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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. PFF7's for the summer [H] STi wheel for the winter [um]
  2. tough one but...........................I would stick with the blob eye and do NOTHING ! Your car does not need anything else and alloys on the new hawkeye suck. You have spent time and money on your rex' so why sell it now ? 42k is nothing ! So pay it off and enjoy the proceeds. I paid mine off a year ago and always hanker for an STi but I aint' that keen on the high wing or the gold rims. So instead I will mod what i have and save lots of dough. CGS
  3. doh and doh !! I was forgetting you have a classic and therefore you have no up-pipe cat
  4. Any piccies guv ? I am starting to get to know the track pretty well now ( albeit in GT4) and can do a 6min 24 secs in an Opel Touring car ( Nick Heidfeld the F1 driver does it in 6 mins 5 secs !!!!) Give us some more tales.........where did you stay ? I am at the sister hotel of the Ringhaus a whisker away from the entrance to the track [Y] Cal
  5. bring it on ! Sportscat faction [] Good heads up though Arie [Y]
  6. Cheapest place for Samcos I found was :- http://www.rallydesign.co.uk/catalog/advan...ds=samco+subaru Groupbuy on Walbro's on SN too If you are getting a Sportscat or decat downpipe I strongly recommend decatting the up-pipe too which is pre-turbo. May as well do this when you have the downpipe off and access to the turbo. If you dont you'll only have to did it later when you get "the bug" even more. Let us know how you get on Regards Cal
  7. As Hannibal always says " Ah love when a plan comes together......." You canny whack some hard modding. Good gains indeed and I guarantee you can hear the trubo spooling nicely too.......We''ll see how long you'll last before you mod again though. I said the same thing and I am going for my 3rd remap soon Enjoy the demon Calum
  8. Quality pics and cracking video ! - looks like the Evo's owned KH yesterday...........some big power cars on track. That white / red one was chucking out HUGE flames ( jump to 11m18s and you'll see what I mine !) Looks like I missed a good day folks [:@]
  9. I suppose "fastest" requires definition ! Torque makes a rapid car "point to point" whereas a powerful car ( bhp) make for a higher top end. So either a dyno run on the same set-up / same day is required OR a "dance-off" equivalent at Knockhill [] What's the cut-off for making the grade ? Anything less than 380 bhp need not apply ? CGS ( soon to be 320 [:$] bhp)
  10. Unless you plan to go above 300 bhp I would stick with the 2.5" systems. I would also go for the fuel pump because mine is on the limits at 280 bhp. For the sake of £70 it well worth it
  11. you also get an uprated intecoller hose and a high flow fuel pump ...# An Andy F remap and decat or sports cat would give better results but not so warranty friendly
  12. For that money Town & County gave me :- 2 new rear shcoks new Prdorve Springs all round geo alignment Sounds like they have quoted you for 4 corners and then some ! Cal
  13. Hi Alan, I have a TSL Thundercat Sports Cat. ...it's the same shape as the classic one but fits my Scoobysport BB. It is slightly louder than PPP purely because it's allowing more gas flow. It's not a cheap item to buy but come MOT time it's hassle free........I have had a full H&S decat in the past and there was no negligible difference between the two. You can still hear the turbo spooling up nicely too Cal
  14. Not that it matters but is this the fastest new age in Scootish Scoobies. Not sure how many pnies Kevametal has ?? Are you gonna be @ KH Si-pie ? CGS
  15. Yes - that was the fella ! I only had his email address from paypal and not his ebay username so could not post up but that is said person CGS
  16. I got mine for £77.50 delivered from Ebay ( guy in the UK)
  17. Great news Simon ! That sounds like a beast you have there ! What does she drive like now ? We need more details sir [8-|] What mods are you running these days ? CGS
  18. This is a very nice little read :- http://forums.sidc.co.uk/forums/post/785459.aspx 10/10 to the author ! Cal
  19. Righto, Those of you with older cars, what do you do to keep them in good nick other than things like :- regular wax n' polish waxoyl certain areas steam clean engine & degrease paint brake calipers polish backbox Nearly finished my garage painting so once it's done I intend to do little job like painting the calipers etc. I am not talking about things like fluid changes & servicing. What do the anoraks do to keep their older cars in good nick ? My boss at work cleans his Ducati alloys with cotton wool buds - can you beat that ?! Cheers Cal p.s Fee & Brian - I expect replies from you two anoraks !
  20. Top Gear @ the Ring Sabine and Jeremy go head 2 head ! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lg4a1rc4Xjk CGS
  21. Just got 4 x T1R's in 18" for £398 delivered from Ebay. ( £374 + delivery to Aberdeen) Nearest quotes :- £437.00 from Blackcircles Sometimes I wish I had 17 rims as they cost way less to reboot ! Cal
  22. That's the one Chazza..... Couple of Evo's round here too........once at the back of my house and another two streets down. Both FQ300's I think. There was a grey one flying around today on the backroad in Makkinen mode ! CGS
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