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Everything posted by paulc555

  1. No problem guys... It was great to meet you all... i really enjoyed the night At least I know a few faces at Knockhill now..... By the Dev......loved the tail out leaving the Pirnhall.....tut tut...you not know Stirling in a respectable area...... although I have to say listening to some of those stories last night....i might be a bit conservative to be a scooby owner........Im hoping to try and get out of 3rd gear this weekend.....ha ha..
  2. cheers.... will come along then.... silver MY97 turbo...... look forward to meeting you all....
  3. Hi Would like to go as Im pretty local....but I dont know any of you guys.....so will i be welcome.......?????
  4. Can anybody advise me the paint colour of my MY97 silver turbo....and dont say silver (ha ha)..got some pretty bad boulder chips and need to touch them up...also do you get such a thing as a touch up brush for a scoobie?????
  5. Andy tempted........ mmmmmmmmmmmmmm tell you what though.....bet you shes louder than the DV.... only joking..... I'll bring her to the next event and we can bargain ..how about that.......DV and bag of jelly babies and shes yours...... cheers
  6. Andy Thanks mate but I think i would end up on the street if I bought anything else just now...car needed a bit of work, but wooohhhhh got a bill for £1013.00 so any spending for the next 45 years is off....unless you want to buy a wife of course?????
  7. TheSquirrel555 .......................... Both .............................. Silver/Chrome 2. SCOOBAY....................................Both................................???????????? 3.Billyboy........................................Both.................................???????????? 4.Sti-zlv(matt).................................Both..................................??????????? 5. wrxmania (Brian).........................Both.............................................. 6. Zeolite (Ian).................................Not fussed TBH 7. JAC..............................................Both....................................Silver 8. kart_man.....................................Both...................................However the come ! 9. karps...........................................Both................................do they come in burberry 10 StevoWRX ..................................Both...........................Need something to replace those S/Net stickers ! 11 Spooks ..................................Both...........................??????????? 12 higgy.......................................both..............................black or silver 13 stiks....................................Both........STi pink or gold please 14 grasshopper..... yup. 15. Trance.............................Both.................In silver please/chrome even!! 16. Dougster.............................(you know me, I'll have anything going!!!! ) 17.WRC No 1..................................Both..................................??????????????? 18. Sti-04!! ....................................Both...................................?????????????? 19. Devlin ......................................Both....................................?????????????? 20. andyjdmsti..................................both..............................?????????????? 21. Hybridturbo..................................Both.................................. 22. sKunk..........................................both................................?????????????? 23. Spince.........................................Both.................................????????????? 24. Gordon Shek...............................Both.................................Whatever so long as it doesn't have anything to do with Scummynet! 25. corsa..........................................both..................................whatever. 26. Paul_wrx_sti...............................both..................................????????????? 27. Wilky(The artist formally known as Thunderlips)...........both.......................Happy with whatevers decided!! 28. CAZ1562.....................................rear window only.....................................name in white 29. robinh20mrv...............................both............................and see ya "stazinet" 30 Tino.............................................Rear window Only...............Name in White(are we doing the side window ones?) 31 PaulC555..........both in silver......pleeasseeeeee
  8. Hi Guys Geeezz you guys know your stuff....thanks for the advice..think I'll hang back until I get to know the car a bit better....Hopefully get to chat to some of you at the next local meet.....still quite new to this.... thanks for all your help... cheers
  9. At last I've got the back box changed.... what a difference....just want to say thanks to the guys from AWD, purchased a magnex back box from them at Knockhill yesterday.... got it fitted this morning.....cracking note now....... so what should come next? induction kit.....or dump valve.....
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