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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. Aye tis' true - he is one of my best mates from uni and sits 1.5 metres from my desk in work. If you know him the you are likely a total bevvy merchant ! he has someone from Strathaven paying him a visit this weekdend. What is your name by the way ?
  2. forgot to say :- You could also get Meerkat or someone to make you a custom one ?
  3. Dale beat me to it by 60 secs ..........
  4. The STi PPP cat is a pretty ill fit ( wrong hangers & leaves a gap at the flanges from my own experience). Go for the Ninja or the TSL. I have opted to go TSL again as I have heard of a few NInja DP's failing the MOT emissions test. My new TSL job was £410 delivered ( took less than 24 hrs to arrive!) but it really is a work of art and is fitted the the TSL 333 bhp packages. The only issue is that you'll need a classic centre section to got with it. Effectively you'll be running an entire classic exhaust system that fits your new age. My advice, is take the risk with the Ninja ( lots of people are happy with them) & save money or pay for more quality/less risk e.g TSL. The Prodrice CAT is 200 CEL, the Ninja is 150 CEL and the TSL is 100 CEL ( the latter being the more freer breathing) Hayward & Scott aslo make them but they are £500+ ! Cheers Cal
  5. Great news my good man. I am 3 weeks behind you so will look to you for views & experiences. In the meantime, kick-back and enjoy ! Cheers Cal
  6. Farkin' hell Doctor F is a busy man indeed ! Any figures to share ? Glad you are a happy with the results Cal
  7. Pete - did you get the clips for the same place and if so what were they called ( make & dimensions etc) ? Ta muchly Cal
  8. Guys - where did you but your OBD cables ? Are they expensive to buy ? Thanks Cal
  9. Despite the irony of my statement (in light of this threads content), I suggest this thread be deleted ? It now serves zero purpose IMHO. Comments have been made and responded to. Newbies need not be exposed to issues like these ? Just my opinion...
  10. Excellent news Peter, I look forward to seeing the engine bay and performance in the flesh ! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeespect for modding this car to the Nth degree Cal
  11. I shall be waiting for the baby to pop out so have fun. The 12th is the due date... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Just like the Stig, some say, Andy eats copper grease soup and has salads made from heat wrap & duct tape. He also talks in binary code and twitches when he hears an offbeat exhaust note - you have been warned ! Cheers Cal
  12. I can almost tolerate it in Silver.... One thing is for sure......buying an aftermarket exhaust system will be an expensive affair now that you have to cater for twin exhausts ( quad tips) I guarantee it will kick erse on the WRC circuit though. I bet the Irish tarmac guys get in there like dugs in tae beetroot. CGS
  13. Hi ........I researched the TSL cat heavily before I bought one while back. I note you are running one which I doubt is the issue. However, the guy I bought it from had the following problem with his car at that time :- WRX_Rich Scooby Regular Join Date: Feb 2003 Location: Worcester Posts: 2,301 View My Scooby -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #17 (permalink) its a flyer but won't pass an mot with all cats back in ... for some reason when you hold 2k revs out of gear it hunts and runs very rich alls fine other wise which is a pain in the Ars come mot time - i ve been told by a few they think its a ecu problem all part of modding I guess and yes the sports cat didn't hold me back at 320 bhp ******************************************************************************** ***************************************************** edited :- formatting was all over the shop ( & still is !) My CAT failed today but that's not my point. The guy with the WRX above is a decent fellow and can perhaps advice on your problem as he was "down a similiar road" Worth a try my good man ? And yes - mod the car but keep it sensible within nice limits if you want a speedy chariot with peace of mind Cal
  14. Finesse Coating ( Aberdeen) do a nice "silver sparkle" ( dunno actual powder code but thast is what they call it) that looks nice with out being in your face. I think you're better off with a colour that contrasts against the body work - just my 2p CGS
  15. Good man Dale.............for the record when I posted I had no idea who it was and assumed it was that young guy ( now infamous ) who has been going nuts around Abz. My comment was not derogatory or offensive. I had been offline for days ( partaking in the Hampden party & had Monday off in Glasgow) and did not even know about this photoshoot meet and how many cars were in this convoy so had genuinely no clue who it was. ( My Abz Scoobies password is gubbed and I have not signed in for yonks) CGS
  16. edit :- doh ! should have quoted this........ Was at the Scotland game and then had the day off today. Just back in the house after coming up from Glasgow.Our phone goes every 7 mins so on occasion it gets rubber-eared. Was in the middle of some DIY. Will call just now CGS
  17. Reckon whoever it was should have the balls to get into that thread and apologise. Our reputation is poor enough as it is......
  18. 20 mins north of Aberdeen and "no" he has braw facilities and a HUGE heater !
  19. I have a Lamco boost gauge at present but the Defi's are sitting in ma hoosie
  20. I have a delightful set ready for Dr Wuz to install. Bring on the 26th ! <<Borat mode on >> "Defi's make me sax wee" CGS
  21. Quality video................whats the backing toon ? it took me right back to my 90's clubbing days. Where did I leave my whistle ?! Nice one squire Cal
  22. I am up for this idea. Here is my submission http://smg.photobucket.com/albums/v242/cgs...nt=DSC07125.jpg
  23. http://www.bhpcars.co.uk/mlr/Combe-crash.wmv WTF !!!!!! Feel sorry for the guy in the 106 ! Pretty bad crash though CGS
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