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~ ~ Cal ~~

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Everything posted by ~ ~ Cal ~~

  1. 5th gear Footage of WRX Modded WRX caning it round the Nurburgring ESSENTIAL VIEWING Jools @ Alford in Titanium mode - sounds SO good Link to very quick Scoobies at a Banzai Magazine shoot-out http://www.banzaimagazine.com/videos.htm Dumb assed yank racing his STi on the road TOTAL NUTTER in his WRX driting on ice and snow My favourite clip just now is the ones below featuring a convoy of car nuts going through the Alps 7 Subaru WRX STI 1 Subaru WRX 2003 3 Subaru Wrx 14 Subaru GT 1 Mitsubishi EVO6 1 Renault Clio V6 2 Renault Clio Cup 3 Renault Clio RS 2 Renault Clio Williams 1 Renault Clio RS 2004 1 Ford Escort cosworth 1 Lotus Elise 1 Peugeot 206RC 1 Audi A3 TDI140@200bhp 2 Honda S2000 1 Honda Integra 1 Civic Type R Supercharged Spot the phat flat four squadron [/ PM me for DVD rip of the latest Spec C at the Ring ( Best Motoring ) Phew......... Cal
  2. SN & SIDC searches engines have been unable to fuel my nudger I would love the get links to clips of 1) Top gear 5th gear reviews ( especially bug-eyes ) 2) Home videos / track day footage of balls-out modified scoobs Thanks in advance Cal
  3. Anyone gte the email today ? It says it all when they ask you to call @ 9 am to check the weather
  4. Spooksy - I see Rosie made it into the pics - is that yer licking the tyre in the rainy jpeg ? That piccy paints a thousand words and deserves a caption competition...........any takers << confusion avoiding edit ! - apparently it was Dougsy in stalking mode under the jacket >> Caption is therefore.............. "Relief at last, that curry did me no good. My erse h0le looks like a japanese sun-rise now " I await an amusing reply from The Squirrel
  5. C'est combien if you dont mind me asking ? Pm if you dont want to broadcast it ! It certainly sounds nice without being too hooligan Planning any other mods ? Cheers Cal
  6. Only 1 Shell trip but 1) £1043 insurance 2) £300 on tracker 3) £70 on Scooby jacket 4) £25 on zorst fitting 5) £76 on Ebay mud flaps 6) £40 upgrading gear knob - ahh the joys of Scooby ownership ! {Phew} ..........thanks for askin' << back to topic >>
  7. I knew I'd seen the Rice Rocket mobile somewhere before ! Have seen it on another video from braehead I think that spoiler look shaweet !
  8. BA DOING !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyones going to see the Elises torvill and deane ? Weather looks grim but we'all not about the KH microclimate
  9. Ooh the banter !! I cannot make it unfortunately as I'll be awa' !
  10. yeah - see the link above for Aberdeen john-dolis. Here for Dundee cops Tayside Safety Camera Partnership TSCP Office Podium Block Crichton Street Dundee DD1 3RD t: 01382 596363 e: safetayside@tayside.pnn.police.uk Suppose you'll need to phone em both - suppose it also could have been just a utility company van ? Some of the really look like Talivans these days !
  11. Try here ???????? www.powder-coating.co.uk Tel :- Tel 0141 958 1777 They get great reports
  12. To date :- So far we've got... 9 Civics 8 Subarus 5 Integras 4 Accords 2 Evos 1 350 1 Golf In attendance !!!!!!!!
  13. I'm tempted and i suppose they are easily reversible - pretty cheap mod but loadsa folk ain't keen on them claiming it looks too aftermarket The jury's out !
  14. Twas sounding mucho pimpo ............I ran in front of yer motor at the red lights en route to devour a Monkey bar lasagne Sounded very cheeky indeed - is the zorst a catback jobbie ? Cheers Cal
  15. I think they look v.v.v Pics of hi Soobs chariot in HERE Only £85 from ScoobyMania Cal
  16. We leave the Ikea Car park ( at the back of the car park @ 0930 sharp ) Blast thru the Tunnel then over the Campsies to me the rest of the squadron Optimax refuel at Doune or Stirling
  17. I may come along and spectate - will bring the camcorder and hopefully catch some pops, flames, grins, tears & fumes !
  18. I have heard that he is the chosen one - seen him mentioned in a few magazines too
  19. << Stick me down for the run please. I aint a Colin McRae, so I will be at the back >> Will the blue WRX be on tow or is that now sold on ? I was looking fwd to seeing it in the flesh ? Cal
  20. You could try here ? Wallace Performance ? I believe this may save you trekking elsewhere but no doubt the guys from Abx will know more ? Cal
  21. You'll be made welcome .......... http://type-r-scotland.com/phpBB2/ Once you've joined put her name in ......... HERE Folk going so far :- 1. Andy CTR 2. Kenny CTR 3. Big D 350Z 4. Graeme Getz 5. Grovit Scoob 6. Montoya Civic Sport 7. Cal Scooby 8. Fraz CTR 9. DuncATR ATR 10. Gavin Evo 11. Corbie DC5 ITR 12. Fonz 600 CTR 13. Paul - Keevster CTR 14. Martin CTR 15. AndyBITR ITR 16. Dave Corbett ITR 17. Sooty Golf 18. Dougster Scooby 19. Synch81 ITR 20. Scott P CTR 21. Miles Evo 6 22. 8905 - Robbie ????? 23. TommyATR ATR 24. The Squirrel Scooby 25. Grant Scooby 26. Friggler CTR 27. Dons man ITR 28. Weee jasey Robin Reliant 29. Megncalvin ATR 30. Silvergti CTR
  22. Channel 5 , 19.15 tonight.............Tiff Needel talking about super ships and semi-sub rigs ???? " No stranger to fast cars, presenter Tiff Needell also proves to have a passion for superships as the second of this three-part documentary series proves. For newcomers, it centres on a trio of highly specialised craft that operate in the most dangerous working environment on Earth. The Eirik Rauder is a masterpiece of engineering - a 53,000 tonne semi-submersible oil rig which is 15 times faster than any other and can move just about anywhere - albeit slowly. Other eye-opening vessels in this instalment include the Atlantic Guardian, which repairs huge cables that power the worldwide web, and the Vasco de Gama, which mines clay and sand like a giant vacuum cleaner " Worth a peek even if you're not a member of the black gold society Cal
  23. All confirmed and circa 30 cars primed for action.............. I'll be taking it easy at the back along with the aulder pharts if you need a wingman All details on the link 2 posts up - anyone welcome although potential cling-on chavs will be given the route that heads south via Hemil Hempstead - only joking, the event will be chav-free and ettiquette is good !
  24. I want snow!!!!!!!!! - first chance for me to have a play with a 4wd drive in the white stuff BBC site shows no snow for Aberdeen for the next 5 days - just glorious sunshine !
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