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Everything posted by scooby222

  1. Stu ive never met you so il reserve judgement on your own motives but you couldnt be further from the truth, theres no glory or glamour here just people who want to see the club grow and prosper. the people your accusing of showboating have this year organised or help organise many of the events up here including the scottish national day at alford and fundraising throughout the year for santacruise, working quietly in the background giving up their own valuable free time for no reward - in fact Glyn(ballistic) donated his services as medic at Alford this year to ensure the charity fundraising tracktime could go ahead. the reason if you really want to know we started asking what the committee was doing was that when we asked for a portion of the scottish supporters additional fee to make up some new promotional materials we were told the money wasnt there. youve done great work with modernising true grip and im sure plenty of other good work that no one knows about but so have most if not all the RO's. to be honest im at the stage where im sick of people backing theyre favourites not whats best for the club, after all if the RO's dont know about what the comittee's planning who's responsibility is that? we can only act with what were given and at the moment we're not given enough. i hope this is all settled and we can move on quickly but i suspect theres been too much bad blood created for the club to remain whole whoever wins the vote
  2. nae luck Ciaran! maybe youl get a shift change! cheers scoobchef, more the merrier and any advice is welcome quick question for my route planning, after last year and the pebble dashing are single track roads ok or to be avoided?
  3. hmm id go for the litchfield definitely - all the scoob youl ever need i reckon
  4. ahem care to back that up Doc? 2 years and 12k miles with no problems so far - now reaching for everything wooden in sight....
  5. try revolution in newcastle, pretty sure they bought up the last of the genuine pff7's dont know how many are left though!
  6. thats fine, as its for the missus im hoping a hug is all she'd be looking for in a brothel.... thats the sort of news im after Craig, no extra servicing needs?
  7. ooh shiny! you been polishing yours Del?
  8. shame on you Bobby!! ah well im sure youl enjoy scratching the itch lol, get some pics up when it arrives - got any mods planned for it?
  9. ive had bc's on my car for 2 years now with no problems, one of the best things ive done to the car - against the standard suspension its a bargain
  10. agv, shoei or arai you really cant go wrong i fancied an agv for my first helmet but just didnt feel comfortable whereas the arai fitted like a glove,on my 4th one now an rx7 rr and i wouldnt even look at another make,its not brand snobbery they are that good
  11. its good for you, keeps your licnce safe
  12. welcome along mate, cracking looking wagon - thought about modding it at all? if not you soon will lol
  13. ouch! havent seen that before! id imagine either subaru or a scrappy would be your best bet - id go with the second but then im tight lol!
  14. anyone know anything about how well scoobs run on lpg? other halfs seen one she likes the look of...
  15. px welcome as long as its something more useful - so bag of peanuts upwards.... no test drives without proof of insurance - and be warned she needs regular fuel top ups!
  16. mmmmmmmm! for sale, one girlfriend, slightly used condition but still many miles left in her, relatively cheap to run, comes with steady supply of fresh horse meat offers around £30k............
  17. i know from my 306 rallye days that white wheels on white cars can often make the car look grubby id stick with the rb wheels, theyre top quality and i think the black on white look works really well on your car mate
  18. let us know what you think once youve tried them out
  19. spot on Glyn - but no need to pick on Cathy for embracing the 'spirit' of the thing :biggrinsanta: and it was amazing. as soon as you left the place got brighter, people laughed more, the hotel laid on free drink and topless dancers.... cheers guys, sinny and s25yme was great to meet you guys and your more glamorous halves, hope to see you at something again soon - just dont expect me to sing every time.....
  20. looks amazing, like you i cant wait to see when shes all finished - definitely a worthy successor to the white bug!
  21. thanks everyone for the positive comments, glad everyone enjoyed it as much as i did :kerstsmiley: huge thanks to everyone who came along and made this such a fantastic success both new and old faces - just proves what a fantastic bunch of people we have in the club so give yourselves a large pat on the back once again a massive thanks to Bobby and Gary for supplying their excellent disco service to us personal highlights have to include Grants eyes lighting up as the wheres stiggy book was unwrapped, Cathys repeated death defying slides across the floor, Bobby and Tams wig wearing antics (first the pink bathrobe now a blonde wig - something youd like to share with us Tam? ) and of course watching Bobby trying to figure out how to open the bar door as he headed off to find mags and his cock rub at 3am..... did someone mention doing it again? anyone not there next year gets me carol singing at their door :biggrinsanta:
  22. chhers Gus, we'l do our best and you mean some people will be drinking!!!! :biggrinsanta:
  23. godspeed offer a years warranty but try using it - i know of 2 other members on here who like me have vibration issues as soon as theres any heat in the discs and godspeeds response is take the discs off and send them back so we can check them. may just be a faulty batch but considering how much i spent on them they dont perform as well as the standard discs with the mintex pads having been in badbaz's car at kames i can say the performance friction pads and discs do work very well
  24. think as mentioned above as performance are pretty good on price and service - last time i got 1144's from AWD they were about 90 quid for the sti brembo's
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