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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. it's a scunner trying to find a discrete doggin' spot these days isn't ? []
  2. JAYSUS !!! That's 40.3 PERCENT more power than mine................congrads to you sir. Very impressive to say the least ! I assume you have HUGE brakes to cope with the warp speeds [] See you at KH Simon [] Cal
  3. Aye aye ! Saw you again.....got 100% in my exam today so will be hitting the sauce at a wedding tomorrow. That looks like a discrete exhaust you have there ! CGS
  4. Nice one Macca........hope Sasha and Ava are doing well [] Cal
  5. Incase you missed it, this was announced tonight http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/992569/Sho...ead.aspx#992569 I am stil outta pocket from the last one so hopefully this will be different Cheers Cal
  6. Ha ha ! I clocked the sticker on my way past. Was at a Project Management Course.............were you just there overnight ? CGS
  7. I had one for 24 hours before it flew off on the A90 ( I never ebn noticed it come off). This was despite torquing all of the bolts nicely. Nae chance i will be firing one back on. Too much grief Deffo paint yours black though. Mine was satin black too from HT Autos. I was undecided on the overall look of it. I think they look better on hawkeyes IMHO. Cal
  8. Motul 300V 15/50 from Alyn at AS Performance This is what Andy Forrest uses.........need I say more ? CGS
  9. New pictures in here :- http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default.asp?storyId=16453 Cheers Cal
  10. If it's any help I had my Prodrive springs and geo-settings done at T&C on the SIDC rate ? So the above is not quite true..... CGS
  11. Read into the pics what you will ........... M3 influences ....... Source :- http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default.asp?storyId=16446 Still not that "purdy" and it may not even look like that - who knows ????? Cal
  12. ........ these guys are really questioning my brand royalty [N]
  13. Some info from SN :- Quote: Originally Posted by pj748r Not far wrong,just got e-mail confirming price £22,995 '07 Sti from Allbrandsnew £20,849 Was seriously thinking of ordering a GB270 but not at that price. Would rather get the Sti for £2k less Sub £20k would have been very interested but not at £23k Litchfields will do you a 07 STI OTR with Tracker for £19995 Mac No thanks if it's £22,995 CGS
  14. JAYSUS !!! Awesome news big fella...........you must be burning so much fuel you'll need one of these exhausts soon :- Awra breast with the clutch issue. Cheers Cal
  15. I really like both of these but it will come down to cost at the end of the day. Den makes a good point. My car runs like a dream and is now 5 years old. Do I want to upgrade to the last of the old models or hang off for the new style STi. I think many people will want to see the new style STi before they commit ( although the WRX is a lesser model) Cal
  16. I use the V-Power card and get Shell fuel vouchers for £50 - £60 maybe twice a year............better than nowt CGS
  17. http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.a...=0&t=400008
  18. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/scotlan...and/6723939.stm
  19. Love these 30 min episodes ! http://library.digiguide.com/lib/programme...PM+Rally-398944 You'll never see so many Scoobs, Evo's or Mk2 Escorts Cheers Cal
  20. Check out these nutters..........the downloads are worth the wait http://ring-emotionen.de/Onboardvideos%20S...boardvideos.htm The GT3 Cup video is mental...........these guys know the Ring REALLY well These videos are from the VLN racing Enjoy Cal
  21. See my signature too........only Ian and I seem to like the idea [:|] There is an old thread called "People Pics" but the search facility has failed to find it for me Cal p.s can I also suggest that people shove in their real names under their picture because it can save some embaressment when you ask someone @ KH if they are "Horses Hot One" or some other weird user name.
  22. Mega choice Gogmeister ! As for the weather..........it rains 50% less over here than the West coast so I think yer safe !
  23. Seconded ! I watch countless cars hammer on the brakes on that corner.......just back off for a nano second before pinning the fun pedal again .... And Clarkes is also a favourite places to catch folk out.......just hang back on the approach and start accelerating when they are just backing off the brakes. You might run wide a little but you'll always be right up their chuff and on full boost by the time they get going Man ...I need to get back out onto KH CGS
  24. quality ...........this is taken from half way round the ring where you can effectively ( but officially) sneak on to the track after Adenau Bridge. That corner has a and nice camber and is usually laden with rubber. When it's wet is like polished glass. Feel kinda sorry for the guy but nailing it on your first bend is asking for grief This is the same corner where I shot this footage ( note the sparks !) - where the Porsche shoots of out of view is the same corner where matey boy loses it ! http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v242/cgshand/th_r3voT.jpg Classic viewing though ! God knows why he did not start at the official Nordschleife barriers ! cal
  25. doh ! I will need to update some of these me finks
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