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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. An Imy photo from the Type R run........the car was minging after 2 hours driving !
  2. Attendees :- 1) Cal 2) Grantyboy 3) Power Junkie 4) John 5) Marc (Boyakasha ) 6) Jools 7) Sarah Bee and John 8) IainJ 9) IanG 10) Simbo 11) Carl Davey 12) Shaun 13) Rob D
  3. Thanks for the info Gordon - just ordered Scott Lowe jobbies so these are still for sale. I'll be at the Abz meet tommorow night if anyones interested ?
  4. Has the TV got a Scart socket Rob ? Would suit my Xbox system nicely Are you going to the Aberdeen meet tommorow night ? Thanks Cal
  5. Guys, Bought these on Ebay after being informed that they'd fit a new age Subaru. After being sent them I reckoned they'd only fit a classic Scoob Have decided to fork out for new age friendly ones Hence for sale :- Paid £66 + £10 P&P Will accept £50 Cheers Cal
  6. Excellent day, great weather and some of the best roads I have driven ( Crieff Rd was immense ) Here's some not so great piccies /
  7. JAYSUS !!! At least you an Imy are okay.......sounds like you made the right decision on the escape tactic though Hope you get it sorted soon mon amigo Cal
  8. It's a deal......it's a steal...........it's the sale of the fekkin' century !! Someone will get a bargain hear ! Pro Evo Soccer and PGR2 are AMAZING !!
  9. I like the look of them too ............only £80 or so I think !
  10. I'll be on track after only owning my first Scoob for 3 weeks
  11. I'll be there.........so will Grovit and a few others :- then we'll meet the other nutters
  12. How much for the decats then ? Do you have to get a CEL fix and remap after having this done ? Thanks Cal ( cold turkeying for more power and noise :confused )
  13. Welcome Gordon - I too have just acquired a WRX buggy ................Maybe catch you at one of the meets Knockhill SIDC meet in March ( 4hr track day with plenty of spectating opportunities ) Cheers Cal
  14. Bump-------------------> This meets going to be excellent - we even have a Ferrari 360° on tow Braehead - bods :- remember we're meeting @ 0915
  15. Iain - I've just booked up.............only 8 places left now Non SIDC members places are completely solf out according to the website
  16. Scoobs together - I wanna hear my future mods in action
  17. I'll take you out in my 02 WRX first and then I can pax with you to give you some pointers............ You'll love it ! At the end of the day you can drive as slow as you like and then build up to what you're comfortable with
  18. << We leave the Ikea Car park ( at the back of the car park @ 0930 sharp ) Blast thru the Tunnel then over the Campsies to me the rest of the squadron Optimax refuel at Doune or Stirling >> Route from Braehead to Ikea now sorted - CLICK HERE FOR DETAILS BRAEHEAD bods :- we;re now meeting @ 0915 sharp !!!!!!!!!!
  19. Here's an alternative which is easily removable compared to the RA for theft prevention purposes PICCY OF MICRO ROAD PILOT Jools - idea of trading is is excellent - I traded my old RA for this
  20. Dougster informs me that :- 067 tests WR1 against others, 068 tests the tuned cars Thanks
  21. Guys, For love nor money i cannot find out which EVO magazine contains the issues where they compare PPP against other aftermarket upgrade kits ? Do you know the one I mean ? If so which year and month was it and what was on the front cover ? Put me out my misery ! I bet I've lent it to my old boy
  22. I was referring to the oval SIDC ones
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