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Everything posted by JohnSt

  1. PM replied Sorry no pics, if I get a chance I'll take some. ---john---
  2. Top for some updates
  3. As above, I'll be sticking them on Scoobynet and 22B but I thought I'd give the local boys first shout From my Competition car TD05/06 Bought from Andy about 100miles use. £600 Megan headers, about the same use, I've had a proper flexi fitted, the Megan one is sh!te. £150 Shiney Alloy Header tank, fits PH1 + 1.5 £40 More bits to follow. ---john---
  4. Dave, if I'm anything, I'm a relentless Barsteward ---john---
  5. The Auld Guys' obviously nodded off (it was him that started this... not me.... 1314 rules) Oh well I'll expect an answer after the Meals on Wheels have been round tomorrow.
  6. Found the site and the time is not there on the day... what a load of pants, and they have David and I mixed up in the car at different times ? Very Amature, but then that was also the impression about running a sprint there on the day..... !! PS David and I both concur about the time to the hundredth.
  7. Do you do lessons Old Yin ?
  8. Not really into this straight line thing, was only ever at Crail once, and thats cause we were invited as they were trying to get a license for a sprint track.... Might go again though because the car was positively lathargic then compaired to now, it was a 2L with TD05, STi5 Box, standard diffs and a lot hevier than now. It's now a 2.5L with 20G, Dog box, diffs still standard but awfy light. Would be interested to see how high I could move up the order of merit. ---john---
  9. Stage 1 & 2 Del. ---john---
  10. I guess some peoples talents restrict them to driving is straight lines
  11. Del, EACC are running Stage 1 & 2 if you want something to do ? ---john---
  12. I have a set of black 15"s, they might even look familiar to you You want them back ? ---john---
  13. I know a guy that would happily fit the gearbox to your new car for you, gratis !!! If he got your old car of course
  14. 1) 9.81 AndyF 2) 11.?? WOOSH@AWD 1.5BAR BOOST AND A TAD NOS THEN !BANG! OOOP'S 3) 11.9 Simmie 4) 12.35 WOOSH@AWD 1 BAR BOOST @106.4MPH 2005 5) 12.36 BUBBA @ AWD 1.3 BAR BOOST @115MPH 2002-03 6) 12.6 Rs Grant .. (GT4) 7) 12.7 JASONB.............1.3 bar boost @110.5mph 8) 12.8 Jc scoob 9) 12.9 Col 666 10) 12.9 Playsatan 11) 13.07 JohnSt (when car was a 2.0L) 12) 13.3 Hi Scoob 13) 13.3 FAI17 14) 13.3 JohnnyR6 15) 13.4 Iqy
  15. PM Incoming Grant
  16. Interested... PM me with as much as you can tell me about the spec/what interior missing etc ?
  17. Hmmm, My MY98 PPP, 280miles pretty consistently (60L tank) My MY97 Wag, 310-320miles (60L tank) My MY94 RA 2.5, 4.5 - 6miles (10L tank) ---john---
  18. I Think Big Daz's wee pic is only 'average' Check this one out Bouncy
  19. Which/who's Impreza did 58 John ?
  20. As above ... ESP
  21. Erm... can I still come to this if the car is the most fecked up thing you've seen. Was at Alford (Sprint) today, fellow competitors clutch let go so offered a 2nd drive in mine. Resulted in car meeting with two of those BIG circular Hay bails that are lying around all of the fields at the moment (they use them as barriers). Car does not look very clever (on either side), but should still go OK, albeit on the standard shortmotor with a few things turned down. ---john---
  22. 1. RS Grant - ST205 GT4 WRC 2. Martin (Spooks' Mate) - Evo FQ 320 New Age 3. Spooks - Bugeye WRX 4. ImprezaPete - Bugeye WRX 5. JamesF - Blobeye WRX 6. Irish AL - Blobeye WRX 7. Fai 17 - Blobeye STi 8. Chris Gumball3000 - Blobeye STi 9. Gordyno1 - Blobeye WR1 10. Stringy - Bugeye WRX 11. SMA01 - Blobeye STi FMIC Classic 12. Playsatan2 - Classic Type R with FMIC 13. coulty - Classic STi with FMIC 14. Matt - Classic STi with FMIC 15. Alan - Classic with FMIC 16. Jcscoob - classic FMIC 17. BaldyAdonis - Classic FMIC 18. Dipsy - classic 19. WRC No 1 - Classic Wagon 20. Stevo - Classic Wagon 21. drb5 - Classic Gravel Spec RA 22. Marc 29 - Classic STI V4 23. Scott P1 - Classic P1 24. TheSquirrel555 Classic 25. 2559B - Classic RB5 26. Gordyq - Classic 27. Lessels - Classic 28. WRX Girly 29. P1Sub - Classic P1 30. RX7 Baz- Classic Reserve List 1. Provisional John ST ('94 RA) 2. Provisional John ST (Evo 2)
  23. Progrip 01324 810111
  24. Hi Guys, EACC are marshalling the Drummond Hill Stage, if anyone want's a good spot and a High Visability vest to help keep the rain out give John Frew a call on 07733257047 ---John Stevenson---
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