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Everything posted by JohnSt

  1. Sprints on both days this weekend again guys if anyone fancies a day out watching some cars being thrashed. ---john---
  2. The red and white one, and it can do 9 laps of Kames on a tank. I'm hoping it can do 1.9 laps of Knockhill on the same tank, but it's gonig to be close ---john---
  3. Progrip in Bonnybridge squared mine up recently, though I'm not telling the settings. Very professional and VERY reasonable. Now who wants to take my car on round a track ?
  4. Hello, gearbox out and stripped, nothing to serious, 5th gear selector broken, jamming car in 3rd. Thankfully this is a nice cheap Subaru bit and not a nice expensive PPG bit. I was royally pissed off on the day, as after second practise time, things were looking V good for championship points, and I'd already leathered the class record (which only counts in the competition runs). Pretty sure that the engine mounts are the root cause of the issue so will be solid mounting the engine in the car to try to resolve future issues. May 14-15th is the next one if anyones interested in coming along. ---john---
  5. Should have stayed at home, come to Kames and kept an eye out for those Scottish 2.5L Scoobs. ---john---
  6. I just received my Finals from Scottish Sporting today Eric, so they'll either be on the mat when you go home tonight, or they'll arrive tomorrow, you are listed though so nothing to worry about. ---john---
  7. Eric, that is not the correct attitude, I can see you need some counselling in the ways of 'Red Mist Fever' Since you are coming all the way down for Sunday, why not enter Saturday and make a weekend of it, the social side Say night is also quite good. ---john---
  8. Just a wee thought. It's to late for this weekend, but maybe when the place is open for the weekend later in the year, SIDC could have a wee meet/camping/BBQ affair, watch the action during the day, get rat ersed by night, plenty of time to get home on the Sunday. I'm sure EACC would not object, for a very small hiring/entry fee, an area could be sectioned off for it. The GTi club and Saxo club come every year and fill the place, they have a great time. Advantages, Plenty of parking/camping space Motorsports to watch Food facilities on site (though limited this weekend) Run a concourse ? 9 hole golf course next door if you want to chill. Pub with function suit 100 yards away/ pub crawl can be arranged Very cheap accomodation 100 yards away if you have a tent phobia If SIDC PL insurance is in order, a track evening (Pre the drinking session) any thoughts anyone ? Del, one for you ? Ayrshire big one ?
  9. Spooks is right, MOST of the drivers don't bite....just F*ck off and don't bother me though !! Ony Kidding !!
  10. Yes, and I echo what Doug says
  11. It's an automatic number plate recognition system. Spoke to a traffic cop about it. ---john---
  12. I was formally addressing the Ayrshire organiser by his 'given' Sunday name to pay respect to his vaulted position... after we meet this weekend I'm sure we will be able to dispense with formallities and I'll be able to question his parentage in the same way I'm dubious about most people I've met on here
  13. Hi Derek..... brutally quick, a real bugger to launch though. Yep, there both days. ---john---
  14. Double header Sprints on at Kames this weekend. Entry ain't to big on Sat so Sunday would be better for Spectating. ---john---
  15. TAV.... Hell Yes !!!
  16. Alternative... TAV transmisions... Embra
  17. Hi Dave, sorry to take so long to respond, been away this weekend. drop me a PM and I'll give you a call to arrange when convenient for you. ---john--- P.S. What kind of beer do you drink ?
  18. Dave, Can't promise it a good home, but the Armco at Doune would most likely buff out those marks (I want some doors to cut and shut to lighten the car a bit more). http://img178.exs.cx/img178/7949/pict01712ek.jpg
  19. I have it on file somewhere............... ah yes it's here............ www.yell.com.............ya lasy barsteward !!!!
  20. Pitcairns, Banknock
  21. Seems to be a few opinions, don't think it can be a 'gps locator' as GPS devices are purely receivers. Nor are GPS devices, whatever their purpose illegal. If it is some kind of speed detection technology, then it must be new as the thing is very wee compaired to anything else around. I've searched UK speedtraps and others and find no mention of anything like this. Willie, are you speaking from knowledge or guessing ? This seems more plausable to me. ---john---
  22. Has anyone seen traffic cars in Strathclyde with a wee white cylinder on their roofs, about 4-6" in Diameter and about the same deep ? Anyone know what they are I've seen three now. ---john---
  23. Onto M8 west, off at J19 (SECC). Turn left onto Argyle St, continue on through 2 sets lights, turn left into West Campbell St, Continue to next set lights and DVLA is a wee door on your right hand side before going through the lights onto Waterloo St. ---john---
  24. Neil, just had a PM from Ian, thanks for sorting me out, come see your lever in the red 4dr at Alford or Fintray this year. ---john---
  25. Neil, that lever would be ideal. Where are you located ? ---john---
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