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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. I saw the scameravan @ the Cove fly over catchin' all the Celtic fans coming up ( about midday ) Was it in the same location ? The same thing happened to me in N.Ireland this summer except i was overtaking a learner at the time. This road had a climbing lane so i pulled out to overtake the learner before the climbing lane finished. The road was a 60 mph and just as I pulled past the learner doing about 68mph I clocked a white van. I had been cruising all day despite the kaleidoscope of twisties en route..... I instantly got on the brakes and cruised by to discover that it was indeed the old bill. So rather than drive on i went about a mile back down the road and got my girlfriend to film ( with a camcorder) me going bang on 60 mph from the passengers seat. That way if i had to contest any bullsmit at least i could show that the conditions were favourable. It also gave me a chance to recreate the sitation and suss out if i had been nailed. i should have added that this was the first day of a 7 day holiday so it put me on a bit of a downer. In then end i got so hacked off thinking about it & it was ruinging my hols ( I already have 9 point for 3 bog standard motorway SP30's so would have been facing a potential 6 month ban ) that I phoned up the cops and asked them if I'd been caught. I hadn't been caught but i was miserable for ages prior to calling them .............so my advice is call em' up. If you've been knabbed at least you don't have to wait 14 days ( if your lucky). In anycase - it may not have been manned at the time. I passed a talivan one day just before the south deeside road and went back again to test my road angel laser detector ( which i normally dont bother using).The laser detector worked as i strolled passed em' at 20 mph. They gimps in the back of the van were both lying down horizontal catching some rays ! It might just be your luck that they were cacthing 40 winks last night ?? So put yourself outta misery and call em' up !!!!!!!!!!!! CLICKY for officer dibbles tali-phone number ( assuming you weren't within the Tayside cops reach ?) Phew .......that's me done.....good luck ! Cal
  2. Whereabouts in Altens, I'm at the 5hell offices so I'm now getting concerned about this whole alarm situation
  3. C'mon chaps - no more coupons to parade ?? It's useful for newbies to flick through this thread before a meet. That way we don't have to slide up to one another and exchange any potentially dodgy user name
  4. Ridiculously useful thread - anyway of making this a sticky somewhere on the site >> I was completely unaware of this issue but will keep my ears peeled from now on ! Cal
  5. If you're really "cold turkeying" for a decent run at the end of this month then CLICK ME There'll will be 3 Scoobs and a Lancer to keep you company amongst the Type R's. The route is Optimax / Scoob friendly A few us are meeting at Braehead first - run through Clyde Tunnel and up to Stirling via the twisties. I'm going home at the end of the day but the remainiing squadron will be finishing at Perth and then going on the sesh Just a thought ........ Cal
  6. Jesus - that cannot be just down to bad luck - hope you get it sorted
  7. Was it you ? You'd blasted ( sensibly) up Union street - regi **** HUC I think. About 17.30 or so ? Your car sounded sweet - just wondering what make your exhaust and DV ? Cal
  8. Was your CTR silver with RSGT alloys ? I think I may have met you on the January run up Glen Coe last year Got my Sti exhaust on today - so I'm a happy chappy ( cheers Marc )
  9. I believe some of the Elise boys are venturing out in preparation for Hot marques next Saturday ............
  10. Welcome back Boaby ..........hope yer pins back to full accelerting mode
  11. Getting my backbox changed over tommorow after only 2 days of ownership ( thanks go out to Marc ) If you own a MY01/02 then you'll find this thread very useful - CLICK ME
  12. Sounds good Marc - will speak tonight !
  13. CLICK ME OMG ! Do you think it was a write off perhaps
  14. Cheer Swiggi - a backbox was on the cards until my boiler wents t1ts up yesterday. The resultant bill soon wiped out my mods fund Are you changing your exhaust for a more aural number ? I'd also be interested in details of your boost guage ? Do you have any pics of your interior w.r.t alloy trim ? Coulty - your a hooligan min' - your set up is plain radio-rental by the way !!!
  15. FINALLY ! I have the WRX in my possesion.... Initial impression is that of effortless power and composure - the steering is excellent and i love how the turbo comes in early compared with my old Vtec system. It does however feel huge in terms of dimensions and that will take some getting used too. I love being constantly reminded by the bonnet scoop that there's a turbo under there. The brakes feel very progressive but take a bit of poke to invoke the ABS. The seats are highly unforgiving so I'm glad my carcass ain't any larger - nonetheless they are exceptionally comfy ! The car feels well bolted together with no squeeks or rattles. In terms of noise it's not hugely audible ( but backbox is on the way ) but you can still hear the throb of the flat four . The fiancee was given permission to nail it from standstill whilst i stood like an anorak on the pavement. I love the noise it makes above 3000rpm and the throaty noise it makes on the overun. Internally, the whistling of the turbo spooling up is nice too. So all in all I love it as you might have gathered. Natalie described it as " faster than the Civic with much less effort" - not a bad summary for someone with no interst in cars. To my amazement the other day she declared that Scoobs were growing on her Now all I need for the meantime is mudflaps, new zorts and a cheeky dv - thanks to everyone for all of their advice and patience. An extnded country run @ the weekend will tell my more about how the Scoob handles at pace Here are some pics taken today :- Side on view 1 Elevated view Cheers Cal
  16. Sorry Martin - the file is a shade over 10 Mb so i cannot email it via my Yahoo account This will no doubt kill you as it's a great chance to hear your new exhaust at full boost Give me a shout when your on UK soil Cal
  17. Highly entertaining - they behave just like their real life counterparts ! Nice find CS
  18. .................... reviewing my options for the time being - don't pick her up till Thursday Cal
  19. Guys, Does anyone knoe what DV Marc and Jools were running in the vids at the top of the page ? Thanks Cal
  20. On a bit of a tangent here but......... Are these the lightweight or heavweight Scooby jackets ? ( suspect heavyweight ?)
  21. Rescue from page 2 >> no takers ??? First sesh of the year !! C'moan you tarmac lovin' whores !
  22. Jesus - torn between TSL, Magnex and C&C jobbie ! Have just sold my CTR track wheels n' tyres so funds are temptingly available From past experience modding goes like this >> lay hands on new kit > install > love for three weeks > be heavily influenced by BB" forum > crave more bling / noise / speed >> get paws on better kit = interative marriage threatening viscous circle ! Cal
  23. Thanks for the reply ...........decisions, decisions - I dunno what to got for ! I presume you're upgrading ? I had a 6*4 on my CTR and it was bassy but i wanted a more jap sound so upgraded.........I
  24. Marky - any idea whats it's like as a non-cat back or decat ? i.,e BB only ? I need to hear it without is being too obtrusive
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