for the help everyone.
  8. John - Paul wants to know if there's an idiot's guide for slow children as he's struggling with that one!
  9. They have the power, they can rebuild you! So if I see your car about should I phone it in as stolen - or worse - wife at the wheel?
  10. Thanks for the replies chaps. It's not for my car though, for a mates bike engined one and he asked me for my electronics knowledge. Unfortunately I've forgotten everything I learned 12 years ago when I did my module b in electronic construction in high school. Will look at the options with him in the morning. The wiring loom has a couple of wee issues and we think supplying this signal would solve one of them.
  11. Chaps, how would I step down 12v from a battery to between 4.5v and 5v? Trying to fool an ECU here!
  12. Good shots colin. You losing your crash magnet a wee bit?
  13. I take it the marshalls finally let people go further than mcintyres in the end? Wanted to get some shots nearer the chicane so was annoyed we weren't getting through.
  14. Good to meet you today Mr Crank. Here's a couple of my personal faves from the day. Will post the rest up when I've had a chance to batter through them all. Loved the lens I'd hired. Really shouldn't have used the IS on it so much as I wanted to try and test it without! Getting away with a 1/40 hand held shot is a very good feeling indeed! (Images removed, see here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/st3ph3n/sets/72157616043591144/ for the entire collection in bigger sizes)
  15. Glad you appear to have got away with what sounds from all accounts as a big off Stuart. I'll get some pics up later maybe. Got some nice ones with the hire lens. Oh and it was cold today. Properly cold. I was upat a trackday in November and it was positively carribean like then compared to today. Still trying to get feeling in my toes.
  16. The last text of the first post is "let me know what you think. geo". So people did. If you don't want an opinion then don't ask for it. George did though. It's an interesting take on the subject at hand - the car - but to my eyes it's not hugely enjoyable to look at. The last picture itself is really nicely composed (in my opinion) and without the very stylised processing I think to me it would look great. But the beauty of art is that it's the viewer and consumer who decides if they like it or not and enough people here have said they enjoyed it so good on them. I think the mona lisa is a dreadful painting, but it doesn't stop it being worth millions.
  17. Looks nice, but not a huge fan of the HDR stuff.
  18. The car which wont be at Knockhill more than likely as I'm probably coming up with my mate in his tow car. How I'll look at knockers:
  19. Broomhouse drive? I'd imagine the fire was started by the local snipers!
  20. Just realised that he'd not been in. I've not been at a meet for ages so maybe he's been seen in the real world and just not in the fake world
  21. Haven't seen him post for a while. Is he still here?
  22. Good news that you're making progress Arch. Manifold is looking nice.
  23. Kames, Boyndie and Golspie are Circuits I suppose John
  24. So what circuits might you be seeing then John?
  25. A9 might be dull as there was very fee cars entered in it last year.
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