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Everything posted by paulc555

  1. Hi folks....not long back from holiday..thought I would catch up.... A question though for the computer folk...... I had to replace yesterday my broadband modem wireless router....my bt one was cacked.......still under warranty so no problem changing although i couldnt get the same one and opted for a Belkin 54G alternative....all seems to be going fine on the connection front with no drop offs and disconnecting that I had been experincing before however...... is it my imagination..or is it possible... running unfortunately much to my disgust with a 512kb line.....we are right on the edge of the exchange and BT have no plans to upgrade not sure why with all the building around here...anyway.... is it possible for my service provider the dreaded AOL to alter the speed at which I receive data.....I was convinced they did this to make me move from dial up to broadband...and now shortly after I have been offered an upgrade to the next package and speed everything has slowed up again.....its painful....... there is no point in me changing if the line capacity is only 512kb..even if they are offering 6mb.....so can they alter the speed as a method of forcing change...???? after all that typing I bet I get a one word answer.... Paul
  2. Tony There are numerous companies recommended right across the board....If your an SIDC member you could try Keith Michaels Insurance who has special deals for club members....if not other good shouts from previous posts include APlan who I found very good in the past...also Elephant. It all depends on the type of car....be it UK or Import..standard or modified... Start with any of the above and you wont be far wrong.. Paul
  3. Steelgrey.....its the way forward.........mark my words....[]
  4. bttt for the weekend viewers
  5. Shaun So sorry to see that mate.....just glad your okay and managed to walk away from a real nasty one...you will be missed on the scene mate ....lets just hope when things get sorted and you get a chance to reflect on all the good things that you gained from scoob ownership..you might just venture back in one... take care mate....keep in touch eh.... Paul
  6. Now in events thread..... thanks Paul
  7. there is a thread somewhere if you search for it...but basically go to www.photobucket.com open an account ..upload pictures.....copy and paste links into your message on the forum.....best to resize any pictures down to at least 800x600 incase you have used a mega mega mega mega pixel camera.... although I am an idiot and this might be wrong but works for me.... Paul
  8. ah good ...glad you got it picked up okay.....and rid of that beetle.....[:'(] only joking ... Gav's right......Im watching you....he knows only to well my fetish for white sti's....which is why I have a crystal grey wrx......would never have got out of a white one.... anyway health to you both to enjoy.....im hopeless with names but I think it was Karen ????? you take care of yourself in that beast now...... will tell Jo to keep an eye out for you round the area.....hope to see you at the next meet which I must get my finger out and organise..... see you both soon Paul
  9. steven was it yourself and good lady I met at the motorfair...on our stand white sti ???
  10. no bother mate....you wont mind if I keep the ecu then will you?? [] thanks for the offer though Paul
  11. cheers Andy....just seemed a bit confused by the tariff...they seem to show storage costs which is fine...but then show receival cost and release cost....i presume you have to go for these as well...??? I have emailed them....and will wait on a response... thanks mate Paul
  12. Does anyone know of or able to recommend a site that does secure car storage. I have looked at car storage scotland etc...but it seems to me that there is a £50 charge before the car even gets near the storage bays.....with this cost then added... thinking of putting the car into storage while I go to France on holiday this year.....hate leaving it outside the house for 2 weeks... thanks Paul
  13. ian i will sell you as much brake fluid as you want dot4-5 m8 geo []
  14. Ian I would have been delighted to attend mate....however I will be away for a week on business from Fri 8th, but Im sure you will have no problem getting volunteers to show their motors of.... hope it works out okay for you mate..good to meet yesterday by the way....had a good laugh.. Paul
  15. not bad mate...your quick of the mark.... by the way i still want a lick of that raisin......if she ever gets it out... oh man she was DIRRRRRRRRRTTTTYYYYYYYYYYYYY grrrrr []
  16. lookin good Gus.....so are you as handy with the sponge on this one then??? Paul
  17. Andy...what colour is it mate ...I'l bring some of Erins crayons and we can touch it up tonight for you...[] bummer isnt it....hate it when things like that happen...... Paul
  18. Stevie Yes as Andy has explained very well, the club does various events during the year and the proceeds tend to go into a large pot for slitting between the regions...and then each region organises their own events also like rolling roads etc....which raise more money. I would say at this point in the year if the company wish to make a dontation...I need to know first of all if they have any criteria for the dontation...for example Tesco's only support childrens charity in the local area of their stores....is there anything in particular they are inerested in supporting. If there isnt and they still wish to donate at this point in the year...Im sure something could be arranged with Phil for the money to be held in the SIDC bank account until such times as it is distributed locally....if you need any more infor speak to me at the next central meet... thanks mate Paul
  19. Welcome to the forums mate......I organise monthlyish meetings for the central region and you would be welcome along to the next one which will be in a few weeks after the motorfair....must look out for you...Im in Tullibody...whats your sti like??? If you need any help or info just give me a shout. Paul
  20. not sure Billy....I was trying to find them before Christmas for my little girl..but couldnt track them down on the subaru uk site...after speaking to gav though I dont believe they are priced to high....
  21. Hi mate theres a guy I used before for my sti seat when the side collapsed....he is in Larbert really handy to you...will drive past at some point over the next few days and get his name again...he was very helpful......didnt charge that much either... Paul
  22. look good mate...jeeeez you got those on quick..you only left me last night at 10:30.... enjoy....good luck with the 4 pots Paul
  23. Yip...FrazA who helped me fit them....got professional tints done..looks really good....might consider those....mmmmm
  24. roger that rubber duck..over and out...
  25. Agreed Jon....I just think the roof vane spoiler along with the standard low level will look really stealthy.....so 99% sure I will go for that...
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