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Everything posted by JohnSt

  1. Derek, just so that there is no future mis-understanding
  2. Cal, need a lever, not a knob... is that what you have ? ---john---
  3. Nope, I'm much better looking and more well endowed than the dude you saw !! He was probabluy driving a green 4dr or a Red 5dr, but deffo not me............. I 'looked at you thinking the same thing but got no acknowledgment...so assumed I was mistaken... (that and the fact you were in a ...) Can't remember...Honda, I think ! Dooh, just realised your post mention a Red Wagon, that would be the ball and chains car !!!
  4. Cum-On, one of you must have a standard gear lever lying around after fitting yout 'quick shift' . I'll collect, I'll give you money, why is it gathering dust in the garage ? ---john---
  5. Cough...don't listen to comentators, they report what they knew three years before. RA is as much mine as David's. Car will be dual entered still. It's the way to do it, half development cost, only slight worry is doubling the prang risk.....but then I do have two spare Impreza's and a Fiesta that will fit in the same class !!
  6. Hi there, Doune 16th - 17th, Kames 23rd-24rth April....etc. etc.
  7. Anyone have a standard gear lever for a pre 97 car ? ---john---
  8. Part Timers, I'm just in from the garage after working on the car tonight !! ---john---
  9. I've used loads of different pads and Red stuff are cack, I went from new to metal in two hours. Never tried yellows however if they wear at the same rate as reds I wouldn't touch them. My choice would be Ferrodo 2500s or 3000s. ---john---
  10. Thanks Carl, I know Rich, I'll call him tomorrow. One of the quicker boys round Kames, though his cigars stink ---john---
  11. Thanks ---john---
  12. Doug, what you wanting for the pump ?
  13. Can't understand why no one has yet mentioned.... 0. Baseball cap in worn 'in car' , esp Burberry ones. Get your flamer kit off, it's no big and its no clever !!
  14. Hi Mark, you should have a PM from Grant, get in touch. ---john---
  15. Hi guys, if it helps, EACC and the West Association in conjunction with the MSA are holding a training day at Kames, tentative date is May 22nd. Here you will be taught to use rally clocks to time stage start/stop and all sorts of other safety related issues. This will give you the tick in the book required to obtain a Marshals license. If you marshal at three rallies and attend this course then you get a grade 3 license. Can anyone think of a better way to be 'invited' to rally GB with no spectator entry fee ? Also for anyone interested, Ian, Corsa, EACC and Coltness are running a series of 4 Rally Time trials (Gravel sprints) at Kames Starting April 3rd. Very cheap value for money fun, limited to 2WD. Regs available soon. Anyone with a Rally car in the garage, no money to do a stage rally, roll up. Entry (yet to be finalised) well less than three figures. No co-driver necessary, double entered cars encouraged, time for the Navs to show the drivers they are the Daddies !!! ---john--- Get in touch, my number is on www.eastayrshirecc.co.uk
  16. For Tyres......Jim Dickson, Cumbernauld, 10 mins Falkirk, 15 mins Stirling. For Toyos they are the Daddies. 01236-720205 you won't regret it !!!!!
  17. Ooops, PM facility now on. Heading out the door (taxi waiting), so unless you're quick you'll miss me. cheers ---john---
  18. Can someone PM me it, I've lost it !! ---john---
  19. Reverse gear doesn't have syncro !! However it shouldn't crunch either. ---john---
  20. you've obviously not had squirels in the attic eating your wiring. No offence meant..... Still want the Lambda though ---John---
  21. Get him to call Liam at Glenburgie
  22. CAn I be 1st reserve on the lambda if the 'Rodent' doesn't take it ? ---john---
  23. No... Two words...add Drunk, and usually when competing
  24. Ah, coincidentally the Main sponsor of the Kames Trophy Rally and the man who installed the Grass at my house (though I didn't realise at the time) .............Allan Barr
  25. I will keep you informed on this thread !!
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