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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. pop, pop, bang , bang = = = Canny wait for next year ! Cal
  2. Welcome to the force..........glad your research paid off. I have been down the following exhaust route in pursuit of the right noise at the right volume :- STi backbox - rubbish - I was nieve to fir this but i did get it for free WR Sport BB - deep and beefy........not too loud H&S ScoobySport Classic - like the WR Sport with more of the classic Scooby growl Afterburner - sounded awesome but gave me a head-ache on the motorway and set off car alarms in my work car park I therefore went back to the H&S backbox which is thee best (IMO) for "that growl" @ just a nice volume. Afterburner was ace for the likes of Knockhill but just drew too much attention. I can now leave for work early in the morning without pee'in aff my neighbours too much Video :- http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=...84&q=calcam Cheers Cal
  3. Welcome to the force..........glad your research paid off. I have been down the following exhaust route in pursuit of the right noise at the right volume :- STi backbox - rubbish WR Sport BB - deep and beefy H&S SCoobySport Classic
  4. HT Autos sell em' /............ http://search.stores.ebay.co.uk/HT-Autos-S...6644114QQsofpZ0
  5. Best clip :- This would have been something else to see / hear in the flesh [H] hatzenbach aremberg exit down fuchsrohre breidscheid klostertal karussel eschbach brunchen DH from carpark
  6. Guys ......... Take this offline, have a high five, and then get back to doing what you do best...........modding Scoobies. CGS
  7. Anyone know when Rusky is back from his travels ?
  8. Oh yeah baby ! I shall be leaving in 9 days...........just clocked that these boys will be on track at the same time :- 2x 997 GT3RS 2x 996 GT3RS 1x 996TT X50 1x 996 GT2 1x 993 CARRERA 4 1x MKI GT3 1x MKII GT3 (mental spec) 1x 3.2 Carrera Am I soiling my kecks ? You bet ! Also timed it well as this weekend in particular coincides with this :- Any other pearls of wisdom welcome [8-|] Cal
  9. Lots of info in here :- http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/thread/921410.aspx CGS
  10. I do indeed have the exact same set up and it ROCKS ! Anti-lag proof too apparently ! Staying off boost is actually VERY easy - i thought it would be tricky but it was a breeze Best piece of kit I have shoved on my car since ownership in Jan 2005 I only run V-power now though ( OB only added for the 1% of the time when I "d-i-s-c-o") Cheers CGS
  11. I highly recommend Mr Wuz too [Y] .............used him since I have had my car and have been very pleased to date. I cannot recount the numbers of favours he has done for me in the past. I use T&C too for some things though - e.g geo- alignment - have found no issues with them but they do seem to develop rubber ears when I complain about rear shockers knocking. Having said that it is a VERY common problem that Subaru UK in general have never fully knocked on the head so c'est la vie.........I find the guys in the parts dept are exceptionally efficient and friendly ( Phil, older dude & Neil) If they employed a Peregrine they might get rid of the doo doo hawks though. I feel for the guy who washes the cars every day. He must have seen more guano than a South American nest collector [+o(] I also like the SIDC discount for buying things like PFF7's etc Nice wagon you have there sir by the way Cheers Cal
  12. Hi Angel Here's more info :- http://www.prodrive.com/up/03MY%20WRX%20PPP.pdf Cheers Cal
  13. okay...........so we've clearly ripped the erse out of this game and I offer no prize other than nobility ! ( or a whiff of JC's post KH run brief's) so here goes :- George Best was regarded as the 5th Beatle and his son ( offspring) was Callum Swords were used by the best Samurai. Wilkinson Sword are regarded as the best razor makers Convoluted I know.........the joy of a tedious link I am off to watch "Bad Santa" and eat mushy peas whilst wearing some Biggles style goggles [] Cheers D.A.F.Tee edit :- for gash spelling
  14. This is not a wind up and the connection is there ..... First clue......... ........a famous man who knocked around in Manchester but was born outwith English soil ? Second clue........ ........what would you need in a duel ? CGS
  15. St3phen has been diving into vats of satay sauce since you departed........ Welcome back ma man.......I have been to HK for two days and saw some very weird stuff indeed ( like a vast array of false disguises in the visa office I had to visit to get my phot taken for a work permit back in 1999). Can we expect Tiger penii on the dinners club specials ? Get yer mods oot furra boyz ! CGS
  16. I love classics but ....... :- new ages are less "chavvy" in the public's eyes all the young kn0bbers are picking them up ( classics) cheap and ruining the fragile reputation of Subaru owners they have tiny interwarmers they are less comfy and the older classics have interiors that make a cave look modern they are badly showing their age ( not always a bad thing though) New ages are fatter and stiffer but I just love em'.......Weirdly I prefer STi7 scoop over the STi8 & 9's though......... Good thread though CGS
  17. What does The Faither have in common with ....... Beatles Offspring and the best of Japanese Warriors ? []
  18. Twas just the heat induced fog on my Gregories [8-|] when I fondly recalled the time I smoked you at the KH chicane in my CTR []...[] Good wee piece of trivia though [] ......surely my patter deserves a two lapper session guv [au] If anyone wants to know anything about Auld Glenn Miller then don't phone me...... Did anyone get to the bottom of how he died............the rumous were rife about plance crashes and him gettin' up to all sorts with the ladeez ! CGS
  19. Ach well you win some you loose some ! Have to say the authors spelling was littered with errors []
  20. But what the flock does Santa Pod have to do with Glenn M ?
  21. Damn you Faither, hit me again beeatch ! Your spelling has thwarted the hunt and caused Google issues. Everything I have posted has a large element of truth in it.... Like I said, hit me with a clue Sparky It would be easier finding a skelf in Sumo wrestlers erse ! [8-|]
  22. Glenn Miller had an acute addition to Forest Fruit Yoghurts [][] or Big Glen had a penchant for marmalade made from Forest of Orange trees or Big Glen sang " Don't sit under the apple tree" and Andy Forrest said to Gumball " How do you like them' apples when the white RA became the fastest new age in Scotland !
  23. Nice one G-unit ! I think it would be fair to say that you are a Subaru tart ..... Spec D is very nice indeed and 250% stiffer than your old Scoobs too [Y] Get the pics up asap cal
  24. Carrots Glen Miller was a wartime favourite and so were Carrots Andy F is a carrot heid ( but a heck of a nice fellow) http://www.bbc.co.uk/ww2peopleswar/stories/48/a2205848.shtml'>
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